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Nightmares Aren't Just For Children

Posted on Thu 23rd May, 2019 @ 10:00pm by Lieutenant JG Artyom Mikhailov
Edited on on Thu 23rd May, 2019 @ 10:01pm

777 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Personal Quarters
Timeline: MD 6, 0345

Artyom had just left JAG after having spent the last twelve-hours of his life signing and completing several dozen reports that he'd need to prove that he wasn't dead, and was presently on his way to pick Matthew up from his third day of daycare. Admittedly, Matthew had initially been adverse to being away from his father and the first day had proceeded poorly. But after another day or two, the 2 1/2 year old appeared to be enjoying his time there and in the company of several other kids his age. Once Artyom had Matthew in tow, they'd get a meal in the promenade before returning to their quarters where Artyom would get Matthew ready to go down for the night.

Formally dressed in his Starfleet duty uniform wearing a full pip and a half which still made him feel uncomfortable anytime someone referred to him as sir, Artyom nonetheless had a good feeling about being a part of the fleet again. Tomorrow, he'd report for his first day of work as an engineer aboard Starbase 109.

The doors to the daycare opened up to a chorus of laughter, screaming, crying, and music of which Artyom had yet to acclimate to. He was greeted by a number of the caretakers as he made his way towards Matthew's classroom. Matthew's excitment upon seeing his father arrive was telltale, and he nearly plowed into three other children making his way to Artyom in a full run.

"Daddy!" Matthew exclaimed.

Artyom smiled back as he knelt down and greeted his son in return. Yes, perhaps their new life here would be better than he could have thought or hoped. "Did you have a good day today?"

The boy continued to smile. And then something else started to happen. Something Artyom couldn't process. Matthew's body changed, transforming into a gelatinous blob that hovered in front of Artyom for a time before lurching towards Artyom suddenly. Artyom recoiled in shock, but at the moment of what should have been an impact instead teleported Artyom off the station and into an unfamiliar field of grass and mossy forest. It was dark, and he was alone.

"Matthew!?" Artyom yelled, finding his way through the confusion and onto the singular objective of finding his son. He moved through the forest and into the clearing, finding a light someways in the distance. Moving towards it, he reached down and pulled up a Type-III phaser rifle like the one that had been aboard the runabout when they crashlanded years earlier.

There was a banging noise of something large hitting something even larger several times. "Artyom! The baby!" A new voice called out. One that Artyom recognized, but couldn't believe he was hearing again. He ran towards the source, stopping suddenly,

"Eto ne mozhet byt' real'nym..." he murmured.
This can't be real.

It was the runabout. And by the door was Rees; Artyom's fellow strandee, lover, as well as the deceased mother of his child. She was thumbing at the door controls hastily as something else moved towards her while remaining concealed in the high grass. Artyom knew what was happening. He knew what this was. But even as he raised his phaser rifle and began to fire upon the concealed creature which he recognized by memory as her killer, he knew that he was too far away, and the phaser yield too low for him to be able to do any meaningful damage to it.

"Rees!" He screamed, feeling his heart pound as though it were ready to explode.

Rees turned, saw him, and then was quickly overcome by the massive jaws from what could only be described as an oversized toad possessing venomous saliva glands. Her screams were as deafening and as horrific as he remembered even as she tried to fight it off for a second or two before succumbing to its toxins. No matter how hard Artyom ran for her in order to stop it, he never seemed to get any closer. And then there was a crunch behind him. He turned, and found the create lunging at him.

Everything went black as Artyom jolted out of his bed with a startled scream of Rees's name. His heart was pounding. The sheets of his bed were tangled and soaked with sweat. Across from the bedroom which he was slowly beginning to recognize as part of his quarters on Starbase 109, he saw a small movement coming from a toddler tent he'd set up the night before for Matthew. The boy was still sound asleep, thankfully, but had stirred at the unexpected noise from his father.

"Mechta..." Artyom mumbled. It was just a dream.


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