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Posted on Mon 19th Sep, 2016 @ 5:12pm by Lieutenant David Anthony

312 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Prologue
Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Prologue

Lt Anthony hurries thru the corridors of SB Vanguard. He has only been on the base a few hours, but had spent that in finding his quarters.
He had been informed on his arrival that he was to meet with Commander Drake and LT Commander Hunt as soon as he was settled.

After asking questions from several different personnel, he finally found his quarters. After a quick check of his uniform, he heads towards the Commanders Ready Room.

As he travels the corridors, he notices that there are a lot of equipment and sections of the base that were not working properly. Some equipment wasn`t working properly, and some sections of the base seem to be low on power. He also noticed the lack of personnel to take care of the base. Lt Anthony silently hopes that his section is in better working condition.

A few more wrong turns, he finally arrives at the Commanders Ready Room. He tells the Ensign at the desk that the had an appointment with Commander Drake. He was informed that the commander was down in OPS, and that he was to meet the commander there. He quickly heads to OPS, and as he enters he sees 2 seemingly bored commanders, following a very enthusiastic Ensign, assumed to be an engineer telling them what is and what isn`t working on the base.

Lt Anthony moves closer to the group, then gives a polite cough. "Commander Drake?. I'm Lt Anthony. I was told to report to you as soon as I could."

Lt Anthony then stands back and follows as the engineer continues his tour. He knew he had lots of problems that would need to be corrected before this base would be ready. However he knew that eventually he would have plenty to keep him busy and to cause plenty of trouble to any base invaders.


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