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Showering the Baby, Part 2

Posted on Wed 6th Jun, 2018 @ 8:38pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Purulence Addams & Makila i'Hartelhai

785 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 15 1520

The small family looked absolutely adorable together, Purulence thought as the Collins-Kellers entered the party room, pushing the baby stroller in front of them. She hadn't attended their wedding because Chlamydia had, and there were some aspects of her sisters that she had had no desire to see since their very early childhood.

"Do you think they would mind if I sketched them?" Purulence whispered to Chlamydia. "It would only take me about three weeks to get a painting done. Less if I did it on a computer, but that always seems so impersonal."

"It is my experience that no Human ever objects to others paying attention to them," Chlamydia answered, then frowned slightly. "With certain exceptions."

"I promise not to be annoying," Purulence said cheerfully.

Baro meandered around the room chatting with those she knew but trying not to interfere with already existing conversations. She was happy for the new mother and was generally enjoying the atmosphere.

A soft voice interrupted Alora's wanderings. "Lt. Baro? Riko McCord." Riko held out her hand to shake the engineer's.

Baro turned and smiled, "Yes I am." She said and shook the offered hand, she looked puzzled as though trying to place the name but not sure.

"You probably don't remember me,"McCord said, dropping the engineer's hand after a moment. "I was the Chief Science Officer on ... USS Samurai. I remember you evaluating the damage, just a fleeting memory. I wanted to thank you for the care and ... respect you showed our ship."

"Attention, everyone. Our guests of honor have arrived. Please help yourself to something from the buffet, if you haven't already found it, and we'll take turns visiting and seeing the baby, which I know you are all excited to do. There are games planned as well, and some lovely prizes for winners of those. Have a good time, while we treat the new family like ancient royalty and wait for our invitation to present ourselves," Jade laughed. Still, she meant every word. As the Collins-Kellers seated themselves, she waved her humaniforms forward. They'd already had instructions to set up an unobtrusive perimeter around the family and let only two or three people into the circle at a time.

Jade walked with them and they followed directions perfectly, as she leaned down to look at the baby. "Adorable," she said, straightening up and taking Adam aside. "I hope you don't mind. I've instructed my cleaning staff to keep a space around you, hoping it will help keep Jasmine comfortable."

"Thank you. She was really worried about the situation." Adam took Jade's hand in gratitude. "We didn't want to bring Oscar into the restaurant, but I think she'll be fine if she isn't crowded.

As she often did, Ischemia entered late. After leaving her gift with the others, she wandered over to where her sisters stood. "Enjoying yourselves?" she asked. "Oh, Pure One, where did you find that carrot cake? That looks like exactly what I need right now."

"Surprisingly enough, we found it on the buffet table," Chlamydia responded, pointing with her spork. "Whatever it was doing there is anyone's guess."

"It is definitely worth eating," Purulence said. "Moist, and the frosting is made with real cream cheese!"

Jasmine, although nervous, was relatively comfortable. She smiled as some came to see the baby and was grateful that everyone respected the imaginary line Jade had drawn around her and the baby.

Makila perused the food selections carefully, as she didn't really care for chocolate unless it was dark chocolate or the type that had cayanne pepper in it. She was trying to find something a bit more suited to her tastes. Spying something with a lemon slice on it, she took the risk that it was lemon flavored as well. She was not disappointed and cheerfully bit into the tart lemon cookie. "Mmmm..."

"Makila, isn't it?" asked a woman to her right, just as she bit into the cookie. "Jin-Kyung, in case you forgot my name from shopping the other day? Or you can just call me Quinn. Most people do."

"Which name do you prefer?" she asked as she took another lemon cookie and put it on her plate before examining the table to find other things that might be palatable to her.

The engineer shrugged, "Both are okay. My daddy always said, 'Call me anything, but don't call me late to dinner!', and I guess I kinda think the same thing." She reached for a pink frosted petit four, and then added a crunchy-looking tube cookie. "This is quite a spread, but, in case you didn't know, if Jade Lantz is catering an event, the food is always outstanding."


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