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Choices, Part 2

Posted on Fri 27th Jul, 2018 @ 10:44pm by Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington

1,014 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Primary Sickbay, Deck 83
Timeline: MD 5, 1530

Briskly, Herodia changed the subject. "The lavender, these little purple sprigs? Those show the admiration of the ones sending the bouquet, and that's my whole family. If you dry them, you can put them in a little cloth bag and place them in a drawer with your clothes ... well, if you don't replicate new ones all the time. My parents won't let us do that, so it's nice to have something that smells good in the drawer."

Taking a step closer, she confided, "I don't like the smell of the soap the Chinese laundry uses, and really, I don't see why that isn't at least as wasteful as tossing them into the replicator and getting new ones back."

Wellington managed to grin at the girl. "Because your parents may have had different upbringings than you. Not everyone in the galaxy has access to a replicator like you do."

"So Mama says. But why would anyone live where they don't? Would you choose that kind of life, if you could?" she asked curiously. "Oh, maybe I shouldn't ask. I'm being a pest now, aren't I? I apologize. Mama says it's one of my worst qualities, always asking questions of everyone. She calls it being nosy. But really, I'm just interested. Should I let you rest now?"

"It is ok," Wellington sighed. "As for your question...many don't have a choice. Outside the Federation, things like replicators are considered luxury that only those with a lot of money can afford."

Herodia thought that over. "So ... that makes me a spoiled brat, right?" she grinned. "In spite of the best efforts of both my parents, I do like my luxuries ... not that they allow a lot of them. I earn some of them from babysitting my younger siblings, it's own kind of torture. I help out in the shop quite a bit. There's to be no layabouts here," she said, imitating her father.

"Did you always want to be a pilot, from as far back as you remember?" the girl asked, since she hadn't been chased out when she offered the option.

"No, not always," she grinned, at having common ground with the girl. "My parents lived a life of luxury and to be honest I hated it--the banquets and balls were always so boring, so I was always getting into trouble until I graduated high school and applied to Starfleet Academy. Luckily my grades were good enough for me to get in. However, what got me interested in flying was seeing a flight demonstration by the Academy's Red Squad."

It was strange to think someone would prefer hard work to a life of luxury, but then Herodia hadn't actually tried the other route ... maybe she'd be like the colonel. That didn't seem like a bad thing to her at all! "I don't think I've heard of them. What's special about their flying?"

"They're the Academy's official flight team. Only the best cadet pilots get assigned to that squadron...and before you ask, no, I was never on Red Squad. Why the sudden interest?" Wellington asked the girl.

Trying to appear unconcerned, Herodia shrugged, "Oh, I've been studying Starfleet, for an assignment, and with all the pirate talk, I'm interested in pilots and flying right now. You know, just the topic of the day." She'd never admit she sometimes thought about derailing her parents' plans for her and making her own, or that they might involve the Academy in some way. "So this Red Squad got you interested in flying, but you never became part of it? Why not? Everyone says you are the best pilot in this quadrant."

Wellington chuckled and smiled at the girl. "I doubt I am the best pilot in the quadrant--no matter how good you are, there will always be someone better but thank you for the vote of confidence. As for Red Squad, I wasn't on it because I wasn't chosen. Cadet pilots on Red Squad are all hand picked by the Squad's CO."

Again, Herodia shrugged. "Someone has to be the best. My money's on you, as my dad says. I suppose you didn't start out as the best, but I bet you were good, and they missed the boat when they didn't choose you. Of course, you've probably had more interesting adventures. Do you fly all the time? I thought department heads didn't get to do the fun things any more." The young woman couldn't actually imagine sitting behind a desk all day while other people had all the fun. Of course, how much fun was the colonel having right now?

"Unfortunately, no. I now only fly in order to train other pilots or to keep my flight status current, but I try to have fun in my off time," Wellington grinned. She was starting to enjoy the girl's company and the conversation took her mind off of her condition.

"Really? Well, what does a colonel do to have fun, if she can't fly? Mama throws pots." Herodia giggled. "Oh, that makes her sound awful, doesn't it? She doesn't throw them at someone or to break them. That's what they call it when a potter puts a glob of clay on a wheel and turns it into a pot. She's tried to get me to do it, but it mostly stays a lump of clay or dribbles off the wheel for me. I don't think pottery plays a big part in my future." Who knew that talking to a hero could be so normal?

"I never tried pottery," Wellington admitted. "But I am sure you are good at lots of things. Find something you enjoy or interests you, and pursue it."

Herodia thought that over for a minute. "I like flowers, and I like the language of flowers. I just don't want to do that forever. That's good advice, though. You should be a mom," she grinned.

The comment made Wellington laugh as the nurse came in, indicating visitor hours were over. Wellington waved bye to the girl as she walked out of the room.


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Comments (1)

By Eddie Hunt on Sat 28th Jul, 2018 @ 6:07pm

Love this, such a real post between a pair that would never have met in any other circumstances, and a kid's innocence as well within it!