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A Step Into The Unknown

Posted on Thu 26th Jul, 2018 @ 5:12am by
Edited on on Sat 28th Jul, 2018 @ 5:21pm

645 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: En Route to 109
Timeline: MD7 1200 Hours

Cheya inhaled and exhaled as slowly as she could. This was her first posting and it was a starbase. She was expecting a ship, but a base was something else, something big, something unexpected. She couldn't imagine living in a city in space, after all Cheya was from farmlands, she was the first in her family to join Starfleet. Her mom was proud of her, but her papa wanted her to be the heir to the family farm. There was no way she was ever going to do that, although she had a sister - Chichi, Cheya couldn't see her taking over the farm either. Besides, Chichi was too busy setting up a business in the city to stay in the middle of nowhere.

Cheya looked out the window as they approached Starbase 109, it was even bigger than she had imagined. The nearer they got, the more the base turned into a gigantic creature that was about to eat her. She sighed, trying to throw that thought out of her head, 'It will be okay, it will be okay.' She told herself. She had never gone so far alone. She had made friends at the Academy, but they had all split up and gone their separate ways. This was a step into the unknown.

An elderly man approached the girl, he must have been in his forties. "First time going to a Starbase?" he asked.

She looked at him hesitantly, "M-my first time going anywhere."

Cheya studied the man in front of her. His hair was black, but had grey highlights through it where he was aging. He had a scar which ran from the top of his ear, across his face to the upper part of his lip. She shuddered at the thought of how he got the scar.

The guy let out a little laugh, "Oh wow! You're a first timer, that was a few years ago for me!" He laughed. "You'll be alright, people are more welcoming than they look."

"Hmm, I guess they are. I'm a fairly outgoing person, but the thought of this is scaring the heebies out of me!"

"The heebies?" He laughed again. "Well you will be okay, the good thing about a base is they are massive, you'll never run out of things to do. What department are you working in?"

"Science, Sir," She replied. "You?"

"Ohh, I don't work on a base. I've got..." He paused. "Well, some kind of work force on board that I've got to check up on, ensure they're doing as they should be and all that."

"Oh. People do that? Check on work forces?" She asked.

"They're a special kind of work force, not strictly born kind," he smiled.

Cheya glanced at the man and tried to hide the shiver that went down her spine. The more she looked at him, the more he creeped her out. Although he seemed friendly, she was sure it was a front, maybe she was just getting too paranoid. "Fair enough," She said, trying to cut the conversation short.

The man got the hint and moved away from the girl, "My name is Yorick by the way."

"Cheya," She said, as stern faced as possible, but a smile snuck out.

Many minutes passed as she got even nearer to the base. 'What did he mean, not strictly born kind? Did he mean his workforce was some kind of robot? Androids? That he had created them?' She couldn't shake the thought, before an Ensign came over, "We are just docking to the base now."

She thanked him and got up, ready for her new adventure.

"Good luck." The voice of Yorick whispered behind her, causing her to shiver again.

Cheya felt sorry for the workforce that was being checked up on; she wouldn't want to work for a man as creepy as he was.


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Comments (2)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Thu 26th Jul, 2018 @ 10:53pm

Eeeenteresting! I look forward to seeing what this is all about.

By on Sat 28th Jul, 2018 @ 5:22pm

Oh, yes, he will do nicely! =) Your NPC has so many possibilities!