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The Meet

Posted on Thu 29th Sep, 2016 @ 10:10pm by Commander Zachary Hunt & Colonel Horatio Drake

1,021 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Cloak & Dagger
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Prologue

Drake had been sitting at his desk for the past ten minutes, on eye on the cup of steaming coffee that sat in front of him and the other on Lieutenant Commander Hunt's personnel file, displayed on a PADD.

'Is that dust on the desk?' Drake thought to himself... how could there be dust on a hermetically sealed Starbase?

The Federation Civilian Defence Authority had left the base in a right state... systems were down across the board, entire work terminals had been disassembled and left and three quarters of the station had been shut down and cordoned off for the past twenty years. This was certainly going to be fun.

Meanwhile, Hunt started to make his way to meet Drake. He wasn't nervous, more apprehensive about how Drake would be with him. As he was walking, he was thinking about all the details he had read about him. He knew Drake was young for his position, but no doubt his Uncle had something to do with it, even if it was never mentioned. Now he's been put on Vanguard in charge after six month's compassionate leave.
'Six Months?!' The thought passed through Hunt's mind, 'He must be seriously screwed up on the inside' and with that thought he pressed the chime to the Captain's ready room.

The chime can as no surprise to him... over the next few weeks he knew he would have very little peace. He felt a twinge of envy towards those who were currently commanding starships. It was funny... despite starbases being infinitely more complex and a hundred times larger... Starbase CO's were always looked down upon by those commanding Starships. He could finally understand why... he felt, at this present moment, more of a manager than an officer in the Starfleet Marine Corps.

"Come in", his minded darted back to the present.

Hunt complied and walked into the ready room. He didn't know what to expect when he walked in, but the room was underwhelming. Hunt walked over to the desk Drake was sitting at. He seemed to be more engrossed in his mug of coffee rather than Hunt. If he thought the room was underwhelming, the appearance of Drake was more so. "Lieutenant Commander Zachary Hunt, Sir." Hunt stated

Drake stood and extended his hand, "Commander please, sit down" he smiled. "Can I get you a drink?" he said, heading for the replicator.

"Orange juice, cheers," Hunt responded, watching as Drake used the replicator.

He set about refilling what little coffee he had drunk and ordering the juice for Hunt. "Have you been on board long?"

"Long enough to see what sort of mess we are dealing with," Hunt raised a smile. "Yourself?"

"Only got here yesterday... I'm beginning to wish I hadn't!" He chuckled as he handed Hunt his drink and retook his place behind the desk, straightening his tunic.

"Tell me, what brought you to Vanguard?" He asked as he raised his coffee to his lips and blew on it slightly, hoping to cool the scorching liquid somewhat. Why did he always order it too hot?

Hunt drank some of his juice before answering, thinking about what he was going to say. He didn't want Drake to know the real reason why he was here, "Well I got told I was due for a promotion, thinking yay let's get myself on a decent ship." He paused. "Now here I am, on this base. I suppose it could be worse. Could it?" Hunt thought, before realising he actually said it aloud.

"What about yourself, Sir?" Hunt asked, composing himself.

Drake raised his eyebrows and paused. "I decided that after spending most of my careers on ships-of-the-line, it was time to try something a little different. With my last promotion came the opportunity to transfer to a different area... I heard about Starfleet's intention to create a Marine facility out here, so I put myself forward for it". He studied Hunt... what was he not telling him? Why was he acting the fool? Certainly not typical mannerisms for a Starfleet Officer. He broke his gaze after realising he had been drilling into his eyes slightly too long.

"I presume you've had a chance to bring yourself up to speed on the current operational condition of the base?", he raised his glass to his mouth and braved the steaming liquid.

"Yeah I managed to have a look around on the way in, but it's not looking good. When we get the main tour we will find out how bad it really is..." Hunt quipped as he drank more juice.

Something raged in Drake... his temper, once kept well in check, seemed to spiral out of control at the smallest of things these days. There was something about Hunt which didn't sit right... something about him that he didn't trust.

"Commander, I'll be honest with you... I don't know why Starfleet saw fit to post you here and I don't much care. This is a Marine base and it will be run as such. I expect you to display the same decorum, gravitas and discipline which is found in the Starfleet Marine Corps. If I had it my way, the entire command staff would be Marines... but, as it is, you are here now so you need to understand my expectations. Do I make myself clear, Commander?".

Hunt didn't stir as Drake lost his temper. He expected it at some point after all the briefings he had received, he just didn't expect it so soon.

"Crystal, Sir." He replied, finishing the last of his juice.

He knew that Drake had most probably clocked onto why he was there, but even still he had his duties to follow. He understood where Drake was coming from - why would Starfleet put Hunt in a Marine Corps facility? Why not get a marine to do the same job. It made no sense to Hunt, and he doubted it would for Drake to. He knew he would have to try and keep Drake sweet. 'Less jokes, more hard can that be...' Hunt thought.


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