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Sat 6th Mar, 2021 @ 2:48am

Lieutenant JG Sorrel Yezechi

Name Sorrel Yezechi Dr

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Flaxian
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Physical Description Sorrel is on the tall side, but has a humble posture. Her most distinguishing feature is the marks and fins that punctuate her face. She keeps her fingernails neat and has long delicate hands, the kind that family and friends always said ought to have been pianist's fingers, although they seem satisfied that they belong to a surgeon now. Sorrel usually dresses in professional looking clothes, and prefers blacks, greys and other subdued neutral tones. She wears her hair in a very short cut above her shoulder for easier care and convenience in the OR.

She wears a necklace mostly hidden under her uniform. She has a memento mori skull tatoo on her shoulder, but rarely dresses in a way this is displayed.


Personality & Traits

Hobbies & Interests Sorrel keeps a very private journal. She spends a lot of time keeping up with new studies and keeping her surgery skills sharp. Other than that, Sorrel reads popular novels and very little literature, as a kind of escapism. She likes folk music, spirituals, jazz, and orchestral arrangements. She learned several string and woodwind instruments in school and owns a clarinet and something a kin to a mandolin.

Personal History Narache Colony was an earth sized moon in orbit of a gas giant. It was one of five colonized moons that had been established for the past millennium by a pastiche of races and cultures. Over the centuries, each sleeping moon had come pulsing to life with a frost-like crisscross of veining structures interconnecting different super-biodomes and sub-domes. Each Superdome was the center of a prefecture, hers being Winyon City. For such a blend of people, the colony operated fairly smoothly, predictably, on a kind of clockwork. Life inside of her bubble was run on timetables and schedules and artificial seasons. 

Sorrel knew of some places where the schedules and control don't reach-- one being an ancient park space which had overgrown and was tucked away from the center of the city structures by an underpass. It belonged to a crazy Aunt Sorrel (Sorrel's name sake, even though she has a hunch it's not her aunt's given name, but a moniker) who was tasked with growing seeds handed down from her own homewolrd and had a special permit for her park. The oldest trees in Winyon city were there, as well as a rare thing known as weeds. Occasionally sorrel noticed other such weeds in the concrete outside of the park, but those were quickly done away with. Most places were impeccable and sterile. The only dangerous places were the mining operations and the construction zones, gradually but continually building new domes. Criminal activity was hidden and rarely made news but was always in the unspoken undertones of life in the prefecture. Winyon's Prefect (or Governor) was always very strict and policing was very methodical. Other prefectures were supposedly more lax, as her parents would attest from their various off season work outside of Winyon Prefecture.

She grew up the only child in the same spacious high rise apartment all her young life. The Yzeschis were neither rich nor poor. Her parents worked the planting and harvest rotations as equipment operators and pickers. Unlike in other cultures, and histories, the farm worker on Narache was a highly respected field. Those managing the growing fields and hydroponics bays had a ladder to climb that could eventually put them in the lower council of the Prefect, similar to a house of representatives, which chose representatives from various key labor groups to help craft Winyon city and its sub-domes' policies. By the time Sorrel was in highschool her father was a manager, organizing several rosters of other laborers. He often advised the farming council representative and spoke on the floor on policy issues. He was prone to boasting, but to him it was a kind of innocent pride. He wanted Sorrel to follow in her parents' footsteps and make a name for herself in the prefecture.

She never turned down any of the work she was given as a young adult and did reasonably well operating the equipment, but she was hatching other ideas. Sorrel had taken an advanced track in highschool in connection with a study program through Winyon City University. She already had half of a degree accounted for in general education. High school graduation signified a time for her to choose her field and begin working towards it. But she'd chosen her interest years before while watching, amazed, at recordings of surgeries on the netfeed. Here was something meaty and meaningful and both ugly and wonderful. No matter how precise and clean the surgeons were, they were ultimately deep into the wild workings of someone elses innards and the body was always amazing to her, no matter which race was under the knife.

She told her parents that she wanted to try medical school. They really didn't have the money for something like that though and her parents had religious convictions against taking on debt. (Winyon is rooted in a kind of almost eastern or Vulcan reverent philosophical belief in order and in giving more than taking and in no wasteful time or things. Austerity is important, and practical beauty which is ideal utility. It stresses both self-sufficiency and interdependence by promoting productive self and the parts of the whole) They believed that if everyone relied on the income of their future selves they would be in a dangerous place, trying to use what wasn't produced yet, and that the debtor was a kind of slave. Sorrel applied for various scholarships but met with limited success, giving her only what she needed for the remaining 2 years of her Premed at WinU before she ran out. She knew she would need to work longer to save for later education and was disappointed at the idea of putting off her schooling while working. Finally, her mother revealed a small savings she had been amassing ever since Sorrel had voiced her desire to study medicine. Although it wasn't much, it was enough for a transport to Earth, where she could receive a free education through Starfleet. Sorrel had never really considered joining the military, but since she wasn't a citizen of any of the core planets, none of the other institutions would take her free of charge. She measured out how many years of service before she could retire if she wanted to and decided the tradeoff was worth it.
Service Record WinU
StarFleet Medical
USS Illumine
USS Thunderchild