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Opportunities abound

Posted on Wed 22nd Feb, 2017 @ 11:47pm by Commander Zachary Hunt

700 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Disney Inc. Central Office; Deck 1553

Leah had spent her few hours of time aboard the station, looking over profit/loss margins that was currently displayed on her monitor behind a large, yet beautifully crafted oak desk. She also heard from her sources within the Federation News Service that a diplomatic envoy was enroute to the station consisting of peace talks between the Emorites and the Caliburnites.

She switched her monitor to what information there was regarding the two species. 'Hmmm, nearly identical species?' she wondered. That made things easier marketing-wise. She also saw that they had done very little business outside of Starfleet. To her, that was a gold-pressed platinum mine! Disney Inc. could offer services and goods that Starfleet could not and most certainly were not bound to Starfleet's near useless rules and regulations.

Her fingers drummed on her desk as she thought about the incoming delegation. She would have to make sure to schedule a meeting with each representative. Being new aboard the station, she decided it would be best to play by the book--at least for now. Her finger went to the intercom button and hovered over it. Normally she hated dealing with Starfleet, allowing an assistant to act on her behalf--always so by the book with their stupid rules and regulations. If Disney Inc. or rather more the the point, herself had acted in that way, she wouldn't have lasted a month in business. "Computer, connect me with Starbase Operations."

The computer chirped in response as it made the connection.

Hunt was having one of his busiest days on board Vanguard. Most of the Operations were scarce with crew due to the incoming delegation and everything being prepared. Hunt was in Main Operations to quickly check something, when the computer made a connection with someone via comms. He couldn't see who it was for some reason, "Commander Hunt speaking."

Jamison was irritated at not getting visual. Sighing, she ignored it and began speaking. "Ah, Commander Hunt. This is Leah Jamison, the new CEO of Disney Interstellar Inc. aboard Starbase Vanguard. I understand there is a delegation coming to the station. Am I correct?"

"Hello! I do have someone trying to work on the visuals so I hopefully will be able to put a face to the voice! But yes, you are correct."

Sighing, Leah typed in several commands on a keypad on her desk, as she rerouted the signal to a higher band frequency. A moment later, the viewscreen distorted some before clearing up. "Ah! There we are, finally. My, aren't you a handsome one," Jamison said, smiling. "Anyhow, as I stated, I am Leah Jamison, the new CEO of Disney Interstellar Inc., and I would humbly request an audience with the representatives of the delegation."

Hunt smiled, "Thanks for the compliment, we can save that for another time." He winked and continued, "It's nice to speak to you Leah... Question, why would the CEO of Disney Interstellar Inc require an audience with those representatives?"

"Why, to offer our services of course," Leah smiled in returned, adding innocence to her voice. "Disney Interstellar is very well connected and may even be able to persuade the Emorites and the Caliburnites to come to terms."

Hunt wasn't fooling for the fake charm, "You know it's very unlikely to happen right?" He paused. "I tell you what, if I make a request to the Chief Diplomatic Officer, or even set a meeting between the three of us to discuss...and only for a discussion for the time being about this, then..." He paused again. "You will have to accompany me to dinner." He let out another smile.

Leah was now intrigued by this Commander Hunt. There was more to him than she thought. Using a situation to his personal advantage. She liked him. "Very well, Commander. It is a deal, then," she smiled.

"Perfect, I will arrange the meeting and send you the details of when and where. And then, you can have the more important details of the meal," He winked again and smiled, showing his natural charm.

Continuing her smile, Leah nodded, as her mind already started working around possible obstacles at the upcoming meeting. "Thank you, commander. Leah Jamison, out."


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