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Posted on Tue 20th Sep, 2016 @ 4:21pm by Major Kyle Green

556 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Prologue
Location: Various
Timeline: Present


Its been too long. Looking forward to getting back into things. Kyle was glad that the Marine Corps reinstated him at the rank he left and had to get re-antiquated with rules and regulation of the Corps. I have also attented Starfleet command training, and I can command a starship, and the assignment I am headed too has one for me. The Defiant Class USS Rowan! I am excited to see her. I am heading back to the starbase I was the XO of for a while before I had to resign.


I have arrived and I am in my quarters and I have unpacked. It feels good to be back in uniform and I plan on seeing my station. I understand that I have an assistant a Second Lieutenant Lane, she is green out of the academy.

Operations Deck of the Starbase

Kyle took his station in operations and he saw that the starbase was massive and that security on the base would be perimount and would have to be carefully watched. He would need to meet with Lieutenant Lane as soon as possible. The security station was bigger then he expected to be. He was able to get reports all over the station and his security team was a good size and he was going to put them to work. The starbase was a good size and he needed to become familier with it, but also he needed to rely on his assistant, cause he commanded the USS Ronown a Defiant Class starship. There is an engineering officer assigned to the ship. I have to meet with him. Since it was in the middle of the day, Kyle went on a walk to the recreational area of the station. He liked the different areas and vendors. He needed to meet with the engineering officer assigned to his ship Ensign Sahr Th'kaviq, he had never meet an Andorian engineering officer. He injuried the computer of where she was and the computer indicated that she was onboard the Rownan.

He went to a turbolift and ordered to the docking yard and walked onto the Renown and made his way to the bridge. The Ensign was at the operations station at the front of the bridge.

Major Green asked, "Ensign Th'kaviq, I presume?"

Ensign Th'kaviq repiled, "Yes Major, I am she. What can I do for you?"

Major Green asked, "What is the status of the Renown?" He went to sit in the command chair.

Ensign Th'Kaviq answered, "The refit is almost complete and all systems are functional with the exception of warp drive."

That got the Major's attention and he answered, "What is the issue with the warp drive?"

Ensign Th'Kaviq repiled, "Well, the coils for the nacelles is cracked and needs to be replaced also the the manifold isn't aligned properly.

Major Kyle asked, "What can I do to expidate the repairs on the ship?"

Ensign Th'Kaviq answered, "I am not sure who you would need to speak to in regards to the warp drive. I will contact the Corps of Engineers."

Kyle then went to his quarters on the ship and set himself up with his things, just a few things for his quarters on the Renown to make himself comfortable.


Major Kyle Green
Chief of Security/Commanding Officer USS Renown


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