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Is it Fate?

Posted on Mon 19th Sep, 2016 @ 5:44pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Adam Keller
Edited on on Tue 20th Sep, 2016 @ 6:33pm

1,362 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Prologue
Location: SB 127
Timeline: Current

[SB 127 Promenade]
Every Starbase promenade was a little different. Each was set up to imitate a natural environment and shopping experience. This was no different on that count. This Promenade was unique however. It was set up to look like a town square from an ancient time on earth, the shops lined cobblestone paths that spiraled around a large circular atrium filled with trees and flowers. Some of the trees towered the full six levels while others were merely small saplings a foot above the ground. This atrium served as the bases arboretum and many followed the small winding paths that weaved through the trees and flowers connecting all sections of the Promenade. There were benches on different levels and at different positions in front of the shops so that those who wished could sit and enjoy the view or just relax during their visit. Jacs was glad for this.

There were two long agonizing hours before the shuttle left for Vanguard Starbase and Jacs couldn't hide in quarters any longer nor could she board the shuttle yet. She figured a quick walk along the promenade and she could get a bite to eat and maybe find a book to entertain her for a little while. How crowded could it be? She had her answer now. More than ten or twelve people might as well have been an entire battalion. As a xenophobe, Jacs tried to avoid crowds and today the promenade was bustling. She found herself frozen in the middle of level 4 unable to turn away from the view of the atrium in front of her. She could feel her body trmble slightly as she tried to force herself to move away and continue with her errands. It would have been fine if there were only a few people. Her phobia usually wasn't this bad.

Forcing herself, she took a deep breath, put her head down until she could see her feet and took her first step away from the atrium. If she could retrace her steps back toward the more deserted corridors, she would be fine.

[Maison d'etre Bistro SB 127]

Adam sucked down the amber liquid in the two ounce glass and then turned the glass on end before slamming it on the table in front of him. He grinned as he picked up an identical glass and repeated the gesture before standing. He'd miss this little bistro. It had become his second home here on the star base. The servers were friendly and nice to look at, the food was home cooked and pretty tasty. It was the only place he could find that wasn't a bustling hot spot. He never understood why more people, especially humans didn't prefer food made with real organics over replicated. There was just something about the unique flavor of a real steak cooked over an open pit that out shined that of a replicated one. Yes, you paid a little more here but it was worth it.

The bistro itself was quaint and homey sort of a shabby chic lit only by beeswax candles on each table and filtered light from the LED panels on the walls. The music was kept light and relaxing, a mixture of Bohemian and French folk. Yes, he would miss this place for sure. The shuttle he was to take to his new station was scheduled to leave in just under two hours and Adam figured one last drink for the 'road' and he would be relaxed enough to begin the three day journey to ...VanGuard. He couldn't seem to get the feeling that he'd heard about Vanguard from somewhere before out of his thoughts.

"Dolan, it was a good run. I'll miss you my friend." He smiled at the Bolian behind the bar.

"We're going to miss your visits my friend." Dolan continued to clean the glasses with the white cloth in his hand. "I looked forward to our daily chats."

"You're going to miss my tab." Adam laughed. He gave a hand shake to the bartender and a weak salute to the staff as he grabbed his jacket to leave.

Adam hurried around the downward spiral of the promenade. He had left his bags in what was his room and figured he would get an early seat. He wanted to retrieve his bags and head to the docking pier. The shuttle would have only a few sleeping quarters and he wanted to make sure he got one. Nothing was more uncomfortable than trying to sleep in the seat of a shuttle on a deep space transfer.

He couldn't have been paying attention or he would have seen the young woman hurtling toward him with her eyes down. Before either of them saw what was about to happen, Jasmine had walked into what she thought was a wall only to be forced backward to land on her rump on the floor.

"Oh, so sorry." Adam was mortified he'd knocked into the woman. "Here let me help you." He reached down to assist her and saw the look of panic in her eyes. "Hey, hey. I'm not gonna hurt you. I didn't mean to ...."

Jasmine could tell the man meant no harm. "It's okay." She shook her head. "It's a panic attack." She tried to explain. "I don't do crowds very well." She accepted his hand and rose to her feet. "I just need to get out of here. It's too much."

"Okay, let me walk with you." He shrugged, "at least until we're clear of the crowds."

Jasmine didn't speak again, she merely nodded in agreement. The man had been like a knight in shining armor and he looked the part too. She walked next to the man and shielded herself from the crowds walking by.

"I didn't catch your name." he looked over at her. She was cute, beautiful actually and he didn't want to spook her.

"Jacs...erm, I mean Jasmine. My family and friends call me Jacs."

"Jasmine. It's a pretty name. Why do they call you Jacs?"

"Oh," She pushed her glasses up with her fingers as she spoke. She hadn't noticed they were out of position until now. It made her blush. "J-Jasmine Alexandra Collins...J-A-C, Jacs." She shrugged. "It started when I was little so I've grown to accept it."

"Jacs fits." He grinned. "It's you." He stopped and turned to face her. "You're away from the crowd now. You go that way to the residence area and that way to ship berthing." He pointed down an empty corridor. "I need to head to my quarters. It was nice to meet you."

"You too." Jacs smiled. She turned to head down the corridor toward ship berthing and then turned back. "I didn't get yours."

"My....?" Adam inclined his head in curiosity. "Oh, my name...Adam Keller." He'd blocked the psionic messages he'd been getting from the woman so as not to intrude but he could tell that she was feeling more confident than she had been. "Nice to meet you beautiful." It was too bad he was leaving the station in a little while. He'd sure like to get to know more about her.

[Runabout Syracuse]

Adam felt her presence before he stepped inside. It brought a smile to his face and even he was surprised by that. But he was glad in the knowledge that the woman was going to the same place he was. Perhaps Star base Vanguard wouldn't be so bad after all.

Jacs saw the man sitting there and deliberately pretended not to see him. She took a seat behind him and couldn't help but feel heat in her face as she quickly dove into her book. She didn't want to make eye contact with anyone. The doctor had given her something to relax her for the trip and she'd be sleepy soon. Perhaps she could avoid all contact with others for the next three days.

Why were her thoughts drifting to the man in front of her? She smiled as she drifted into a medieval day dream of damsels in distress and Sir Adam Keller sitting upon a black steed.


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