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Risks and Threats

Posted on Wed 22nd Feb, 2017 @ 10:52am by Lieutenant Sianna Dal & Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar & Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels

1,931 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Sianna Dal's Office
Timeline: Three hours after the Sr. Staff Meeting

There were a dozen PADDs neatly laid out on the desk in front of Sianna Dal. There was also a stack of blank ones to her side, a permanent reminder of the issues that had yet to be taken care of, decided upon or even thought of. The diplomat closed her eyes for a moment, steadying the cadence of her breathing, before selecting one of the PADDs, the third one on the left, and handing it to the portly man standing before her.

"I've marked out the press zones and attached the list of registered reporters that will need accreditation. Standard protocol for those that haven't registered for a press pass." It was not an order, Sianna Dal did not issue orders, especially not to the man seated across from her, "I've laid out recommendations for camera positions, but the ultimate decision is yours, make any adjustments you feel necessary."

Vasily Sokolov didn't so much as glance at the PADD, holding it in his hands, clasped over the portly belly that stretched the seams of his uniform. Sianna knew that he'd handle the issues by himself and deliver a report in the end, neatly and politely outlining every alteration made, otherwise harsh criticisms bound up in suggestions and advice and opinions and the occasional anecdote.

There was ... something in the public relations officer's brown eyes that Sianna Dal couldn't identify as he asked, "Should I consult with security about the accreditations?"

A shake of the head, reinforcing the diplomat's following statement, "No. I'll handle it, I have a meeting with Security in a minute."

With a polite excuse, the older officer departed, leaving the Orion to stare at the closed doors of her officer for a moment. With a sigh, the diplomat concluded that today wasn't the day she'd figure out what made her own PR officer tick - the old man seemed to be content to treat his duties like some amusing hobby, something to entertain him while he waited out his final few years until retirement. And then he'd say something or point some opportunity out or even just look at the diplomat he'd seemed to take under his wing and Sianna Dal would be struck by the resemblance to the Orion crime lords on Botchok, the ruthless schemers who'd turn up their noses if a party didn't end with an assassination and two ruined reputations.

The diplomat rubbed her eyes for a moment, resisting the urge to demand 'next', choosing instead a simple, "Come in." when the monitors alerted her of someone approaching her office.

The door slid aside, and Kellian entered the Diplomatic Officer's office with Lt. Cmdr. Jekkar. "Hello, Lt. Dal." He took in the decor of rich, deep blue that dominated the room and glanced at the pieces of decorative abstract statuary. Then he noted the impressive number of PADDS on her desk before settling his gaze on the Orion officer. Clearly, Dal was as buried in work as he--not surprising, Kellian thought, given their suddenly busy work week. Despite the profusion of PADDs, her desk did not look cluttered.

"Allow me to introduce to you Lt. Commander Solan Jekkar, our new Chief of Security. Commander Jekkar, this is Lt. Sianna Dal, our Chief Diplomatic Officer."

The Andorian nodded. "Hello Lieutenant."

"A pleasure." The return nod was just a hair shallower than the Andorian's, "I look forward to working with you."

He handed Sianna a PADD. "I've started work on assessing for threats and risks to security, based on the information Col. Drake gave at the meeting and what I've been able to learn since then. I see this Emorite dissident group that Col. Drake mentioned does not play around."

After a few moments, the PADD was placed next to the stack of blanks, to wait until Sianna had time to give it the attention required, "Some precautions are already in place while others are being assembled as we speak."

The holographic display bloomed into life above the desk. For all that it was impractical, the diplomat preferred the dazzle and flash of holographic interfaces over physical ones - they tended to be far more impressive and elaborate than the assembly of multi-coloured buttons Starfleet seemed to consider an interface. That it allowed more complex information to be simultaneously presented to multiple people was the chief reason no-one had insisted Sianna use the standard interface.

The starbase's shape was easily recognized, even if only the upper levels were on display, even if they were a mass of colours overlaid over individual sections of the base's structure.

With a regal sweep of the hand towards the colourful display between her and the security officer, Sianna added, "I have made an outline of access zones for the duration of the events, and I have people assembling lists of individuals that need to be granted access to various zones. Civilian personnel, journalists, the usual. Starfleet, as always, would have full access."

Kellian made brief notes on his PADD and studied the holographic display. "This looks good. I think we can control access pretty well with this arrangement, since so much of it is self-contained in the decks reserved for diplomatic functions. I'm concerned about the tram and the turbolifts, though, and if any of the diplomatic personnel should venture into the Promenade, that will pose problems. Security is understaffed right now, and we'll likely need to pull in Marine assistance. I'm still awaiting the arrival of the advance security teams from the delegations. They're likely to notice things I might be missing, since they're more familiar with their people's needs than I am. As for everything else...I'd like to have some covert staff monitoring the docking bays and the crowds, if possible."

