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Meeting Intel

Posted on Tue 18th Apr, 2017 @ 11:17am by Lieutenant Coco Kiralbi & Lieutenant Adam Keller

1,323 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Deck 15: Chief Intel Officer's Office


Adam dropped his bags onto the bed in his assigned quarters. It was nice that the intel division on the station was relatively small and because of that, he was able to procure private quarters even though he was not considered senior staff.

The station had been derelict for some time and many levels and quarters were still in disarray some even uninhabitable but his quarters were clean and freshly painted. He'd been given family quarters which meant he had two sleeping rooms, a small kitchenette, a common room for leisure, and a private shower and bath. He was curious as to why the bigger quarters but wasn't going to question it. He liked the space and for now he could use the second sleep area for his meditations.

He'd been given a PADD with orders to report to the Chief of Intel at 0700 hours which gave him most of the night to get unpacked, find his way around the promenade, and get a good night's sleep after the shuttle ride to the station. After a good night's rest and a surprisingly long hot shower, Adam stood outside the Chief of Intel's office, PADD in hand. After chiming to announce his presence, he quickly smoothed down his uniform and walked inside.

Looking around he noted a few things, most obvious was that the Chief of Intel wasn't there. "Hmm," He murmured to himself as he casually checked out the desks and computer systems set up in the corner. Very high tech. It looked like whoever was here before paid special attention to their Intel department. The equipment was older but still top of the line for its time and still considered with high regard. Still as he looked around, he wondered where the Chief of Intel was. Wouldn't be professional to call a meeting and not be here. He chimed the inner office door once again. Perhaps the man was otherwise engaged and needed a moment.

Coco Kiralbi had been under so much stress of late. She had met Elas Hizik, the Chief Intelligence Officer only on a handful occasions. There was something that was off about him, and suddenly last week she had received communications to say he had left the Starbase. Barely anyone had ever spoken to him, let alone seen him. It was all a bit odd. Still, it just meant her job got even harder. She was working more and more hours, and getting little reward from it. She had a really nice date with Commander Hunt weeks and weeks ago, and since then she's been so bogged down with work, her social life was no more. Maybe when they had recruited a new Chief, she would get back into that life. She seemed to be spend a lot of her time running between Main Operations and the Chief's office, flitting between the two places as she tried to work both jobs at once.

On this particular day, she was en route to the Chief Intelligence Officer's Office. It was her second home of late, although not officially her office, she used it anyhow, knowing it was empty for the time being. She was bogged down in her own thoughts and the PADD that was in front of her, always working, never stopping. Suddenly, the thoughts and the PADD disappeared as she bumped into a figure who had been standing outside the office. Coco didn't fall to the ground in a bumbling mess, but tried to look gracious as she stumbled back from the man she walked straight into. "M-my, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there!" She stumbled her words out. "I do apologize, I was in my own world."
She glanced up looking at the man in front of there, who seemed to have one of the loveliest smiles she had ever seen. He didn't just have a lovely smile, this man was gorgeous.

"I'm sorry. I should have announced myself when you walked in." Adam smiled at the woman. "I wanted to introduce myself to the Chief and I was supposed to meet him here about five minutes ago." The woman was beautiful and had a warm smile. He immediately liked her.

As the man replied to her, a sense of realization swept Coco, "You're Adam Keller." She had a beaming smile, which suddenly shot to her shaking her head, "I mean, Lieutenant Adam Keller! I've been expecting you, just so much ends up on my list to do, I completely forget what day of the week it is to be honest!"

He was smiling when he told her that everything was fine. "I've had days like that myself." He nodded and still grinning added. "More than I care to count actually. And yes, I'm Lieutenant Adam Keller, reporting in for duty." He offered his hand. "Are you the Chief?"

"No, oh God no!" Coco replied, "Assistant Chief. The boss left a week ago for unexplained reasons, so I'm effectively running the place whilst they get someone else in! Hence meaning two jobs at once and double the work load," She let out a smile, her dimple edging into her face to show how beautiful that smile was. "Have you been informed to meet the Chief then? Bloody morons running the place! They never know what's going on!"

Adam gave a little chuckle. "I hope you don't mean the Command Staff. I was under the impression they were quite a strong team." He held out his PADD. "I guess I should give you this then?" He asked as he tried to hand it off to her. "And are you the one that I can thank for the large quarters?"

Coco frowned back in a sarcastic manner, "NOO, the command staff?! Of course not, they're fantastic! Nah on a serious note though, they're all good in their individual ways, but as a team, they're a bunch of clowns! Just make sure you don't tell anyone I said that," She let out a wink towards Adam, taking the PADD from him, "You can indeed thank me, I like my staff well rested for the day ahead, and what better way to do that by having your own space. I suppose lucky there is no one officially in charge of this department, because those quarters might be a lot smaller! How long have you been on the station for?"

"I came aboard about a week ago. Gave me a chance to look around before my orders went into effect." He smiled. "I'm at least able to find my way around now." He looked around. "So things seem a little quiet here. Care to give me the tour and show me my duties? I'm sure you've got questions for me as well."

"Found anything nice aboard? Apparently there's a lot to do, I just don't get the time for it," She pondered that thought. "You know what, I think I might have time to be able to give you the tour of the department and maybe a drink after? I like to get to know the people in my department on a personal note also. Means we work as a more effective team."

"I'd like that." He smiled. "The Orchids and Jazz lounge is really a great place. So much more personable than the staff lounge on the Promenade.
But please show me the office and my duties."

"Oh yeah, of course the tour first. If I'm honest with you, by the time the tour is over something will probably come up which will mean I get preoccupied! The tour is a fairly quick one as it's a fairly small department."

"That will be fine too Lieutenant." Adam grinned. "If I'm to complete my duties, I'll need to know everything about the department."

Coco smiled at Adam and started the tour of the department, showing the ins and outs of everything he could possibly need to know.



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Comments (3)

By on Wed 19th Apr, 2017 @ 2:31am

Great interaction! Definitely busy, but hope to see you at the jazz club soon!

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Fri 21st Apr, 2017 @ 9:39am

Why have I got an image in my mind of the doors to a Main Ops turbolift parting to reveal the Command Staff, dressed as clowns, juggling, riding around on unicycles?! Haha!

By Commander Zachary Hunt on Sat 22nd Apr, 2017 @ 8:29pm

I can see what I can arrange in terms of that trip! My characters seem to spend a lot of time eating and drinking haha!

Love the image Jamie!