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Moving The Interview Along, Part 1

Posted on Fri 24th May, 2019 @ 12:11am by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Elizabeth Anderson M.D.

1,136 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Orchids & Jazz Loft
Timeline: MD 2, 1330

Continuing from Part 6, along a new track.

Previously ... Damion spread his hands apart. "So--not proof, but circumstantial evidence and a bit of psychological extrapolation from a man practicing psychology without a license. In the end, you're still a great question mark, Miss Endrade. But you not remembering that poison ring worries me a great deal."

"Do you happen to have a picture of this ring?" Tanith asked with a frown, for the moment ignoring his analysis of the reasons for it. An idea had formed in the back of her mind, and she didn't like what she was thinking. She glanced at the man who was still sitting at a table nearby, even though his lunch date had been gone for several minutes. He was scrolling through a PADD, and he might merely be working in a pleasant atmosphere for a while ... but she doubted it. The other couple who interested her included the forgettable man and the woman who appeared to be part rabbit. Viera had a certain reputation, and Tanith distracted herself for a moment, considering the options. Trophy wife, mistress, or paid escort?

Damion, I'm not sure what you're up to, but it must have something to do with work. She's quite a beautiful woman, so don't mind me if I feel the tiniest bit jealous that she gets to have lunch with you, and I don't! The note was signed with a cartoon figure of herself with wild hair standing out around her head, and Elizabeth hoped it would bring a smile to Ildaran's face. She wasn't eavesdropping on his work, but she could see from cameras positioned in the loft that he was perturbed. Maybe it would help ... and maybe not.

Jenna returned to the loft with salmon and lettuce hearts for the woman and the sandwich for the lieutenant. She discreetly placed the written message Elizabeth had handed her, with a brief word, next to Ildaron's plate, leaving it to him when he would notice or read it.

"Is there anything else I can bring you?" she asked, refilling water glasses.

"No," Tanith snapped. "Just leave, please." So that's what Jenna did.

"I have several images of it, but not with me," Damion said once Jenna left. "I'm not one of these people who's joined at the hip to a PADD. So we might as well enjoy the excellent food and then head back to my department, and I'll show you what we have."

"I'm all for eating," the woman agreed, as the salmon smelled divine. Tanith took her first bite of salmon and savored it. Nothing this good was served in the Brig. If she could at least see the ring, she thought she'd know ... what? She wasn't sure, but something important. Something that would make everything that had happened the last few weeks begin to make sense. She felt calmer, and her feeling of control was coming back.

She had to admit that the lieutenant's three possibilities were an interesting analysis. She wasn't into body modifications, as he'd put it, but neither were the other two. She didn't remember agreeing to wear the ring as part of employment in anything, but she didn't remember the ring, either, and she was the dominant memory. She ought to know everything. It was just barely possible for her or for Destiny, but not Zelda. And the third possibility? That someone had forced it on her? Despite what Ildaran had said, why would she forget such a violation? That was the puzzle. She had to see the ring, touch it, if she could.

"What I really want is to see the actual ring. Do you have that, or is it somewhere being analyzed? I hope it hasn't been recycled, because I have the feeling I need to see it, maybe even touch it." At the frown on his forehead, she added, "No, I don't want to use the poison. I presume it was already removed for analysis, or to avoid accidental use, or whatever other security nightmare someone on the case had."

Damion nodded. "It was removed, identified, and beamed into a container. We studied the ring and suspect it may have been hand-made." Damion gave Tanith a wry look. "It's not as if that sort of jewelry is mass-produced."

Andrew entered the loft and carefully made his way to an empty table near the ongoing interrogation but attempted to avoid their person of interest's view as he sat down. Observing her interaction with Damion, he noticed Lieutenant Keller across the room, now alone. Somehow missing the Lieutenant's wife's exit as he entered, Andrew assumed her departure had something to do with Adam's serious expression as he continued to look over at the woman. Andrew figured there was yet another change of personality in her that was unexpected, to which he felt both annoyance and pity for Lieutenant Ildaran. The man must be feeling he's on a wild goose chase with this interrogation. He continued to sit silently as he refocused on the main event.

Damion turned his attention to his sandwich and noticed the note lying next to his plate. He picked it up and glanced at it. Maybe it was further instructions from Grax. He read the contents and stifled a laugh at the cartoon image. Damion folded the piece of paper and slid it into a pocket. He gave Tanith an amused look. "Apparently, someone I know saw us come in and wants to know why you're hanging out with a lout like me."

Tanith had been watching him as she ate. When he read the note, the corners of his eyes crinkled, as if he wanted to smile, but wouldn't. There was a general softening of his attitude. The note was from someone he cared about, probably a woman, but maybe a man. It didn't matter, either way, but it made him vulnerable, and she could use that. He didn't really care about her, but he did have a soft spot that she might be able to manipulate.

Can I get him to feel sorry for us? He's already halfway there, in spite of being a professional officer and intelligence, at that. I could try logic ... but I think emotion will get us farther. He seems to feel the most for Zelda, but she can't handle this kind of negotiation, so ... I'll have to stay in control, but ... yes, I think that will work.

"Then are we agreed?" the woman asked. "When we finish eating, you'll show me the ring?"

"I have deep misgivings about the idea, but I think it would be best," Damion said, all trace of his previous lightheartedness gone. "In the meantime, how's your salmon?"


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