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One Hand Washes the Other, Part 1

Posted on Sat 28th Jul, 2018 @ 4:59am by Eddie Hunt

844 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Orchids and Jazz, deck 600
Timeline: MD 8, 1400 hours

Eddie had spent a lot of time running around here, there and everywhere to ensure that the opening of the casino was going to be grand. He had the Head Gardener on board, a florist on board, the owner of Bits N' Bytes, the list was becoming endless and so was his excitement. He still had some things on his list that needed ticking off, one was to get a contractor, someone that he could call upon if things went wrong. After all, he was equipping the casino with a lot of tech, and that wasn't always reliable.

Eddie had noticed an advert for 'Durant Repair Services'. It seemed like a small business that was trying to make it somewhere, which he assumed could be quite hard in this environment. A lot of the businesses in Tivoli and the Promenade probably already had their contractors sorted, but what about a casino that was going to open? Maybe a smaller business could offer a cheaper price too he thought.

Intrigued at the thought, he proceeded to arrange a meeting with Mr Durant.

Damion's eyes widened as he read the incoming message on his PADD from Eddie Hunt. The new owner of the casino wanted to meet with him? He's probably sounding everyone out, Damion thought. He sent a reply that he was available to meet that afternoon, if Hunt wanted.

The reply pinged back asking where best to meet and that the afternoon was fine.

Damion thought about it and then suggested Orchids & Jazz. Firstly, the food was good. Second, he could make a reservation. Third, Jade Lantz knew who he really was, even if she hadn't said anything. That made him feel more comfortable about being there. And fourth--maybe, possibly, he might see Elizabeth there, even if she proved to be a distraction. If she were there, he could talk to her about the bots.

He was trying to figure out a better way to refer to them in his mind. 'Humaniforms' was too long for his taste. 'Androids' was the right length but conjured up images of entities more like robots than like people. 'AIs' was good but made him think of disembodied brains. Maybe just 'Ms. Lantz's cleaning staff' would work best. At least that acknowledged them as people, not things.

Damion suggested Orchids & Jazz to Hunt and resumed work while he waited for a reply.

The reply pinged back confirming the location and the time.

Eddie checked his watch. He was fifteen minutes early as he always was to meetings, he preferred getting to places early so he was never flustered. He walked inside Orchids & Jazz to grab a seat and a drink before Corin arrived.

Reon recognized the man walking by as someone who had been engaged in a long conversation with Miss Lantz the week before, and he let him walk on through. He was well-dressed, and if Miss Lantz saw no harm in him, which she must not have since she hadn't given him a warning about the man, then Reon wasn't going to stop him.

Serena wasn't so generous. She stepped in front of the man and asked, very charmingly, "Are you meeting someone, or hoping for lunch?" In the background, the Cymbidiums were playing "Moonglow," though few could have named it. The finger work of the pianist was incredible and gave a happy lilt to the tune.

"Hopefully both," Eddie smiled. "But in all seriousness, I am meeting someone for business."

Serena nodded, "A lot of people come here during the day for that, and even a few at night. Would you like a private room, or a secluded table in the loft?"

"Secluded table in the loft will be grand."

Damion walked into Orchids and Jazz perhaps five minutes after Hunt had, dressed in the same dark gray suit he'd worn to meet with the Chamber of Commerce. He paused at the doorman's station and spoke to him. "I have a reservation for two, to meet with a Mr. Hunt. Do you know if he's come by yet?"

"I believe so, Sir. He didn't give me his name, but I think Miss Alia seated him in the loft a few minutes ago. I can check with her, or you can go up, if you'd prefer. This time of day, he should be easy to spot," Reon said.

"Thanks. I'll just go on up," Damion said. He nodded to Reon and headed up the stairs. Sure enough, there was a man whose brown hair was just beginning to turn gray wearing a nice suit, sitting at one of the tables near but not at the outer edge of the overhanging balcony. He was the only guest up there.

Good placement, Damion thought; from that position Hunt could see the entire lower floor, with all entrances and exits, and few people would think to look upward at the two of them. Damion walked over to him. "Mr. Eddie Hunt? I'm Corin Durant," he said and offered his hand.

To be continued ....


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