"I've found that the appearance of security is far more likely to deter malefactors than any other security measure." Sianna Dal tapped her stylus against her chin, giving an appearance of contemplation, "If I may propose, an increased presence of visible security personnel would be far more valuable than any number of subtler systems. Might a few check-points at zone access points be an option?"

"Certainly," Kellian said. "I'd rather eliminate outside threats before they can get to the meeting rooms. So check-points here, here, and here?" he proposed, pointing to various places on the display with his stylus. "As for there being a visible security presence...That works for law-aiding people, which most are. It does not work for terrorists. Security staff are likely to be targets if the dissidents show up. But that's part of our jobs; we just have to do our best not to be stupid."

The Andorian studied what was being proposed. "I'd recommend that we also assign a few Security Officers in plain Clothes with Concealed Weapons, have them dispersed amongst the Crowd."

Solan also made note of checkpoints. "If we pull a few strings we could also get staff seconded to us from Tactical and Strategic Operations, the Marines aren't trained for Crowd Control so we use them for Checkpoints and Secondary positions."

Security matters were not a field Sianna Dal was particularly familiar with, her background prevent it, but deception ... that she knew well, "There is another option." the Orion started slowly, gesturing at the holographic display, "There are holo-projectors in numerous sections of the station and we are dealing with an isolated culture, one that lacks experience with our technologies and doctrines. We can give an appearance of strength disproportionate to our actual capabilities by making use of holographics. The projections need not be complex ... security officers standing guard or making a single organic officer appear like a squad."

The Andorian Commander let a wry smile spread across his face. "Creative.....I like it." He looked towards the pair. "How long will it take to get the Projectors ready and adapted for use by us?" Solan then paused for a moment.

Kellian thought about that. "With respect, I'm not fond of the idea, sir. It will not hold up to close scrutiny, and if any sort of emergency happens, the deception will become obvious when the holo-projected personnel don't react." He glanced at Sianna. "Or can the projections be programmed to handle emergencies appropriately, similar to the way an EMH would?"

"That's a big ask." Solan said as he pondered it for a second. "I'm no expert on Hologram Technology but it's a tricky thing to give one Hologram autonomy let alone several." The Commander then input something into the interface. "What if we use a combination of both? We assign Holograms to less essential sections of our Checkpoints and Secondary areas." Solan pulled up a schematic of the Station. "We use live bodies for the more habitable and social sections."

"The viability of autonomous holograms is a question best left to engineers." and having to deal with the holographic rights advocates would be a headache Sianna didn't need, "The diplomatic detachment has, in the past, made extensive use of the holo-projection systems. Our usage was not as long-term or as complex as what is presently being proposed, but it is not far removed. There were also several projections of humanoid figures with a limited range of motion - for promotional purposes."

Solan nodded. "At least we have options."

"I think we could use holo-projected Security staff with LROM as long as the diplomats know they are there only for show. That way, there's no breach of trust. I think supplementing them with covert embedded personnel and your proposed placement of holo and live staff would make the most sense and would make more elaborate holograms unnecessary," Kellian said to them both.

"We cannot discount the possibility that these ..." the diplomat paused, searching for the proper term, "malcontents have informants or operatives within the delegations. Informing them of our security arrangements could be counterproductive to actually securing the talks."

"Mm...Good point," Kellian said with a wry look. He did not want to risk anyone's safety by being more forthcoming to the delegates than was warranted.

"From my experience it's a fatal mistake." Solan said. "We could ponder every eventuality until Stars Collapse and Galaxies collapse, we'd have more than we can handle." The Commander knew that the Diplomat made sense. "If we get a full list of those in attendance and their delegations we could cross reference them to terrorist groups and dissident organisations."

With a single finger the diplomat pushed one of the PADDs arranged on her desk forward, until it was halfway off the table, kept from falling only by the Orion's finger, "A full list of dignitaries and members of the delegations. These are only the relevant individuals who require access to restricted sections." A shrug, little more than a lifting of the shoulders, "Individuals not expected to have access to the discussions or simple visitors are not listed, of course."

Solan nodded. "At least it's a start."

Kellian glanced at Sianna. "Have you received word yet as to when the delegations' security people will arrive for the advance survey?"

"That information did not reach my department, I'm afraid." though the diplomat made a mental note to chew someone out for that particular omission, before she continued, "Though that does raise the question on what the extent of their autonomy will be ... and how many weapons we would allow them to bring with them. While we cannot leave them unarmed, each weapon we allow them to bring is one that our troublemakers could use. The risk of plants and infiltrators among them is one we have already established, after all."


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Sun 26th Feb, 2017 @ 9:49am

A brilliant post - really highlights the stress and pressure everyone is under at the moment!