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A Mystery to be Solved

Posted on Thu 25th May, 2017 @ 1:32pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant JG Patrick Biere
Edited on on Thu 8th Jun, 2017 @ 2:17pm

820 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Deck 81: Main Science Lab 1
Timeline: Between Missions

Before Hunt had left, he had asked Biere to drop by into the Science department and ask Lt. Collins a favor for him. It was only a small favor, but one that Hunt was sure Jasmine would love. He had given Biere an object, small in size, oblong in shape and metallic silver. There were three distinct lines on it running parallel to each other. He had told Biere the story about his brother coming across a planet with millions of these objects on it, but after doing tests, finding no purpose for the objects. His brother than gave one to Hunt who kept it on him ever since. Until now.

He had given it to Biere to take to Collins, to see if she could make anything out of it. She would like the challenge of seeing something new and trying to find something out about it. Maybe by the time he came back if he came back she might know an answer.

Jasmine had been taking solace in the lab for the last few hours. She was still mulling over the fact that she was going to be a mother. How could someone so damaged raise a child? How could she be a wife and mother with all the excess baggage from her childhood that she couldn't even remember? She'd just turned on the hologram of the sector and was running her normal protocols trying to occupy her mind as she thought things through. A tall giant of a man then walked round the corner of the lab and smiled, a gentle smile, "Lt. Collins I presume?" Biere beamed in his engineering colors.

"Oh," Jasmine jumped at the man's entrance. She reminded herself that the man was Star fleet and therefore could be trusted. He seemed to know who she was. "Sorry, yo-you startled me. Yes, I"m Lieutenant Collins. How can I help you?" She asked as she turned off the hologram.

"Hello! Sorry I didn't mean to startle you," He apologized. "I'm Lieutenant Biere, I'm a friend of Commander Hunt's, he asked to me to drop by and see you and to give you this."

He fumbled around in his pockets before removing a small object from it, "He asked if you could spend some time when you can to look into this object. His brother and crew found a planet which seemed to be home to these objects, but after investigations, they couldn't figure out what they were for or why the whole planet was filled with nothing but these. He said you might enjoy the time to try and find out what this is," He passed Jasmine the object.

"I would love to." Jasmine looked at the small object in her hand. It looked much like a solid metal capsule, inert and harmless. She turned it over in her hand. She'd never seen such a thing. There were intricate designs around it. "You said they were all over on the planet?" Her curiosity was more than peaked. She would have looked into this even if Hunt wasn't her friend.

"Yeah all over the planet. They couldn't find anything out about them at all, except this was the only thing on the planet. I think Zach said that each object seemed to have unique markings on it, much like a fingerprint I guess. This one for example has some parallel marks on it," He pointed, even though she must have seen it anyhow.

"That is interesting." Jasmine murmured as she turned the object over in her hands. This was a most interesting object. "Is this the only one you have? I'd love to check the observation that the markings were unique."

"It is unfortunately, Hunt said that his brother was allowed to keep one and he took it and gave it to Zach as a 'good luck' charm. However if you want I can get into communication with him and see if his brother knows anyone with another? Purely because they're meeting whilst he's on leave," Biere stated.

"Well, we'll use what we've got for now. If I find that I need it, I'll contact you." She looked over the object again. "I'd love to put it through a few tests and scans." Jasmine was now in Science mode. She was no longer aware that there were strangers around her or that she was pregnant or upset. She was strictly a scientist at this moment and lost in the mystery before her. She'd already moved to her counter and turned on the microscopic illuminator to get a better look.

"That's fine Lieutenant. I will leave you to it and be on my way. It was nice to meet you," Biere beamed, leaving the scientist in her lab.

"Yes, nice to meet you too." Jasmine looked over her shoulder as the man was leaving. "And thank you for the puzzle to work."


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