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Spa Opening

Posted on Fri 7th Jun, 2019 @ 8:35pm by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran & Commander Mikaela Locke & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Lieutenant JG Artyom Mikhailov & Khellian s'Siedhri MD & Lieutenant Alexia Redding & Jaryl Phoebus
Edited on on Sat 8th Jun, 2019 @ 3:25am

1,116 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Varuna Spa
Timeline: MD-3, 1200 hours

"Hey, Jade, are you going to the grand opening of that new spa this afternoon?" asked her assistant manager.

"Of course, Serena!" the owner of Orchids & Jazz replied. "Wouldn't miss it as a social event, if nothing else. As president of the Promenade Business Association, it's in my best interest to support new businesses. On a personal level, who doesn't want a day at the spa? Or even a couple of hours? I'm interested in seeing what services will be offered. How about you?"

"I don't think we should be gone at the same time, do you?" Alia worried.

Jade shrugged, "Daneel is getting to be a pretty good manager, and it is in the middle of the slow time, so yes, if you want to go, I think we can manage both being away for a while."

Serena brightened, "Then I'm definitely going." Then grinning wickedly, she added, "I should invite Andrew!"


"So you're going to leave me home with a baby? In my condition?" Teagan asked. "What about my arm?"

"You and your arm are fine. Jasmine and I will be at the Spa opening for a couple of hours and then we'll be home. If you need anything, you can call Wyatt or Maia." Adam didn't let the girl off the hook. "You were well enough to come home late, you're well enough to sit with your niece for a little while."

"Yes, sir." Teagan didn't argue further. She knew that Adam and Jasmine both deserved a day off and her arm really was fine.

Jasmine lifted a small bag to her shoulder. She was anxious for the relaxation that a spa would bring to herself and her husband however, she was not looking forward to the crowds that would most likely be there. "You ready?" she asked forcing a cheerful smile.

"You bet." Adam smiled back at her.


In the Intelligence Department, Damion Ildaran sat in his cubicle and spoke into his earpiece. "I'm thinking of going to the spa opening after I get off work today," he said to Elizabeth Anderson. "Is that something you'd enjoy before we head to my place for dinner?" He wasn't certain she would, as she was a hologram and didn't actually have muscles to need massaging, as far as he knew. But since she was required not to disclose to others that she was a hologram, he couldn't bring that up in a place as public as his office.

"I was thinking about that. I don't really understand this obsession with spas, but there might be something in the idea of pampering myself a little. I just have to be sure not to get my brain wet," she joked.

"I just plan to get a massage," Damion said. "I don't understand why anyone would pay to lie around with mud spread all over their face."

Elizabeth laughed, seeing a mental picture of Damion in that scene. "There are other options, too. I saw an advertisement that showed someone having green stuff painted on her face. You might look cute in green."

"Cute, eh?" Damion snickered. "Doesn't matter the color. It's still mud--on the face."


Aiko MacBeth sat in the library at Saint Joan's School for Girls. Yucholl was nowhere to be seen. Things had been awkward between them since the tram derailment. Aiko rubbed her eyes and looked back at the text in front of her. She was doing research, trying to figure her best friend out. It was difficult; she wasn't even certain which Lamian species Yucholl was. Naga? Melusine? Dracinae? Delphine? She didn't think Yucholl had a stinger in her tail, so that ruled out Dracinae, and she didn't seem to have solenoglyphous fangs. Aiko tried sounding that word out. Solen... foldable. Yucholl didn't have fangs, foldable or not, so that eliminated Delphine....

Aiko's data bracelet pinged silently, the chime conveyed to Aiko alone through bone conduction. She glanced at it, saw a calendar event she'd set -- a spa opening. She'd meant to invite Yucholl to experience a piece of Human culture, but now... the thought of Yucholl naked in a sauna or a tepidarium... so not what they needed right now, even if it did make Aiko squirm pleasantly, remembering the Lamian's hands holding her safe and secure in microgravity.

Aiko realized she was blushing. She cleared her throat and went back to her research.


Alora looked in the mirror, she'd just gotten to her quarters after crawling through the innards of a troubled ship. She'd finally been able to repair it but she looked like someone dipped her into grease and crumpled her up. Civilian ships were so much fun, not. She caught sight out of the corner of her eye about the opening of a Spa. She'd wanted to go, it had been a crazy week and she was rather looking forward to it. However not wanting to appear like a space hobo she went to take a quick shower, thinking a nice few hours of pampering sounded right up her alley. She hoped she would see some of her friends; one never knew, maybe she'd call a few before she headed out.

Everything was about as perfect as a fresh spa of this caliber could be. The sky above the communal pools was set to sunset-dusk mode, which meant the hint of stars in a deep blue soothing light. Two sheets of frosted plasglas seperated her from the oasis she'd built and the station itself. The delicate vine patterns etched into the glass brought a touch of the oasis to the outside, and also bore the name and sigil of the Varuna Spa. On the massive desk behind her, there was sitting a Alexia had the guest-chips set for each and every possible location within the spa itself and they would provide information about each area to the guests, via a microchip. Each one was also capable of making appointments with the massage and physical therapists here, as well as astheticians all of whom were on the second floor. The only thing she didn't have was a restaurant so that she wouldn't directly compete with those businesses she was hoping to be cooperative with.

Taking a deep breath she slid the enormous frosted glass doors open and looked at the crowd of people waiting. Wow Her smile was bright as dark eyes touched each and every person in the milling crowd. She was glad she'd sent someone to circulate with mint water and fruit juices on a tray. Smoothing her fingers through her violet streaked hair she took a deep breath before speaking.

"Welcome everyone to the Varuna Spa."


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