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Post and Relief Part III

Posted on Wed 12th Jun, 2013 @ 5:08am by Lieutenant Thomas Jorrel

995 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Starbase Protector > Deck 45 > 75th Shuttlebay
Timeline: Current


Nyx leaned into Devyn. "So tell me again, why we had to be here?" She asked already over heated, bored, and uncomfortable. Her voice was low enough that Devyn had to strain to hear her. "I neither want nor need anything from these Marines. It's just another opportunity that I have to face those people." She referred to Cara and Tallus.

"Behave yourself Adanyxia or we'll leave and you won't be any more comfortable or happy. Tallus saved your life, and I for one will be forever grateful to him for that." He whispered back to her. Anyone in the room would have thought he was kissing her and whispering sweetness into her ear. He even took her hand in his and held it throughout the remainder of the ceremony.

"Thank you Sergent Major." Tallus said as he took the podium. "Greetings all, my name is Tallus Karikkar. I know many of you and all of the present Marines. I would trust any of them with my life any day. As the Sergent Major had said, we have served together for many years. It is never an easy thing to be in charge of an entire Marine battalion, especially on that of a starbase the size of Protector. But I have had many good people to assist me along the way. One of these, by no small measure, is Sergent Major Troy Jennings!" Tallus said as the entire Marine battalion saluted towards the entryway.

Troy stood in the walk way as two Marine in full dress uniform stood outside of the entrance of the shuttlebay. Looking at them both, Troy told the marines to calm down, that he wasn’t going to eat them. The Starfleet Marine Corps Band began to play the Marines Hymn as Troy walked in in front of them. Everyone began to clap in kind yet remain in this seats as Troy walked in a Sergeant Major’s stride towards the podium. Behind him was two additional marines carrying in their arms four sets of flowers. As he approached, the flowers were delivered to the wives of the commanders as Jennings took a few steps and approached Sergeant Major Covington. A simple smile was all the was needed as the two of them shook hands and Jennings moved on to the Colonel.

A shape salute followed as he shook hands with the Colonel before taking the stage.

Looking over the crowd, Jennings spoke clearly and strongly. “Put your companies at ease.” The Gunnery Sergeants did so with smirks as they were truly excited to receive their first orders from the Sergeant Major.

“I’m not one for long speeches, I personally think this ceremony has gone on long enough, so I will keep this short, sweep and simply.” Some of the marines present smiled at the comments as the humor resonated with them completely. Looking over at Sergeant Major Covington, he continued. “Sergeant Major Covington, you have a fine set of marines and marine NCO’s here at the 75th and I for one believe I have some serious shoes to fill. Thank you for all that you have done and will continue to do for the Starfleet Marine Corps. Semper Fi Sergeant Major.”

“SEMPER FI.” All marines present scream out to Sergeant Major Covington who just stood there with a smile on her face.

Jennings then turned over to the Lieutenant Colonel before speaking. “Sir, I have heard nothing but great things about the 75th and your leadership, I’m the lucky one when it comes to getting this assignment and I’ll tell you now, we are only going to get better as unit. Looking forward to serving under you sir.” Everyone began to clap loudly for the Colonel as Jennings looked over the crowd and spoke. “Finally, thank you friends and family. You all support a great group of people here and I for one can’t wait to enteract with each and every one of you.” After Sergeant Major Covington would hand him the colors of the unit officially making him the Sergeant Major of the Battalion, he would have one more surprise from her before she and her wife boarded the shuttle. Until then, he just wanted everyone to take in the sounds of the Starfleet Marine Corps Band play a set of their music.

Jade listened to the band, and tapped her foot to the beat. "You know," she said to T'scholk, "that music has been around for a very long time. When I was studying the saxophone as a young woman, I did a little research on band music, and the Marine Corps still plays many of the songs written ... oh, it seems to me about 400 years ago or more. There's something in it that sort of stirs up the heart, isn't there?"

T'scholk nodded in agreement. "I must say, every time I see these magnificent" T'scholk paused to find the right word "Well magnificent soldiers my heart fills with pride. Even in my service with the Imperial navy I was never as proud as I am to see this. It makes me want my citizenship in the federation to be processed as soon as possible." T'scholk's smile grew at sight of the Marines in their dress uniforms. He noticed the distinction that Starfleet personnel had in their service compared to that of the Romulan or even Klingon imperial service.

As the ceremony continued, many walked up to the podium and welcomed Sergeant Major Jennings into the fold while at the same time, saying good by to Sergeant Major Covington. The marines had put on quite a show today, one they could be proud of. Still, the journey for them had just begun, and for a select few, their first meeting with the Sergeant Major was about to shed some age old light on a classic marine proverb of messing with one marine, you were messing with all of them.



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