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Posted on Fri 10th Mar, 2017 @ 7:09pm by

1,788 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Orchids & Jazz
Timeline: MD 1, 1300

Leah, escorted by a tall man, dressed in a black suit and wearing what appeared to be normal sunglasses approached the beautifully decorated building known as Orchids & Jazz. So far, from what she had seen, this appeared to be the most impressive restaurant aboard the Starbase. Leah was dressed in a purple and grey suit with her hair worn up. She had been invited for an interview and while normally she hated doing interviews, it was also a chance for the sector to know about Disney Interstellar Inc.--a necessary evil in her opinion--and hopefully a chance to attract new clients. She looked up at her escort and grinned. She didn't trust Starfleet Security and such, Disney Inc. had their own security force. "Tomar, please remain outside. I don't want to make anyone inside uncomfortable."

The man simply nodded. "Yes, Ms. Jamison."

Leah made her way into the restaurant.

Serena smiled at the woman who entered. She matched the picture Caroline Post had showed her earlier, and for whom she'd been waiting. "Ms. Jamison, if you'll follow me, I'll show you to your table. Miss Post requested a table on the second floor, since it's generally quieter there and you can hear yourselves think."

She led the way to the curving staircase and then continued, "Welcome to Vanguard, by the way. It's very exciting to hear a little of the many plans Disney has for the future." As she ascended the steps with the businesswoman next to her, Serena noticed that the woman observed everything about the restaurant. Though they were just past the peak of the mid-day crowd, there were still plenty of customers, and the 3-piece combo known as The Cymbidiums was playing a variety of smooth jazz hits from the 1990 era. Since the staircase circled around half the restaurant before coming out onto the loft area, most of the restaurant was visible at one point or another.

"Here you are," Serena said, pulling out a chair across from Miss Post, who stood to great her guest. "Enjoy your meal. I'm sure Miss Lantz will stop by at some point. She was very active in helping establish Tivoli Gardens, and she always takes an interest in the businesses there." With another smile, she left them.

Caroline offered her hand to Leah Jamison and then they both sat down. "Thank you so much for meeting me today. Anything you order here will be wonderful. Their chef is as good as any you'd find in Paris on Earth. I can highly recommend the Spinach and Cheese Ravioli. Normally it's only on the dinner menu, but Jade and Marin agreed to making it for us, should you decide to try it now. It isn't replicated, and the seasonings are so ... well, so Italian, I guess!" She laughed. "Otherwise, the luncheon menu is sandwiches. However, I must tell you that sandwich is a complete misnomer for what arrives, and you will never leave the table still hungry."

As she talked about food, Caroline evaluated the woman seated across from her. Physically, she looked the part of big business CEO, even though she was a little young to be at the top of a company the size of Disney in this quadrant. Her jaw was firm and determined, even as she smiled, and her eyes were lively and showed interest in everything around her. The reporter thought she could be hard when she needed to be, but the steel would always be gloved in velvet.

"Or you could always be daring and go with the lunch of the day," the reporter added.

Leah smiled--while she had heard of Caroline Post, she wasn't overly familiar with her. "Sure, let's try the Spinach and Cheese Ravioli," she said, never having been a fan of sandwiches.

After sending their order to the kitchen, Caroline turned to the interview. "While we wait, let me get to know you a little," she said. "Do you mind my recording this? It helps me be sure I have quoted people exactly. Afterward, I'll delete the interview from my database."

Leah nodded. "Of course."

"Let's start at the beginning, then. Did you begin your career with Disney?" Of course, any good reporter would have read the Disney-produced public profile, but starting on familiar ground was a way to relax an interviewee and lead into tougher questions. If there were tougher questions to ask. Caroline felt she might like this woman, if she got to know her, but right now, it was all about the job.

"No, my first job out of Harvard Business School was with the Federation News Service in their marketing department," Leah stated, clasping her hands together on the table.

"Interesting!" Caroline exclaimed. "So you went from marketing news to marketing entertainment. Was that one huge leap, or were there steps along the way?"

"It actually wasn't that hard for me to transition--all business marketing follows the basic steps. Though I learned a hard lesson with my second assignment with Disney when I was sent to negotiate with a Ferengi business near the Orion Sector. "

"The Ferengi are interesting, and somewhat misunderstood by Starfleet, I think. I'd be interested in hearing about that assignment and what you learned," Caroline said. In her experience, the Ferengi were a very tricky race, very sly in some areas, seemingly completely stupid in others. She still didn't have a good idea about what motivated them ... other than profit, of course. Even so, they made that such a public motivation ... what if there were something else? A motivation they kept private from outsiders ... maybe even from themselves?

