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Dinner, Intelligence, and Diplomacy

Posted on Wed 24th May, 2017 @ 4:48am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Thomas Maynard & Lieutenant Sianna Dal
Edited on on Thu 8th Jun, 2017 @ 2:15pm

1,460 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Diplomatic Room, then Pearl with a Chainsaw
Timeline: Between Missions

After the quarters had been arranged for the Besm Envoy and his entourage, Paul glanced at the two other officers who had formed the welcoming committee. "I'm starved. Are either of you interested in going somewhere for dinner?"

Normally Thomas would say no to these kinds of things, socializing and interacting with people certainly wasn't his cup of tea, but alas, this was time to complete informal introductions and find out a bit more about some of the senior crew members he, "Certainly. I've only been to a couple of places since coming aboard, anywhere you would recommend?"

"There are a lot of good places," Paul said. "My favorites are Orchids and Jazz, which is a gourmet restaurant and jazz club, Pearl with a Chainsaw, which serves primarily Oriental and Besm food, or Pub 10-42, which serves Italian food. There's also the Lower Lounge, which is popular, but it's more of a dive bar and serves mainly drinks."

"Well I've actually been to Orchids and Jazz already from Commander Hunt's recommendation. The food there was delicious I must admit. Right now though, I shall go wherever you two want to go," Thomas replied.

"If we go to Chainsaw, we should sit on a different level from the one where the Envoy and his group sit," Paul said.

"There is a charming little Ferengi place I would dearly recommend." Sianna saw reason to qualify her recommendation - some Starfleet officers had been rather put off the last time she had brought them, "If you don't mind beetles or snails for food, that is."

"As long as there is some kind of drink to wash it down with," Thomas said. "Alcoholic, of course."

"I could try Ferengi, but is their food served live or not live?" Paul asked. "Live would be a deal-breaker for me."

"Can't knock something if you've never tried it," Thomas replied.

"I'm a Betazoid," Paul explained.

"Ahhhhhh," Thomas said with a sudden realization. "Chainsaw then?"

"I'm cool with Chainsaw, but I can eat Ferengi food too, as long as it's not alive." Paul glanced at Sianna. "What's the word on the Ferengi food?"

"Some of it is served alive ..." the diplomat frowned, "Or supposed to, at least. Like gagh, all too many places simply deliver theirs dead with a residual electrical charge meant to give the appearance of animation." Sianna's lips quirked in a half-smile "This one does have actual live food among its dishes - it came highly recommended. Though, naturally, any other place is more than acceptable."

Thomas always hated this part of socializing - the decision making. It seemed to be that everyone he met just didn't like to make a decision or they pondered for ages over two possible suggestions. It seemed to be a common thing everywhere, "I think if we go to Chainsaw now, and maybe another day we can go to this Ferengi place?"

"Chainsaw," Paul said, "and the two of you can visit the Ferengi place some time when I'm not with you."

The three of them headed into the corridor and then directed a lift to take them to deck 666. The restaurant was lively, with the sounds of conversation, clinking plates, and tea being poured into cups. A kimono-clad waitress with flaming red hair seated them at a secluded table. The delicate scents of green onions and various meats and vegetables wafted through the air as they looked at menus and ordered.

"How are you liking Vanguard?" Paul asked Lt. Maynard.

Thomas let out a small laugh to himself, "Depends on your definition of like. I like this place because it's so far away from my troubles, but at the end of the day it's still work. I will say it's one of the best bases I've been on, but that will be the only compliment I will pay it for now. How do you view it?"

"It has its challenges, but I like it a lot," Paul said. "Every day I meet someone new and learn something new from this place. I hope to make a home here--in fact, I'm buying one."

"Private living quarters not enough?" He mused. "Where on this base are you buying one?"

"It's the Queen Anne Villas on deck 1554, although my house will be more like a cottage. I don't need much space, but I wanted something more than assigned living quarters."

"You don't find this claustrophobic?" Sianna's question was, for once, honest - without deeper meanings or hidden intentions, "I can barely stand being without the open sky ... the thought of settling permanently on a station ..." the diplomat trailed off with a shudder.

"What I can't stand is living inside a box that looks just like a thousand other boxes," Paul said. "At least the actual houses give some allowance for individuality that the assigned quarters don't, and they have gardens. I do miss open sky, but I can visit my family or go planetside for that."

"As long as there's a bar, I couldn't care where I'm holed up," Thomas snapped.

"Plenty of those here," Paul said, "not only in the Promenade but in other areas of the station, too. All sorts--from dives to rather elegant places. What kinds of bars do you like to go to?"

"I've only been to a couple so far, but plenty more to explore yet. I tend to go to anywhere that serves alcohol, unfortunately at the moment aside from work, that's my only way to let off a bit of steam," He said, rubbing his ring finger where his marriage band was.

This was about the third time that Maynard had mentioned liking bars and drinking, Paul thought, noting the twinge of sadness from the man as he mentioned it yet again. They were not in a counseling session, however, and he certainly wasn't going to remark upon any of his observations of Maynard in front of a fellow officer. "That points to a terrible lack of imagination," Paul said with an amused look. "There's racqetball here, holodecks, all sorts of continuing education classes, swimming, and any number of fun things to do in Tivoli Gardens--including skiing, I believe. What did you like to do before your workload became so heavy?"

He didn't think for a moment that the real issue was Maynard's workload, but it might start a conversation.

"Well I used to play violin quite a bit, I was up to a professional standard but eventually I stopped and no where near as good as I once was. I listened to a lot of classical greats, Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, the lot. I suppose I do still, but not as much. I've not got the energy I once used to to do the 'sporty' things, but I do like trying everything once. We'll work through those bars first though," He let out a trademark half smile.

"You play violin? That's fantastic! Two of the security officers play cello," Paul said. "I know Michaels, the one from Earth, likes classical. I'm not sure what composers Cmdr. Jekkar prefers. They'd probably enjoy having someone to play duets or trios with, if you were interested."

"Funny enough, I did bump into Commander Jekkar in a turbolift," He paused, it sounded worse in his head then out loud. "He did invite me along to their classical music group on Wednesdays, so I don't know, I might pop along at some point. Do you play anything?" Maynard asked.

"Piano," Paul said, "but my ability is strictly amateur. I can play the first movement of the "Moonlight" Sonata. The third--no way; totally beyond me--but I listen to others with great admiration." He glanced at the Diplomatic Officer. "What about you, Sianna? Do you play any musical instruments? Something from Botchok?"

"The first time I was in Orion space for more than a week was after I had become Maitresse de Conferences at Pantheon-Assas. I was raised on Earth." it was a dry remark, Sianna's expression betraying nothing, "My uncle was the artistic sort, for a Starfleet officer - he did try to teach his children and I to play the cello. Richard and Fiera were good, Amelie couldn't hold a tune if her life depended on it. I can follow a music sheet, but I lack the flair my cousins have."

"I suspect you would be outstanding at whatever art you do feel a kinship for," Paul said. "You strike me as being a very disciplined individual. Whatever you love, I think you'll give it all you've got." He might have said more, but the waitress arrived with their food, and conversation was paused for the setting down of plates.

Lt. Commander Paul Graves PsyD
Second Officer

Lt. Sianna Dal
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lt. Thomas Maynard
Chief Intelligence Officer


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Comments (3)

By on Wed 24th May, 2017 @ 5:53am

Nicely done, all three of you!

By Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar on Thu 25th May, 2017 @ 12:50pm

I like this one! Nice job guys

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Fri 2nd Jun, 2017 @ 9:34am

Lovely read!