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A bite to eat

Posted on Thu 9th Mar, 2017 @ 1:31pm by Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

1,269 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Promenade

Wellington for the moment had some time for herself as she wandered the promenade. In truth, her stomach brought her here in search of something new to eat. She really wasn't sure what she was in the mood for. Bajoran food was sounding particularly good to her right about now. She then spotted a Starfleet Lieutenant in Command Red, looking a little lost. She hadn't seen him before and there weren't any Starfleet vessels docked at the station at the moment, so she made her way over to him. "Hi there. Looking for a place in particular?"

Andrew glanced around quickly before turning to at the approaching woman, "Sorry, didn't think you were talking me. Actually, yea, I was looking for a place to get a drink--," he paused actually looking at who was asking the question, "Captain Wellington? Pleasure to meet you."

As he extended a hand, and sensing he may have confused the woman, Andrew continued, "Forgive me again, Captain. I'm Andrew Eberstark, the new Chief Strategic Operations officer."

Wellington shook the man's hand. "A pleasure to meet you Andrew Eberstark, though how did you know my name?"

Andrew hesitated and gave a slight shrug and grin, "I took some time on my trip to look over the personnel files. I tried to remember the department heads at least. Hopefully this isn't too awkward and you don't take it as a bad first impression."

Wellington smiled and shook her head. "Not at all. As for a place to drink, take your pick," she laughed. "You name it, the Promenade has it. The popular places are Pub 10-42--an Italian place that is frequented by Security personnel, and then there's restaurants of every species you can think of. I was actually off to find a place to eat myself. Care to join me?"

Nodding as he motioned the woman to the lead the way, "Sure, if you don't mind some company. Seeing the wide variety firsthand is a lot to take in. I haven't really spent too much time wandering around Starbases so this is a relatively new experience for me. So if you had to pick, what are some of the highlights?"

"Well, if you like Earth Italian foods and Jazz music, there is the Orchids and Jazz," she began as she made her way to the Jumja Cave--a small Bajoran cuisine restaurant. "Then you have the Lower Lounge, which is mostly a bar, then the main attraction of Starbase Vanguard are the Tivoli Gardens, which has just about anything you want to do," she finished as she took a seat at a table. Have you ever tried Bajoran food?"

Taking a seat opposite, Andrew took in the scenery, "All sound like good options. I like to say I keep an open mind with my cuisine, but I can't say I've every tried Bajoran food. The synthale is pretty decent i will say that," leaning back in his chair, Andrew continued looking around, "This seems like a pretty popular spot too. I think it's going to take a little longer to get used to all this. I'm used to the typical starship layout if you know what I mean."

Brooklyn nodded at the man. "Yes I do. This is also my first posting aboard a starbase. It was a mess when I first came aboard--my department didn't have a single operational fighter.

A bajoran waitress came up to the table. "May I get you two something?"

"I'll have Hasperat with Bajoran Ale," Brooklyn replied.

Having never tried it, Andrew hesitated before just going with his gut, "Make that two, please," pausing, "Also, do you happen to have Voodai?"

The waitress gave a slight nod in the affirmative and Andrew continued, "I'll have a glass, please."

Looking back across the table at the woman, "I'm following your lead on the food here. Didn't want to make myself look like a bigger fool and order something ridiculous. This is my first posting aboard a starbase as well if you couldn't tell," placing the napkin on his lap, "And based off of what info I've seen, it seems you've managed to turn things around in Fighter Ops. Any advice for a newcomer?"

"Hasperat is usually good," she said. "It wasn't easy. I mostly thank my department for getting things turned around. They worked long and hard--myself included, taking just enough time to eat and sleep for 6 hours and then back to work. So I guess my advice would be just to keep working at it and don't be afraid to get your hands dirty. So did you bring family with you?"

"I'll take your word for it," Andrew replied as the drinks were brought to their table, "And I have no qualms about working and getting my hands dirty. It's actually what attracted me here in the first place."

Taking a sip of his drink, he deliberately paused to think on her question, "From what I've seen so far, family seems to be an important component around here. Makes sense, I suppose. As for me though, I came here by myself. I guess you could say I'm a little more...distant than most people from their family," forcing a smile, "But hey, that just means I can work those awkward hours to whip my department into shape right?"

He leaned back in his chair as he took another drink, "What about you? If you don't mind my asking that is."

"Not at all. I came here alone. I was never really close with my parents. They wanted me to go into politics but instead, I joined the Starfleet Marines despite their protest. Never had the time to bother with any intimate relationships," Brooklyn explained before taking another bite of her Hasperat.

Feeling a little more relaxed, Andrew nodded and rubbed the side of his face , "I know the feeling. My father and sister shared some similar views about my career choice. Not counting the Academy, it was just focusing on my work and making sure I didn't make myself look like a fool in Starfleet."

Taking a bite of the Hasperat in front of him, Andrew nodded again, "Not bad. I think I could get used to this. Are all the restaurants around here this good?"

Brooklyn nodded and smiled. "Normally, yes. But I would stay away from the Targ Restaurant unless you like your food alive and moving when you eat it."

Andrew smiled at the comment, "I've learned to tolerate some Klingon food when the situation calls for it. It's actually not bad after the first couple tries," finishing his meal, "Maybe after I finish my double shifts to shape up my department, I can convince you to try it another time."

"I doubt it. I like my food dead and well done," Brooklyn laughed. "But any other place will be fine."

Andrew gave a nod in understanding and grinned, "Fair enough. I'll be sure and keep that in mind," finishing his drink, "Thanks for dinner and for taking the time to show me the ropes. I don't want to impose on any more of your free time. I know how valuable it is. I think I may walk around a little bit this evening before I start work tomorrow. What did you mention before? The Tivoli Gardens? Is that a good place to wander around for few hours?"

Brooklyn nodded. "It is. Just don't get lost. It was good to meet you, Lieutenant Eberstark.

Andrew rose from the table, "I'll try not to. No promises though. Nice to meet you too, Captain. Thanks again for the hospitality."


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