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Spa Opening, Part 2

Posted on Mon 10th Jun, 2019 @ 8:44pm by Elizabeth Anderson M.D. & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Lieutenant Damion Ildaran & Lieutenant Alexia Redding & Carlo Rienzi
Edited on on Tue 11th Jun, 2019 @ 7:36pm

964 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Varuna Spa
Timeline: MD 3, 1200

Previously ... "Welcome everyone to the Varuna Spa."

Caroline Post stood to one side, watching others enter. "Handsome, get plenty of shots of people's reactions as they first see the inside of the spa." A nod was his only answer. She wasn't exactly surprised at the number of opening visitors, but it seemed there were equal numbers of Starfleet personnel and civilians, and that did surprise her.

After a few moments, she walked over to the spa's owner, Alexia Redding. "Thank you for allowing us in a little early to film your lovely premises. It's going to make a great report for the morning show tomorrow, and I'm sure your spa will be well attended. I'd still like to have a few words with you, ask a few questions ... when you have a moment."

Flavia looked around the entrance. Many of the plants artfully arranged around the walls had been supplied by her business, and she loved seeing them in place. "Isn't it lovely, Herodia?" she breathed.

The girl looked at everything with wide shining eyes. "Thanks for bringing me, Mama. It makes me feel .... " She looked at her mother, at a loss for words.

"More adult?" her mother smiled. The girl nodded, and Flavia reflected that fourteen was a tender age. She was glad she'd brought Herodia to experience the new spa. "Let's decide what we're doing today." They turned toward the front of the room, looking for a list of services.

"In the bowl on the desk you will find guest-chips." She held up a bracelet of tiny iridescent black and blue beads and one larger frosted white bead. They had cost her next to nothing to manufacture, and she had more than enough for everyone on the station.

"Please take these home with you. They are designed to guide you through the spa, and can also interface to our computers to make appointments later on when you return to us. If you speak where you want to go, the containing chip will light up the color of path that will take you to your destination. My staff will be on hand to assist you should you get lost, but sometimes getting lost is the best way to find a new unexpected way to relax. "

Flavia and her daughter waited their turn next to the bowl. Herodia reached in and snagged two bracelets. "These are mythical!" she exclaimed, handing one to her mother.

Dr. Anderson overheard the girl's comment, and searched her database. "Damion, doesn't mythical mean something fictitious, or having to do with old Earth stories of Greek Gods? What did she mean when she used it that way? These are obviously real artifacts, and they work, so how could it be mythical?"

"I've no idea," Damion said. "Earth-English idioms are beyond me. The admiral who sponsored me into Starfleet--sometimes it was as if his children spoke a different language when I visited his home." He pulled a couple of bracelets from the bowl and offered them to Elizabeth to choose from. "I'm going to look fair amusing if I wear one of these to work."

She picked a green one and grinned at him. "I'm sure you'll find those who appreciate the ... ah, decoration."

"If I still had my braid, I'd put the bracelet in it," Damion said. He had, however, recently trimmed his hair to regulation length and now had to wear a hair piece when he went to work as Corin Durant. He slipped a blue-beaded bracelet onto his wrist. "Well, shall we go exploring?"

Farther back in the crowd, Carlo Rienzi awaited his turn to enter the new spa. He didn't see Reon among the gathering of people and figured his friend was probably at work. Maybe he could entice him over later. The guy had to stand on his feet all day; surely he'd like a foot massage and maybe the chance to soak his feet in some hot water and Epsom salts? In fact, that idea sounded rather good to Carlo for himself.

Jasmine held tightly to Adam's arm but she was smiling as much as anyone else in the area. "This place is beautiful." She looked up at her husband who wore a similar smile.

Adam reached for two bracelets and handed one to Jasmine. "Where do you want to start? I've reserved the whole duties for either of us until Lana's bath time."

"Mud baths. I used to take mud baths with my mother when I was little. I think it was her way of doing something just for me but we always had the guards with us so I could never enjoy it completely." She squeezed his hand. "Just the two of us with no guards. I'd love to finally be able to enjoy the sensation of the mud, the silky warmth all around our bodies, the eucalyptus wafting in the air." She breathed deeply.

Adam smiled. "Sounds like a little bit of heaven. Let's go." He led her toward the mud pools.

Alora in Bajoran civilian wear, who was further in the back of the line, finally got her bead bracelet and put it on. She spent a few moments appreciating the elegant programming thst went into such a well constructed device. Then she remembered she was here to relax not bug them about their equipment. She looked around it that amazing and certainly seemed to have everything anyone could want. It was beautiful and peaceful. Well as peaceful as a large room with a herd of people could be anyway.

She smiled and decided to head for a massage, she hadn't had one in years and wondered if they'd have to bust out a giant tenderizer. Amused by the notion she set her bead and headed off.


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