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Skiing Trip

Posted on Wed 8th Mar, 2017 @ 1:18pm by Commander Zachary Hunt

895 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Tivoli Gardens Ski Resort

Leah had changed clothes, now dressed in a form-fitting purple and grey thermal one-piece ski suit, stepped out a cabin with her skis and poles in hand. As she waited for Hunt, she placed the skies onto her feet, breathing in the cold-crisp air.

Hunt had just stepped out into the cold as well and placed a foot in the snow. He wasn't used to any snow so the whole experience was new to him. He noticed Leah was already waiting for him, skis already in place. He decided to walk over to her before putting his skis on, "You manage to look good in a ski suit as well. It's a lot colder than I thought it would be, I expected it to be mild at least, but they've definitely going for the whole experience here!"

Leah nodded. "You almost forget that you're on a starbase...and thank you. So here we are. I must admit I've never skied before but have always wanted to try it out."

"Honestly, I truly do forget I am at times. Let's see how this goes then," He said as he put his skis on.

They walked to the ski lift which took them up to the top of one of the smaller slopes. As Hunt got off the ski lift, he stumbled but caught his footing back, "Woops. If that's a sign, it's not a very good one." He laughed.

Leah giggled. "Just remember that this was your idea," she said as she gently pushed off with her poles. She soon realized she was going too fast. 'Not good,' she thought. Ahead of her was a snow bank. She attempted to stop but placed her skis at the wrong angle causing her to catapult head over feet and crashing into the snow bank.

Hunt wasn't too far behind, but instead of crashing into the same snow bank he managed to stop, even if it was an awkward stop. He had saw Leah crash into the snow bank and it was comical, he would laugh after seeing if she was okay though. "Leah!" He said, moving his googles onto the top of his head. "Are you okay?" He could see she was moving.

Taking in a few deep breaths as she rolled onto her back in the snow, removed her goggles. "Yeah...the snow broke my fall." She saw the smile on Hunt's face and threw snow at him before laughing herself. She couldn't remember when the last time she had this much fun.

"Plenty of snow to go around to break your next fall," He joked, chucking some snow back. "Shall we try again, maybe you'll go a bit slower this time!"

"Yeah," Leah grunted as she got to her feet and gathered her poles. "You first," she gestured with a smile.

"Cheers," He sarcastically said, pushing off. It was going well, they had a laugh over dinner, they were laughing now, overall it had been a success. Hunt was still very wobbly on the skis and decided he probably would never touch the things again. He started picking up some pace going down the slope, the snow was smooth under his skis making him go even faster. He could see the bottom of the hill coming up so he started the hockey stop maneuver, however he was too fast for his own liking and stumbled. His foot slipped out of one of the skis as he tumbled, continuing to roll for another few meters. owwwwww. His left wrist was throbbing from the fall.

Leah had tried her best to keep up without losing control when she saw Zach crash. She came to a stop near him and knelt down as she took her skis off. She saw that he was holding his wrist. "Is your wrist ok?"

"I will live, it does hurt though. Might have to stop with the skiing though," He let out a small chuckle alongside a grimace, it hurt more than he was letting on.

"Better be sure," as she waved over a nearby ski patrol. "Well the sking was your idea. But it was a good idea."

The ski patrol arrived as the medic knelt down. As he lifted Hunt's arm up slowly, Hunt let out another grimace, "Good whilst it lasted."

The medic removed the ski gloves from Hunt and moved his sleeve up, showing the skin which had turned a light purple color, "Not good, I believe you've sustained a fracture. We need to get you to sick bay."

Hunt let out a groan, "It was going all so well."

Leah smiled and chuckled. "If you wanted to get out of our date, you should have just said so."

"Still my best ever date. Although I'm sure I never said the word 'date', just dinner," He smiled, "I'm joking, it was definitely a date. Are you accompanying me to sick bay or are you calling it a night?"

Leah smiled. She knew she should go but wanted to make sure Zach was alright. "Ok, I'll hold your hand to sickbay," she joked as she and the medic helped Zach up.

"You're such a sweetie," Hunt said sarcastically, grinning and grimacing at the same time.

"Oh, you have no idea. We'll have to do this again sometime, but minus the skiing," she relied with a sly grin.


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