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Tue 24th Nov, 2020 @ 8:36am

Lieutenant JG Artyom Mikhailov

Name Artyom Mikhailov

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 191
Weight 6'2
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description TBC


Spouse N/A
Children Matthew Mikhailov
Father Yurakin Mikhailov
Mother Lvova Mikhailov
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) Yubkina Mikhailov
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Artyom’s achievements as a member of Starfleet have often been mired by his tendency to get overly excited, sometimes acting on impulse rather than taking the time to think things through first. This extends to social scenarios in which he can end up rambling. Artyom is also rather accident-prone. Nevertheless, Artyom is a proficient engineer is at his best whenever he is taking the stimulants needed to mitigate his ADD symptoms along with a few mental exercises. He is energetic, spontaneous, creative and inventive, and his ability to hyper-focus and multi-task has proven to be an advantage.

Artyom’s relationship with his son Matthew is extremely close, with Artyom being very attentive and protective of his son. Despite having a busy Starfleet career Artyom always makes time for Matthew during his off-duty hours.

As a result of being shipwrecked, Artyom has developed a passion and affinity for cooking actual meals instead of relying wholly on replicators. He has a small kitchenette in his quarters to do so.

Artyom speaks with a slight Russian accent.
Strengths & Weaknesses Artyom's attention deficit disorder "allows" him to hyper-focus on tasks while simultaneously permitting him to multi-task easily. That being said, without proper medication he can be very scatter brained and forgetful.
Ambitions Artyom is still trying to figure these out.
Hobbies & Interests Cooking.
Texas Hold'em Poker.
Technical Certifications.

Personal History Artyom Mikhailov was born on raised on Saga-Prodigy, a colony which would eventually become an unfortunate casualty of the after-effects of the Dominion War. During the war, Starfleet found itself desperately short of raw materials needed for the replenishment and construction of its starship and starbases. To ensure that Starfleet was not going to lose the war because of a supply shortage, the United Federation of Planets directed a number of resource-rich colonies like Saga-Prodigy to expand their mining and refining operations. The Starfleet Corp of Engineers was brought in as well to assist with improving and modernizing these operations.

The only problem was that the planetary government on Saga-Prodigy had taken Starfleet’s estimates and calculated that such an aggressive mining output would significantly deplete accessible deposits of precious materials within a few years. Starfleet countered that as Saga-Prodigy’s mining infrastructure was modernized, several suspected deposits that for the time being remained inaccessible would be retrievable.

Saga-Prodigy’s leaders agreed to Starfleet’s logic, and complied with the Federation’s directive to increase its mining, extraction, and refinement process by several magnitudes. When the war had ended, however, and Starfleet followed up on its promise to thoroughly evaluate those remote deposits, it was discovered that the previous survey missions had severely misjudged their composition. In effect, several of the promised would-be deposits were in actuality useless.

With later estimates suggesting that the system’s once abundant wealth of precious materials and gases would be totally exhausted within the next thirty-years, and with the offering of only meager reparations, Saga-Prodigy’s relations with the United Federation of Planets quickly deteriorated. Within the following decade, a planet-wide referendum for secession was held, and approved.

Saga-Prodigy’s planetary government, having judged as incompetent for their handling of Saga-Prodigy’s precious materials, was disbanded while civil and military powers fell to no fewer than a dozen regional governors. The transition was far from peaceful as mass protests quickly turned violent, particularly against the evacuating Federation personnel. Worse still, revolutionary members of the fractured Saga-Prodigy military blocked the evacuation effort causing further delays.

Before what would be christened as the Lighthouse Incident, named so for the violent clash between loyalist and revolutionary forces, Arytom was regarded as something of a creative goofball. However, he showed borderline symptoms of attention deficit disorder, a disorder which caused him to be predominantly inattentive and, as a result, he experienced difficulty getting or staying focused on the task or activity before him. He was formally diagnosed or treated, which resulted in him struggling both academically and, later on… professionally.

By the time of the Starfleet evacuation, Artyom Mikhailov was a sergeant within what remained of the Saga-Prodigy Self Defense Forces still loyal to the planetary government. The ragtag composition of soldiers, engineers, and medical personnel that he was a part of helped to secure the evacuation even when forced to engage attacking revolutionary forces.

Unfortunately, Artyom was seriously wounded in one such attack. Not expected to survive without immediate medical attention, Artyom was evacuated aboard one of the last Starfleet vessels to leave orbit. When he recovered, he learned that he was on Earth… a planet which he’d never visited before, nor had ever considered as his home.

Artyom enlisted into the Saga-Prodigy Self Defense Forces before he could graduate from a regional university, serving as a computer and systems technician leading up to the Lighthouse Incident. After he recovered from his injuries during the Lighthouse Incident, Artyom tried to make contact with a few of his friends and fellow soldiers, but was unable to so much as confirm if they were even alive. He enlisted into Starfleet a year later, and served aboard the USS Cushing, an Akira-class escort before transferring to USS Redoubtable, an Intrepid-class cruiser. There, Artyom became friendly with a junior officer by the name of Reese Wilde, although the two maintained a professional distinction with one another.

Later that year, Artyom and Reese were on board a runabout when a shipboard emergency forced them to crash land on an isolated Class-L planet. Unable to establish communications, Artyom and Reese would never learn that Starfleet’s own search would be called off after three months, forcing the two stranded individuals to adjust to their new life. Artyom and Reese became intimately involved a short time later, Reese ultimately discovering that she was pregnant. The two castaways gave birth to a son whom they named Matthew after her father.

Artyom was able to grow several edible crops in order to supplement the runabout’s still-functional replicator, but neither he nor Reese had encountered much in terms of local animal-life until almost a year later when a large toad-like creature happened upon their encampment. While initially appearing as relatively benign, this creature became extremely aggressive after a few days. Its saliva glands proved to contain a powerful neurotoxin which Reese estimated to be capable of killing a fully grown human within a matter of seconds, but persuaded Artyom to only scare the creature off as it was native to the planet while they were not. Artyom fired a warning shot from his phaser rifle using a high setting which appeared to accomplish this, and later spent the next several days erecting field generators along the area’s perimeter to hopefully keep the creature out in case it did return.

Less than a week later, perimeter sensors reported the creature’s return, but the field generators did little to persuade its capitulation as it attacked various points in the perimeter before exploiting a weak spot that allowed it into the camp. In the ensuing confrontation, Reese was attacked and killed by the creature. Roughly three years upon crashing on the planet, the USS Vestavia detected the weak subspace signal coming from the distress beacon in orbit of the planet and located Artyom and Matthew as the only survivors. They were brought aboard where they were evaluated before being transferred to Starbase 109. After some time, Artyom was persuaded to re-enlist and activate a direct commission to Lieutenant (JG) that he’d been approved for shortly after his disappearance.
Service Record USS Cushing, Akira-Class Carrier Escort (NCC-98513)
Crewman, Computer & Systems Engineer
Petty Officer 3rd Class, Computer & Systems Engineer
Petty Officer 2nd Class, Computer & Systems Engineer
USS Redoubtable, Intrepid-Class Cruiser (NCC-26011)
Petty Officer 1st Class, Computer & Systems Engineer
Starbase 109
Lieutenant (JG), Engineer