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'The Spy' Flashback

Posted on Wed 19th Apr, 2017 @ 4:27pm by Commander Zachary Hunt & Colonel Horatio Drake

562 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Timeline: Before Hunt came onto Vanguard


Rear-Admiral Jonathan Drake
Starfleet Sector Command


Lieutenant Zachary Hunt


"Lieutenant Hunt, thank you for coming. How was your journey?" Rear-Admiral Drake smiled a small smile, his hands neatly folded on his stomach and he sat upright in his chair behind his large glass desk.

"My journey was all good thanks, Admiral," Hunt wasn't sure why he had been called to see Rear-Admiral Drake, but had a slight excitement about it.

"I'll get straight to the point, Lieutenant. Tell me, why have you requested a transfer to Starbase Vanguard?" He remained perfectly still, without expression.

"I did a lot of research into everything, and Vanguard stood out for me. It was something that essentially needs rebuilding and something that I would like to work on. I know that it's a Marine facility, but that just makes it even more of a challenge for me," He replied.

"What do you know about your new Commanding Officer?" He questioned him, feeling like he was back in Starfleet Security.

"Very little to be honest. I know brief details of his history but nothing quite in depth."

"What details?" He refrained from snapping the question out and made an effort to lighten the tone of his voice.

"Well I was informed of the more recent history and the tragic loss of his partner leading to him being put on extended leave and now being given a starbase for command. Before that he seemingly jumped through promotions, pretty quickly for his age as well," He replied quickly and briefly to the Admiral.

Drake smiled - a smile that was barely noticeable, a smile that could mean any of a hundred different things, a smile that had motive behind it.

"Lieutenant where do you see your Starfleet career taking you?" Drake disregarded the answer to his last question.

"As high up as I can possibly get to be honest with you Admiral," He replied.

"I see" He unfolded his hands and placed them on the desk. "Colonel Drake, is my brother's son, as I'm sure you're aware." He intentionally avoided saying nephew to try and remain detached. "He's had a difficult time recently and we're all worried about his well-being. The impact that Patrick's death had on him was far beyond what was expected. His, opinions, of things seem to have shifted and I'm not sure what that means, long-term."

He paused for a moment, as if assessing Hunt, without breaking eye contact.

"Lieutenant, I want you to monitor Colonel Drake's activities and decisions and report everything of significance directly back to me."

Hunt weighed this whole situation up, if he refused then that would surely mean his career. If he went along with it then for the long term he would be sorted. Something bugged him about it, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. "Is this something from yourself Admiral, or Starfleet?" The question was an instant regret.

"Does it matter?" He almost spat his reply - he would have preferred dealing with a more senior officer, but it would appear that they almost filling Vanguard with cadets.

"No, I guess not Admiral."

"You'll encrypt your messages and use this subspace frequency" He slid a PADD across the desk. "Naturally you'll tell no one of this. Do you have any questions?"

Hunt looked at him, taking the PADD, "No questions Admiral."



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