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Poker ... Smiles or Frowns?

Posted on Tue 14th Mar, 2023 @ 5:43am by Nicha th'Elex & Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Lieutenant Damion Ildaran & Qaraq

1,415 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Neither Yours Nor Mine
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 10, 1900

It was poker night at Orchids & Jazz. People began showing up, in civies and uniforms, about 1845, and Reon checked them off his list. There were a few players who had caused problems and were not welcome unless they could prove it wouldn't happen again. Velasquez was large enough to take care of trouble-makers, hence his job as doorman and in charge of the poker nights. None of the questionable showed up this night, however.

Those in the know had been mum about the captain of the base even showing up, let alone that she was an outstanding player, so when she and the Chief Diplomatic Officer (CDO) walked through the door and spoke a moment to Reon, no one thought anything about it.

"This should be an interesting night, Kiara." Elena said as she surveyed the room. "How many people usually show up for Poker Night?"

"It varies. I don't come often, and it's been a few months since my last visit," Kiara admitted. "We usually fill between one and three tables. Tonight may be more." She was looking forward to this game. She was especially looking forward to watching Elena play--and the reaction. To that end, she'd chosen to wear a simple dress in deep purple so she would be more comfortable and not feel like she had to act as formal as her position on the station required.

"Well, let the games begin. Pick our lucky table, my friend," Elena said as she stepped deeper into the room.

Kiara nodded and led the way to one of the tables where they could get a good view of the room at large and where she could best enjoy the game. For her, the best part of the night would be watching everyone play.

Jade made a last minute check of the buffet table. It contained all the usual foods for keeping happy the varied races and species expected tonight, as well as a small bar at one end for ordering the synthetic drinks. No alcohol was served during the games.

Reon came up behind her and said quietly, "I'm moving a fourth table in. A little bird told me we have some others coming tonight, even though they aren't on the list. This is a head's up, but I'm not expecting trouble. It's Qaraq and maybe some others in his retinue."

Lantz nodded, straightening a dish slightly. "Nice vocabulary choice ... retinue. I guess that's what it looks like when he goes somewhere with friends. He's ... noticeable."

Something touched Jade's leg. Sitting directly underfoot was a familiar-looking calico cat, its right paw waving to the heavens.

"Ah, and I see one of his group is already here." She leaned over to give a scratch between the cat's ears and then stood up, saying to it, "Try to stay out from under foot. I wouldn't want you to be mashed by a big Starfleet boot."

Turning away, she nodded her thanks to the doorman. "You're always on top of things here. I will trust you to be the same tonight."

Andrew strolled up to the entrance of Orchids, unsure of what the outcome of the evening would be. It had been a minute since playing games of chance, such as poker, but he heard through the rumor mill that is his staff that the Captain may or may not make an appearance. It was a weak reason to pick up playing again, yet here he was.

Walking up to Reon, Andrew gave a friendly smile, "Good evening, Reon. There room for a non-regular?"

Velasquez gave a genuine smile, "Always room for you, Commander. I've added an extra table tonight, because it seems we weren't quite as successful as we'd thought at keeping certain rumors under wraps. Go on in and may your gods smile upon you."

Andrew gave a smile and nod as he entered, quickly getting his bearings and locating the nearest table.

Paul entered Orchids & Jazz soon after Andrew. He didn't often participate in poker nights, but Captain Navarra was to be there tonight, so Paul decided to join in. "Hello, Reon," he said to the doorman.

"Good evening, Doctor Graves. I don't expect you're here accidentally on poker night," answered the doorman, as he made a note on his PADD. "Welcome to the club. We have everything set up in the usual spot, and there's a place for you, of course. We should be getting underway in about ..." he glanced at the time, "about ten minutes."

Navarra watched as the other players entered, trying to examine each individual. She leaned into Kiara and whispered, "So tell me. Who is the real threat here?"

Kiara smiled. "Now that would be telling." She paused and looked around. "But to tell the truth, I don't know everyone here, so I'm really not sure. Yet."

"Greetings!" came a crack of thunder, or rather Qaraq, who stood at the door with a large metal keg under his arm. "I come bearing Korfmager!" proclaimed the mighty merry mountain of a man. "And I'd like to join in the games, if you find me worthy." He leaned into the doorman's face. "... and I'd better be worthy."

Kiara turned to see who entered. "Like that one."

"Oh that one, I am already familiar with," Navarra responded. "Qaraq from Broot I believe. If memory serves me right, he is the youngest of nine and he inherited his father's business. Sad though about his wife passing a few years back." Navarra glanced over to her friend. "The real question is can you trust him?"

Reon was uncomfortable for only a moment, not at the Broot's implied threat, but at the presence of the ale. He waved one of the humaniforms, Elijah Baley, over to take the keg. "Set this under the table for now," he instructed, then turned back toward the large blue man.

"Perfectly welcome, Mr. Qaraq," he said. "There is a slight problem with the ale, however. We don't serve anything but non-alcoholic beverages during the games. It keeps things between players more civil, you understand. However, after the games end, there's no problem with a little celebration, I'm sure. Miss Lantz is, of course, the final arbiter in all food and drink matters." He could simply have said in all matters, because that was true within Orchids & Jazz.

Jade came up at that moment, looking diminutive next to the Broot. "Qaraq! I'm so glad you could make it tonight. I think you'll enjoy playing with the officers and civilians gathered here. We don't often have someone of your reputation with us. Please feel free to sit at any table. They're all playing the same version of the game, known as five-card stud*. Are you familiar with it?"

"Certainly," Qaraq said. "By the way, I brought some ale for the occasion, but your doorman tells me it isn't allowed. What about the singing and fighting? I'm unfamiliar with your human customs..."

Jade smiled at the Broot before leading him toward a table, with several of his friends. Maybe they would spread out and find stories to take back and share. "I'm sorry, those are generally not an aspect of poker at this level. These are friendly games which don't descend into a brawl, even in the best of spirits. We don't get too rowdy, and there is a business still running relatively quietly beyond those doors," she nodded toward the entrance as they came to a table which would seat eight. At the moment, there were only two there.

"Mr. Qaraq, let me introduce you to two of our players. This is Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark, Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations Officer for 109. And next to him is Commander Paul Graves, who is our Second Officer, and our Chief Counselor. I can't think of two people more qualified to lead you through the intricacies of an original Terran game of chance," Lantz said.

"Oh, we've met," Paul said. "Good to see you again, Qaraq. I hear your casino is doing very well."

"Always a pleasure, Paul," Qaraq said, taking a seat at the table. "The casino is off to a very good start. Profits are up, our clientele seems to be happy, and Brown sector feels more like home every day." Seeing the other man at the table, Qaraq extended a large blue hand. "Mr. Eberstark, is it? Very nice to meet you! I am Qaraq."

... Continued shortly ....

*chosen based on THIS article.


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