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Tinker, Tailor, Soldier... Counsellor

Posted on Thu 29th Sep, 2016 @ 7:54pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Colonel Horatio Drake
Edited on on Fri 14th Oct, 2016 @ 3:19am

1,079 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Cloak & Dagger
Location: Deck 122 - Turbolift from Shuttlebay 18
Timeline: Prologue

Drake had spent the last hour on deck one-two-two, carrying out inspections on the next ten shuttlebays due to reopen in the coming days. The bays themselves had an eery feeling to them. Rushed as they were getting off the station, many departments just downed tools and left when Vanguard was evacuated. It was a snap shot in time, a testament to how little had been used on the base for the past two decades. To the point where cups where still sitting on desks, the liquid long since gone, but the memories ever present. How many of those who had been taken from Vanguard had fallen in the war? How many thought they would be returning?

Presently Drake walked into the empty turbolift which had just arrived.

"Deck 27 - Officer's Quarters" he rubbed his face and allowed his back to rest against the bulkhead... this was only his second day on the station and already he felt like this job was insurmountable... why hadn't he pushed more to return to ships of the line? Hell... border patrols would have done him.

The turbolift stopped, and another passenger stepped inside. He was tallish, with black hair and eyes, wearing a uniform from the Sciences department. He glanced at the panel showing the lift's destination and apparently was headed to the same deck. He nodded at Drake and seemed prepared to ride in silence as the doors slid closed and the lift continued its ascent. Then the man's eyebrows rose as he caught sight of Drake's rank insignia. He blinked in surprise. "Good day, sir." He took his cue from Drake's slouch and did not immediately snap to attention. Instead he stood at-ease and glanced at the wall to give Drake some privacy if he wanted it.

"Lieutenant" Drake nodded at the officer, catching his rank before his face... before realising who, exactly, this particular officer was. As part of Drake's return to Starfleet, he had agreed to undergo counselling... they were worried his new outlook on things wasn't quite what an officer's should be. He had jumped through all the hoops, sat in all the sessions... only to be told he would have to undergo four more sessions with the new Counsellor on Vanguard, as a final check... this was that Counsellor.

"It's Graves, isn't it?" Drake asked, now standing up straight and pulling his tunic down. Was he even aware these sessions had been arranged?

At first, Paul surmised that Col. Drake--it had to be he, given his rank and age--had very much wanted to ride the turbolift alone, given the degree of irritation he was sensing. But no...there was resentment, even hostility, buried under the man's neutral greeting, and those emotions were directed specifically at him. Odd. Was it simply annoyance at suddenly having to be 'on show' as the CO of the base in the presence of a subordinate officer? Paul doubted it; that would be a common occurrence and more likely to have evoked resigned acceptance rather than the slow burn that Drake was putting out.

"Yes, it is, sir." Paul went to attention, now that Drake's fleeting moment of privacy was over. "I did not expect to meet you so soon; I only arrived an hour or so ago."

"It's surprising how, on such a large base, one can so easily bump into another." He smiled a cordial smile, decorum demanded it. "Tell me, what do you think of the station so far?"

Drake's emotions were dripping with sarcasm, Paul thought, though the man was keeping a polite enough tone. He clearly didn't believe they were meeting by chance. Betazoids were known for being extremely forthright among their own kind--some might even say tactless, but that did not extend to commentary about the unspoken feelings of people who weren't Betazoids. They had expectations of privacy, and a wise Betazoid respected that, even if he couldn't shut out the emotions. Paul kept those expectations in mind now.

"It's huge," Paul said. "I can't even imagine the task of commanding such a thing. It's essentially the size of a city. Once it's fully manned, it will be a very busy place. I've never been on a starbase this large."

Drake chuckled. "If I'm being honest, Lieutenant, I'm not entirely too sure what command of a base of this size has in store, either. I've spent most of my career on ships."

It dawned on him that Graves appeared to be a man of intelligence... whilst casual chit chat was pleasant enough, it wouldn't cut the mustard for too much longer with him. Presently the lift came to a stop, the doors hissed open, and the two walked out.

"I believe we have some sessions lined up together, at some point?" His tone remained cheerful but the smile now disappeared.

Oh, that was it, Paul thought. "You mean the follow-up grief counseling and the adjustment to a new command sessions? Four of them, right? Any time that's convenient for you, Colonel." Paul's dark eyes suddenly sparkled with mischief. "And don't tell me, 'Never.' My psychotherapist wouldn't let me get away with that one, either."

The directness of the Counsellor took Drake aback for a second or two. "Indeed... that's right, Counsellor... I'll certainly try and get the first one scheduled in as soon as I have some free time." He sickly smile returned, which said the exact opposite.

"We won't go into gory details, the first time," Paul assured Drake firmly. "I'll want to get a little better acquainted with you as a person, first, and you should get more comfortable with me before we talk about anything deeper."

"Quite so, Lieutenant". Drake always reverted to rank in times of uncomfortabless... it seemed to provide structure, and therefore comfort, to him.

Presently a corridor presented itself to the left, Drake noted that Graves intended straight. Was this my turning? It doesn't matter... I'm taking it.

"Well, it was a pleasure meeting you Mr. Graves! No doubt, I shall see you again soon!." He started peeling away to the left.

Paul let him, having no desire to make the man feel that he was more trapped than he already felt himself to be. "I shall look forward to it, Colonel. I'll keep some time free in my schedule to see you within the week. Soonest started, soonest over with, eh?" A little wiggle room, but not too much, Paul thought.


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Comments (2)

By Lieutenant Ricardo Shepard on Thu 13th Oct, 2016 @ 10:15pm

Greatly written friends!

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Fri 14th Oct, 2016 @ 3:28am

Thank you so much! It was a fun post to write. :)