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Sat 13th Oct, 2018 @ 9:58am

Eddie Hunt

Name Eddie Hunt

Position Owner, Hunt's Fortune

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 157lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown with tinges of Grey
Eye Color Dark Green
Physical Description Eddie is a fairly tall human, he is starting to grey around the sides and on top of his hair, however it compliments him rather than makes him look old. His hair is always short and well groomed, and he generally gives a smart appearance. He has stubble around his face most of the time which is also greying. He is physically fit and will occasionally go to the gym.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Martin Hunt - Deceased
Mother Zoey Hunt (Previously Zoey Oestringer, now deceased)
Brother(s) Zachary Hunt - Deceased
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Eddie has a very likeable personality. He is not incredibly outgoing but he can handle himself in group conversations or one on one conversations if needed. He will always give an honest opinion, no matter how hard that can be to hear for some people. He has an interesting sense of humour, and can find many things funny, however it does not mean he is one to crack the jokes. Probably because his brother was the joker of the family. He tries to make everybody around him happy. He can be described as suave, charming and a heart of gold.
Strengths & Weaknesses
+Work focused

-Can be full of himself at times
-Not good with hand to hand combat
Ambitions Before Zach’s death, his ambition was to get his own ship with Starfleet. After his death, he has decided to relook at what he wants.
Hobbies & Interests -Chess and other various board games
-Foreign Languages

Personal History Eddie was the eldest brother in the family, and was always the stars in his Mother’s eyes, whereas his youngest brother was always looked down upon and never seemed to do anything right. He always had a good relationship with his Brother. They both joined Starfleet and briefly worked together on the USS Johnson, Oberth Class for two years. When Zach moved to another ship, Eddie stayed on the USS Johnson for another year before moving on himself. They both kept in contact with each other as much as they could. Eddie had a good relationship with his Father, Martin. Martin was never really interested in what his sons done in their lives as long as they were happy. His Father and Mother were part of a loveless marriage that never really worked but they stayed together. His Mother died when he graduated from the Starfleet Academy, followed by his Brother being killed on a mission semi recently, and because of that it led to his Father committing suicide. Eddie is now alone.

When Eddie was younger, he was always consistently smarter than his age. Unlike his brother, he showed his intelligence rather than hiding it. He has an interesting sense of humour, but wouldn’t consider himself deliberately comedic. He kept himself in a good physique whilst growing up so he could protect his younger brother. He has always been competitive, and always strives to be the best. Eddie picked up a talent of being able to speak multiple languages, which led to him going down the route of a communications officer and intelligence officer, before deciding he enjoyed the former more. He enjoyed the various areas of Starfleet, such as engineering, science and medical and considers himself to have a good knowledge of these areas to get him by.

His career has been fairly simple and seen him on various ships and getting promoted until he got to a Chief Communications Officer on the USS Iago. Since Zach’s death, he is on a sabbatical until further notice.

Service Record 2370 - Applied to Starfleet Academy

2375 (Early) - Graduated from Starfleet Academy

2375 (Early) - Intelligence Officer - Ensign - USS Xiang

2376 (Late) - Intelligence Officer - Lieutenant (JG) - USS Xiang

2378 (Late) - Communications Officer - Lieutenant (JG) - USS Pluto

2380 (Early) - Communications Officer - Lieutenant - USS Pluto

2382 (Early) - Assistant Chief Communications Officer - Lieutenant - USS Johnson

2384 (Early) - Assistant Chief Communications Officer - Lieutenant Commander - USS Johnson

2388 (Late) - Chief Communications Officer - Lieutenant Commander - USS Iago

2393 - Sabbatical - SB109