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My Kingdom, My Kingdom for a Phaser

Posted on Thu 25th May, 2017 @ 1:50pm by Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar
Edited on on Thu 8th Jun, 2017 @ 2:17pm

722 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Security Offices, Phaser Range

Jekkar stood with his PADD as he watched the new arrivals to Vanguard on the Range. He had 23 new faces in the ranks of his Security Staff and as such they were to be drilled and tested. The Andorian was unique in that he had a very cold and somewhat intimidating demeanour when he was on duty but was the polar opposite when he was off the clock.

"Times up!" Summerby shouted loudly as the klaxon blurred to signal the end of the drill. "Phasers down and step away from the line."

The new faces all followed the instructions of the Master at Arms. Stepping off their lines and placing their Hand Phasers onto the table in front of the line. Humans, Tellarites, Trill, and even a Rigellian. That's what comprised this eclectic bunch of Security Staff.

Commander Jekkar examined the data and rolled his eyes. "Well I can honestly say that I've seen better Shooting from a blind pacifist than any of you." He said as he placed his hands behind his back and strolled along the line of Security Officers. "15 Enlisted, 5 Non Commisioned Officers and 3 Ensigns and Barely any one of you scored higher than 45%."

The Andorian stopped in front of a Human Ensign. He looked down at his PADD. "Ensign Rebecca Saunders, Graduated 2389."

The Ensign nodded. "Yes Sir."

Jekkar looked at her. "Ensign you scored a total of 55.79% top of the class."

He then walked over to the Trill Petty Officer beside her. "Petty Officer Third Class Lars Tobal, you scored 53%."

Summerby gave a small smirk. He was going to enjoy this next part from Commander Jekkar.

"To clarify for you all." Jekkar said as he returned to stand next to Summerby. "The record for this range is 90% currently held by Lieutenant Summerby, I hold second place with 89% the average accuracy for a Security Officer on this Station is 75%." The Commander looked down at his PADD. "Right now however none of you would make the cut."

The assembled Security Staff remained silent and at ease. None of them dared utter a word or even make a sound since.

"I'll make this short and sweet. If a Borg Cube was to come out of Transwarp and launch an attack on this Station I'd be reluctant to let any of you near a Hand Phaser or a Compression rifle." Jekkar said as his eyes darted up and down the firing line. "Resistance from any of you would most certainly be futile and a waste of time."

One of the Ensigns, an Orion named Yankob raised his hand. "Commander from what I understand this Station doesn't see a lot of trouble so are Phaser Drills totally necessary? Wouldn't it be beneficial to train us in Investigation?"

The Andorian raised an eyebrow. "Ah yes Ensign Yankob." Jekkar said as he walked towards the tall and youthful Orion. "Here is a scenario for you, you are patrolling the Promenade with a partner it's the middle of the evening and you see a drunken reveller becoming very aggressive with one of the residents, you approach to resolve the dispute only to find it's a punch up and the reveller continues to become aggressive."

Jekkar stopped in front of the Orion so that they were now face to face. "Your partner is thrown to the ground in the ensuing melee and you are thrown with them." Jekkar then leant forward. "He runs what do you do?"

Yankob pondered it for a second." I get back up to my feet and pursue him." The Orion continued to respond to the scenario. "If all else fails I'll use my Phaser to subdue him."

The Commander nodded. "A bold strategy just a shame that your Phaser Accuracy is currently 37.7% and instead of hitting your target you've scorched a Bulkhead on your first shot and stunned a shop owner with your next shot." Jekkar took a step back. "Danger comes in all shapes and sizes and you must be prepared for all possible outcomes."

Jekkar looked around to Summerby. "Lieutenant would you do the honours?"

Summerby nodded. "Of course Commander, all Shooters back to your line set your Phasers to training mode and holstered."

Jekkar reset the program. "Nobody leaves until I am satisfied with the numbers." The Andorian paused for a second. "Computer activate Phaser Range and begin Program."


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