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Wed 2nd Oct, 2013 @ 1:55am

Lieutenant JG Xavier Lee

Name Xavier Richard Lee

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species 3/4 Betazoid / 1/4 Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 189lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Xavier is a normal looking Betazoid-Human hybrid. He is quite tall, measuring 6 foot and 2 inches, and physically fit, weighing 189 pounds. He tries to work out as often as possible via swimming or other strenuous sports and he is very fond of most racket based sports. He has short, cropped, jet black hair which he often gels. He has quite pale skin but doesn't appear unwell as some paler people can and carries the look off comfortably.He has deep black eyes and soft pinkish lips.


Father Richard Lee
Mother Deborah Lee
Brother(s) Diego Lee (30)
Spencer Lee (27)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Xavier is a rather easy going person and finds it quite easy to approach strangers and strike up a conversation. He finds people rather interesting and like to watch how people of different backgrounds and cultures interact with each other. Whilst off-duty he likes to have fun and enjoy life but he doesn't let this get in the way of his work and his duties.

Xavier is the life of the party. He is the first to make a joke in an awkward situation and the first to pull a prank on a friend. This happy-go-lucky attitude is the very reason why Xavier is so popular amongst the crew. Xavier also has a serious side and this is often shown in his mature work ethic. He is a good operations/engineer officer and he does his best to prove that everyday. He still struggles trying to find the right balance of fun and serious but so far has not done any lasting damage. Despite his normal good-natured behavior, he can be rather stubborn and can let his pride rule his judgement. This has got him into trouble in the past.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
+Easy Going
+Good Natured
+Strong Work Ethic
+Good Pilot

-Too Trusting
Ambitions Xavier wants to run his own department within a couple of years. He would also like to get into Starship design, like his older brother.
Hobbies & Interests Xavier is a bit of a fitness freak. He loves to swim and plays a lot of racket based sports, his favourites being tennis, badminton, squash and racketball. Xavier loves to cook and often experiments with different dishes from all over the galaxy to make new and interesting meals. To wind down, Xavier likes to read, listen to music and he also enjoys a good holonovel.

Personal History Xavier was born and raised on Betazed to a human/betazoid father and Betazoid mother and the youngest of three boys. Despite being part human, Xavier and his two brothers were bought up using Betazoid traditions and customs. His family are very Starfleet orientated and it has been his life long dream to serve within its ranks to help serve and protect the Federation.

As a young child he spent a lot of time with his father who used to be a pilot and teach at the nearby flight academy. As a result he developed a natural passion for flying and it only made him more desperate to fly away to the nearby stars.

At the earliest age possible Xavier joined Starfleet Academy, majoring in Starship Operations and minoring in Starship Engineering. He was always a curious person and always wanted to know how things worked and why, so starship operations seemed like a great fit. He was popular at the Academy with the other students and a lot of his teachers and enjoyed learning about the other cultures which he was now being exposed to. He managed to pass through the four years without any major incident.

When Xavier first left Starfleet Academy and received his first posting as a raw Ensign, he was excited and overwhelmed with the adventures he would soon be partaking in. This excitement often bordered arrogance and he had to really restraint himself so that he could fulfil he duties properly.