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Mon 6th Mar, 2023 @ 9:23am

Lieutenant Alexia Redding

Name Alexia Lyra Redding

Position Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7
Weight 150
Hair Color Black with Purple Streaks
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Slim, with a wiry strength that is not immediately apparent when looking upon her. Alexia takes impeccable care of her body and she is toned. She tends to dress in a somewhat provocative manner, when off duty, but in her spa she wears a variant of the Starfleet medical uniform.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Ian Redding
Mother Chantal Bouviere-Redding
Brother(s) Andrew Redding
Sister(s) Cassiopia Redding

Personality & Traits

General Overview Eldest of three siblings adopted by the Redding family. She was given to them as an infant by Starfleet Social Services.
Strengths & Weaknesses -Guards her heart and feelings closely
-Uses over-work to mask her own feelings
Ambitions Open her own spa.
Hobbies & Interests Strength training
Venetian Masquerade.

Personal History Eldest of three siblings adopted by the Redding family. She was given to them as an infant by Starfleet Social Services, after having been taken from her birthmother who was addicted to Venus dust, as well as a number of other Narcotics.

Engaged to a Betazoid Ambassador's son for many years. However she left him at the altar, and has never returned to Betazed. She never could figure out why he didn't understand she wasn't happy with their relationship- not trusting that he wasn't in her mind all the time.

Her therapist when she was a child did enter her mind without her permission, leaving her with a bit of fear of ever going to another counselor or therapist, even if she herself could see the need. She has managed to finagle her way out of any assessments in that regard because while she is a Starfleet officer, officially...she doesn't have an active duty station.