Leah was a bit lost for words and instantly regretted mentioning the Ferengi incident. "Well...the business meeting was on Ferenginar...and well...first off they wouldn't meet with me unless...I was nude, citing it was Ferengi custom with females. As Disney Interstellar needed the business deal, I showed up...and was able to get the deal done but at a rate that favored the Ferengi more than myself. After that, I changed my tone and became more aggressive in my dealings, not wanting to be humiliated like that again."

"Oh, my," Caroline said, knowing she'd have to think seriously about whether she would pursue a story that required her appearing nude to get it. "That's not at all what I expected! I can see that it's still an embarrassing memory, so give me something else, and I'll leave that particular story out of the interview, if you'd prefer."

Leah smiled. "Thank you. However, my most notable accomplishment was when I bartered a trade deal between Disney Interstellar and the Breen Confederacy. I don't think I've ever dealt with such hostile and impatient people in my life--save for Klingons," she chuckled.

"Really?" Caroline pushed her empty plate aside and leaned forward. "Now the Breen are even more interesting and mysterious than the Ferengi! Did you ever see one without its helmet?"

Leah took a sip of her drink and shook her head. "Unfortunately not. I sometimes think they're born in those damned suits. It makes it impossible to read what they're thinking. Would hate to play Poker with them," Leah joked.

Caroline laughed. "I'd hate to play it with anyone! So ... is there a Breen Disney Park coming? Sort of boggles the mind to think so, especially when they were on the Dominion side of the last war, that they destroyed half of San Francisco ... well, imagining them running around having fun with little helmeted Breen children in an amusement park ... like I said, it boggles the mind."

Leah laughed at the image. "No, there's no plans for a Breen Disney park. It was offered, but all they were interested in were resources." Leah was no fan of the Breen or Dominion, or even those sorry bastards, the Cardassians but business and profit knew no hatred. Business was just that--business.

"Ah, too bad. I sort of liked that vision of little Breens having fun," Caroline smiled. "It sounds like you've been in the middle of a lot of things for the corporation. One more question. What's the thing in which you take the most pride, of all you've done for Disney?"

"That's easy," Leah grinned. "Being named CEO of Disney Interstellar for this sector. Here, I can really make an impact and expand Disney Interstellar's influence."

"Would you care to give our audience a sneak peek at what some of those plans look like?" Caroline shot back quickly, curious herself to see what the woman wanted to accomplish.

Normally, Disney Interstellar was tight lipped about these sorts of things, to keep competitors guessing and on edge. "Well, for one I plan to increase trade with new species. Disney Interstellar will soon dispatch two freighters full of relief supplies to the Emorites and Caliburnites, free of charge to encourage peace between those two species," Leah replied.

"Wow, that's great! I was expecting something completely different, but it sounds like Disney may be getting into goodwill missions, if not politics. Do you see yourself having a diplomatic role at all?"

Leah smiled. "I do. Having a hand in developing relations with new and established species can only benefit Disney Interstellar. Who knows? Maybe one day I will end up as a member on the Federation Council...or even President of the Federation," she joked but there was a hint of seriousness to her voice.

"From Disney to the Federation Council ... not an impossible leap, given your past history," Caroline said, reaching to shut off her recorder. "Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule for lunch and the interview. I've enjoyed getting to know something about you. I hope I'll see you in more social situations around the base. We civilians have quite a community on the base. Have you found a home yet, or are you still in visitors quarters?"

Leah nodded. "I have. I recently moved into a two story loft that offers a wonderful view of the Gardens and Disney Interstellar Tower. Those guest quarters, while nice in it's own way, are just too spartan and Starfleet for my tastes."

"Excellent. I'm looking at an apartment myself. It's a whole different Vanguard down there and, as I said, we're a social group. In fact, there's a group of us getting together next week for a private advance screening of "A Thousand Ways to Die". I'd love to have you join us. By then, you'll probably know half the people in the group anyway." Caroline smiled as she stood and offered her hand. "I'll get in touch with you with more details later today."

"I would appreciate that," Leah smiled, standing and shaking the woman's hand before watching the journalist leave.


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Wed 15th Mar, 2017 @ 8:51am

You've brought to life an entirely new side to Star Trek! Amazing post!