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Personal Recognizance Bond Part 1

Posted on Wed 12th Jun, 2013 @ 10:54pm by Lieutenant JG Xavier Lee & Lieutenant JG Giellun Hitchins

1,090 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Xavier's Quarters
Timeline: TBD

Giellun was glad that their current mission was over at least for the moment. He knew there were still repercussions that would be coming down, but not right now.

With all that Xavier had been through he wanted to be there for his boyfriend. Boyfriend seemed like such a dated description, but he couldn't really think of anything that would be more appropriate. He had not been nearly as aggressive and decisive in his relationship with Xavier.

Sexually he was more used to the giver than the receiver but he not only didn't mind changing that for Xavier he actually enjoyed it, not that he was willing to give it up entirely, but that was because their friendship, at least for him had grown into more than that.

When he had confessed his love, it had been awkward given the circumstances, but it had been real. What bothered him was that Xavier had yet to tell him the same thing. In fact he seemed to be avoiding the issue. Fear, lack of commitment, guilt jealousy, he didn't know what it was.

So physically he was okay with being submissive. Emotionally was a different story. He was willing to give Xavier some space, he'd promised him that much, but he wasn't sure how much time he could give him.

A talk with Brian had given him an idea.

So now he was in his lover's cabin He had obtained a bottle of Betazoid wine, not his favorite but one that he enjoyed and that he knew was Xavier's favorite. He had prepared some uttaberry crepes and had found some Espra cheese and Oskoid He had set the table turned down the lights till the room was almost completely dark and had lit some candles.

Now he sat there in the dimly lit room, Andorian Blues playing softly as he waited for Xavier to show up.

Xavier was still a mess after the Section 49 Alpha incident, in fact that was a grave understatement. His work load had piled up on top of his already hectic schedule and his staff were spread thin across the station. Though as busy as he was with work, he could cope with that, in fact it was almost a nice distraction, what he couldn't cope with was the emotional drain he felt. He wasn't sleeping properly and he dreaded having to go to deck 1030 because of all the memories and feelings that resurfaced whenever he was around the place.

The only shining light in this whole mess was he relationship with Giellun, which felt stronger than ever before. It was strange to think a few days ago Xavier had been considering ending things with the Romulan and now he couldn't be without him. The nightmares only stopped when Gil was by his side and in truth, that was the only time that Xavier felt truly safe. The strangest thing was, Xavier couldn't explain any of this to Giellun and for the life of him he wasn't sure why.

Xavier entered the living area from his bedroom and took a deep breath. "Something smell great," he said as he made his way over to the table.

"Yeah, I went in a little early so I could get off early. I wanted to fix you something special you deserve it. You look exhausted.... Xav.You know you should put in for a leave now that this mess is behind us. But let's not talk about that now. Let's not talk about anything now. Let's just eat and after that we can make out like rabbits, cuddle or just watch a holovid. Whatever you want. Then we'll talk. Deal?"

"Deal," Xavier said as he poured them both some wine. He didn't have to be a mind-reader to know Giellun had a lot on his mind too, there was something he wanted to say to Xavier and he was tip-toeing, oh so carefully. After all, he didn't want to set off the emotional Betazoid, no not at all. Keep him sweet, keep him sweet, keep. Him. Sweet.... then boom, just like that 'you're dumped' and Xavier would be all alone again, falling into the abyss.

Instead of confronting these fears, instead of talking things through, Xavier sipped his wine and took his place at the dimly lit table, as dimly lit as his heart.

Oblivious to what his boyfriend was thinking. He went to the island where most of the food was. He brought out two plates and sat them down on the table He started to set across the table but he saw the expression on Xavier's face and moved to sit beside him instead. he reached out taking the other man's hand. "Babe what's wrong you look like you've seen a..."he stopped himself before he said ghost. "I mean you look worse than when you came in."

"Nothing," Xavier replied. If this was going to be the end then he wasn't going to make it easy for Gil. No, he would act normally, be himself, until such a moment came. "Just starving," he added with a faint smile.

"Good," the other man responded still somewhat uncertain if Xavier really was okay. "You know I've been talking with Bri.. Commander Windsong a lot lately. You know he's going to go find his brother, deal with somethings there and then he's going to have his sight restored. I may want to go with him it he'll let me. I think I could help him. What do you think?"

Xavier looked at Giellun. "Help him? How? You're no doctor, how can you possibly help him restore his sight?"

"No you don't understand. First of all he may not need or want my help, but he isn't going to do anything to restore his site until he finds his brother and and his partner and brings them to justice. He may need me to watch his ass.

Sorry that came out wrong. To watch his back I should say."

Xavier took a deep breath, this entire conversation wasn't making sense and it was pissing him off. He wasn't quite sure why he did it, but he needed the answers he was seeking, now. So Xavier reached into Giellun's mind and extracted the relevant information. He had only intended to skim the Romulan's surface thoughts, but quickly discovered that there was an entire back story to the whole of this situation, a complex one.

To Be Continued
Lt.(jg) Giellun Hitchins
SB Protector

Lt. Xavier Lee
Chief Operations Officer
SB Protector


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