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The Old Routines

Posted on Sat 25th May, 2019 @ 12:05pm by

1,449 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Starts in Shuttle Bay
Timeline: MD 2, 1045

Henry took a deep breath after he stepped off the shuttle and threw his duffle bag onto the shuttle bay deck. The commander of the Samurai was happy to be back amongst the hustle and bustle of an active Starbase instead of the hustle and bustle of Starfleet Academy. As much as he loved sharing his knowledge with the future of the Federation, Henry wanted to be back in space.

Standing on tiptoes to see over the myriad of workers in the shuttle bay, Riko finally saw Henry and waved high over her head before walking toward him. It took a bit of dodging to get through all the shuttle bay pedestrian traffic, but she finally came close enough to call out, "Henry, the conquering professor returns! It's great to see you again!" She gave him a quick hug and stepped back. "How was the Academy?"

Ecstatic to see his closest friend in all the galaxies, Henry reached into his grounded duffle bag and retrieved a box and presented to Riko. "The academy was quite fine my friend. And I could get quite used to being called the conquering professor."

Riko tore off the gold paper and smiled delightedly at the contents. "Lindt truffles! I don't know how you ever remembered I like these, but how delightful to have the real thing." She gave him another hug. "I might even share one, if you're really nice and have dinner with me later at Orchids & Jazz." Suiting action to words, she opened the bag and pulled out a round ball wrapped in gold foil. With practiced ease, she shucked it out of its foil and popped it into her mouth, closing her eyes and making an ecstatic sound. "Ooooh, that's SO good."

After a moment of enjoyment, she opened her eyes and said, "Thanks for the large bag, Henry. That's very thoughtful, and I shall dole them out carefully, but here," Riko held out the bag, "have one, because I know you're going to dinner with me."

"No, no!" Henry said as he placed both hands up in front of his chest. "I had two boxes all by myself on the way back here. The last thing I need is more truffles. Now fill me in on the scuttlebutt I missed since I've been gone!"

"Huh, okay, news over chocolate. Someone raised you wrong, Henry!" Riko laughed and chomped the extra truffle before carefully closing the bag and pushing it back down in the box. As they turned to walk back through the shuttle crews to the exit, she said, "You've missed all the excitement of the pirates, of course. We almost lost Colonel Wellington in a shoot out with one, but one of her crews found her and brought her in for the surgeons to put back together."

She was quiet a moment before continuing. "Unfortunately, we lost her anyway. I suppose being blown apart, thinking you're going to die and then waking up, though minus a limb, gives you a different view on life. She left Starfleet and the base, almost overnight a few weeks after she was released by the doctors."

A coldness overcame Henry's spine as he heard the news of Wellington untimely passing. Henry knew Wellington but wasn't necessarily close to her. But he did know of her dedication to the Federation and its citizens under her charge. He knew that she died believing in and defending what she believed in most. That all life is valuable. He stopped walking and grabbed Riko by the arm. "Riko, if she survived all that, how did we lose her?" He asked while trying to contain the frog that was growing in his throat.

"Oh, Henry, no! I'm sorry," Riko apologized, putting her hand on his. "She didn't die! She just ... left. Losing part of herself changed something inside her, embittered her at first. I don't know what happened. One day she was working and the next ... she just left. I don't know where she went, I don't know what she's doing. I don't think even Suzuki knows. Now, it appears the Addams' sisters parents are involved in the piracy somehow ... or maybe they're 'fleet spies. It's so confusing. So, that's one thing. Should I keep going?"

With a sense of relief, he let go of Riko's arm and felt something wet coming from his eye. Henry took his left hand and wiped a tear that he hadn't noticed was welling up. He laughed to himself and wondered when he became so sensitive.

"Wheww. I am relieved to know that Wellington is still amongst the living. You gave me quite a scare for a second." The Commander continued his walk with Riko. "And to answer your other question, yes. Please carry on. But there is one thing I gotta know. When you say pirates, please tell me none of them had peg legs or birds sitting on their shoulders."

Laughing, Riko denied knowledge of any such pirates. "But they were pretty vicious. What we saw with Samurai was a part of it all. Starfleet is still trying to find their base, but I don't move in those exalted circles any more, so I don't know anything more about that. I think they might have caught one of the people involved here on the base, though. Sorry, no details on that, either," she shrugged in apology.

"Next up in SB109 news is that there was a tram accident yesterday. It involved a section with a lot of school teens, and I haven't heard what cause they've discovered in the investigation. Fortunately, no one was killed, as far as I know. Also, Phantom of the Opera started yesterday, supposedly a good cast of players, live theater. I'd love to go, but tickets are hard to come by, even for the last performance."

McCord thought for a minute before adding, "Oh, and the Besm are opening a colony here! I'm not sure of all the details, but I do know it isn't a rumor. They've been given some decks and are already making them more comfortable for their species." They were both quiet for a minute, but then she went on. "I'm sure there's lots more news, but we're almost back to Samurai. Wait until you see what progress has been made!"

"I've been kept up to date on the progress, but I intentionally haven't seen the pictures my crew has sent. I want to be surprised when I see the old lady for myself. Which brings me to my next point." Henry reached into his cargo pocket and handed McCord a PADD.

"This is your new assignment should you choose to accept it." Henry smiled as he waited for his friend to look over the data contained on the PADD.

The two friends stepped onto the turbolift to drop down to the docking port where Samurai still sat. When they began to move, Riko opened the PADD file and scanned it. She looked at Perry with surprise and then went back and read more slowly. "You want me to work under you, redesigning the science labs? ALL of them?" she asked, shocked, but feeling a niggle of interest surfacing.

Henry took a moment to soak in the sunshine of Riko's smile that was growing evermore on her face. "Not under me, but beside me, my friend. The Sciencey stuff is under your control. You tell me what you need and we will make it happen power wise. If we can't, we will find a work around for it."

Henry turned around and looked out of the window at the rear of the turbolift and saw his beautiful ship in the port. "Riko, Samurai is going to be the basis for new types of Starships to come. You and I have the chance to make a mark on what those ships will be like. What do you think?"

"I think ... yes! This I can do. Thanks for giving me the chance, Henry. I'll be your ... your design XO! This will be fun!" For the first time since the loss of so many friends, McCord felt almost normal, almost alive with interest. "This might be the last thing I need to heal. I think I'm glad I didn't give up and go home. This fish is finding some water, at last." She straightened her shoulders and smiled at Henry. "You know, you were probably excellent at the Academy. I think they must have been very sorry to lose your influence on the cadets."

Henry laughed aloud and looked over to his best friend. "I think your right. The cadets threw a secret going party for me. Unfortunately, I wasn't invited."


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