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Just An Appetizer

Posted on Thu 29th Sep, 2016 @ 3:50am by Lieutenant Ricardo Shepard

1,268 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Cloak & Dagger
Location: Deck 600: Orchids & Jazz
Timeline: Late Afternoon

It was with great satisfaction that Jade observed her staff getting ready for the dinner hour rush - dinner for the Alpha shift, anyway. Although there were three shifts on the starbase, most businesses continued to schedule based on Alpha. Orchids & Jazz hours allowed for coffee and breakfast from 0600 to 0830 hours, accommodating both Gamma and Alpha shifts, as well as an Alpha shift lunch. The kitchen closed at 2400 hours, and the restaurant at 0200, so she felt she had something for everyone. It was tough to be everything to all people, and she didn't want to be open around the clock. Her staff needed rest, and so did she.

She lovingly wiped down the bar, an antique made of beautiful earth woods, polished to a high shine. In spite of being more than 300 years old, it didn't seem at all out of place with the seating she provided - stainless steel bar stools with dark leather seats and backs. As she rubbed the wood, she thought of all the friends who had sat at this bar, here or in other locations, over the years. She was wondering who would sit here and become a friend in this fifth, and she hoped final, location when footsteps coming toward her caught her attention.

Jade looked up to see a compact black man in a red uniform walking toward her. On his collar, she saw lieutenant's pips. Red ... Security? No, he didn't carry himself like a policeman. Some kind of command, he did have that bearing ... Tactical, maybe. She smiled at him, and said, "Welcome to Orchids & Jazz. What can I get for you?"

Rico walked through the bar entrance with his duffel bag in tow. As he entered the busy establishment, he found himself somehow amazed at the place. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he felt comfortable here.

As he gathered himself together, he walked toward the bar and found a beautiful woman working behind the bar. She asked him a question, but a first he couldn't answer because he found himself just staring at her. A moment later he came out of it and responded.

"Just a water, ma'am," Rico said as he sat at the bar directly in front of Jade.

Smiling, she said, "Not an order I hear around here very often, but I have the perfect clear, cold product just for you." In moments, a sparkling clear glass was on the bar in front of the officer. "From the bag you're carrying, I think you are new to Vanguard?" Jade leaned on the counter and prepared to hear a story.

Rico laughed as he took the water in hand to take a sip. "Is it that obvious that I have no clue where I am going here?"

"Well .... not too many people walk in here carrying their worldly possessions," she answered. "But it is a big place, a small city, really."

Always a good hostess, she reached under the counter and brought up a bowl of what her chef called trail mix. It had nuts, pretzel chunks, chocolate chunks, and she wasn't even sure what else. What she did know was it was tasty and provided quick energy. She pushed the bowl toward him and said, "Help yourself while you tell me where you are supposed to be."

"Where I'm supposed to be. heh heh." Rico said before he took another sip of the water. " I don't even know where I'm suppose to be nowadays. One day I was the Chief Engineer aboard a starship and then bang. I get transfer orders to come here without any explanation. So where I am I supposed to be, you ask? I guess right here."

Rico sat there for a moment and realized that he had started wallowing in his own self pity. He looked up at the bartender, shook his head and extended his hand to her. "I'm sorry about that. I'm Rico. Rico Shepard, the new Chief Operations Officer."

"Nice to meet you, Rico Shepard," Jade said, taking his hand. "Jade Lantz, owner of this restaurant. Which is the best in this quadrant, if I may immodestly say so. If you're going to land somewhere unexpected, this would be the best place to get your feet under you." She'd been expecting him to tell her where his quarters were, or his new job, which he had, of course. Not quite what she'd thought he would say, but it was good to know that even after more than a century among humans, she could still be surprised.

"So. Operations explains the red shirt, and an unexpected transfer explains the long face. Starfleet can be a little ... hmmm, highhanded?" She nodded her head, satisfied with that word choice. "Yes, it can seem highhanded, sometimes. You'll learn to love us though. We have a lot to offer on Vanguard. Sunny beaches, scenery, fishing, water sports ... we're not your usual starbase."

Rico tilted his head as he listened to Jade speak. He was almost instantly intrigued about what she said about the starbase.

"And what do you mean by not the usual starbase? Sounds to me like you know some secrets, Jade Lantz." Rico gave Jade a coy little smile. It was his way to entice her to give some dirt on his new home.

Jade laughed. "Oh, just that we are better than the average. This is my fifth Orchids & Jazz, four on starbases. Each has pluses and minuses, but this one? Lots more pluses."

She paused for a moment, speculating on his background. "You know, Starfleet must have a lot of confidence in you to put you in such a position. It's a lot of responsibility. I recommend you check out decks 1500 through 1554 - Tivoli Gardens and the River Walk. Especially when you are feeling overwhelmed and overworked. It'll give you an idea of what we're about here. Not to mention 100 decks of Promenade, a very large shopping mall. Anything you want, you can probably find it on Vanguard. If you're into shopping or collecting things. While you're here, you'll have lovely large quarters, too. Who knows," she winked at him, "you might decide you never want to leave us."

Rico stopped for a second and realized something he had never considered. "Jade, my dear, you might be on to something. I never considered that Starfleet might feel that I was the best for this new job. I was so wrapped up in moving away from friends and a starship, that I never considered they value my work."

Again, Rico paused and looked at the bartender. "Are you sure you're not the counselor of this starbase?"

Lantz laughed, "Not my area of expertise," she said. "Now if you want to know about food, I'm the one to ask ... or my chef. We know the best of foods." What she didn't say was that her experience in being a listener and story collector gave her considerable insight into the human mind, and others as well.

"I think that's my cue to move on to other things. You let me know if you need anything else, and do come by to try our food. First meal is on me, whenever you decide you're hungry enough to try us. Come for dinner because there's great entertainment after eight. I still occasionally play myself, later in the evening. Promise?" she said, tossing her bar rag under the counter.

Rico finished his water and and thanked his host. "I promise. Thanks for the talk friend. I gotta go find the Doctor so I can officially come aboard. Thanks for the water!"


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