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Competition or Collaboration? Part 2

Posted on Fri 24th Mar, 2023 @ 2:02am by Criswell Sandbags & Qaraq

1,082 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Neither Yours Nor Mine
Location: Qaraq's Game Room
Timeline: MD 7, 2210

Previously, ...

Qaraq erupted in a jolly laugh. "If I had my way, it'd be more exciting! Back on Delavi a good singsong and a scrap happened four or five times a night! But everything always works out as long as the ale keeps flowing. Quite a different environment than I suspect you're used to. You needn't worry about the games. I don't tolerate fighting at the tables, and I expect all games to be fair. Broot casinos never have a house advantage. It is seen as cowardly."

And now, the conversation continues.

Jade raised an eyebrow slightly. "Really? Now that's a new one on me. I've never heard of a casino that made things fair for the patrons. Or do Broot have another way of gaining an advantage?"

Qaraq shrugged. "The people of Brown Sector deserve a fair game... of course, games like dabo or roulette are far harder to win, but at least you have a chance at blackjack or poker." A bell went off and someone at a nearby slot machine squealed with joy. "And sometimes that happens," Qaraq added.

She smiled at him and echoed, "And sometimes that happens. I'm happy running my jazz club, but if I wanted a more exciting atmosphere, I'm sure this would provide it." Turning to look around the room behind her, she asked, "Shall we wander around, or do you prefer to give me a tour of your facilities? It seems there is a lot going on here."

"Things pick up around this time," Qaraq said. "Criswell, take over for me here while I give our important guests a guided tour."

Qaraq came around the bar while his assistant took over. "The game floor is usually the best place to start," he rumbled.

They began their trip through the darkened, strategically lit game room, pulsating with electronic music, neon lights and lasers, and the sounds of games. "We have twelve gaming tables here on the lower level, including blackjack, Delavi Hold 'Em, electro-craps, both Ferengi and Terran roulette, something called Rod and Berry, and a few Dabo tables."

"Rod and Berry? That's a new one on me, though I understand the other games, some only minimally," Lantz responded, following Qaraq, looking at tables as she went. When she came to one that was totally unfamiliar, she asked, "Is this the game?" It was using some multiple-sided dice, and appeared to be intense.

"Yes," Qaraq said. "I must admit, I don't quite understand the rules. Lots of abbreviations in the game. XP, GM, RPG... I can't really keep track of them. It is played with a unique twenty-sided dice."

They walked past the strange game and by now had reached the far end of the game room. "Finally, the pride and joy, the 'Dunk Tank,'" Qaraq said as they reached the back wall. There was a small line that led to a giant apparatus with a man wearing very little clothing sitting on a red chair suspended over a large, clear vat filled with a thick, green liquid. Next to that was a giant target with a small, padded button in the center.

"The game is simple," Qaraq said to Jade. "You get three tries to hit the bullseye with the ball. If you do, this causes the chair to tip and dunk the man in the liquid below. The thrower stands behind one of these marks on the floor, which are separated five feet apart, the first being about ten feet from the bullseye. Each failed throw requires you to stand back another mark. The further you are from the bullseye when you throw the ball, the higher the chair rises, and the higher the bet gets. So if you're very confident, you'll intentionally miss the first two tries. The ball itself is rather light in weight too, so you have to throw harder with each try."

"And what is the green liquid," Daneel asked. "Nothing harmful I'm sure, but why would someone take that job?"

"The liquid is simply called slime," Qaraq said. "It's like melted ice cream. Very safe. My employees enjoy being the 'dunkee,' if you will, because they get time and a half for it and they get to sit the whole time."

"Huh, interesting," was all Daneel said, but Jade could tell his thoughts went deeper. She'd consult with him later.

"A ... unique game, but not one I'd find amusing on either side of the ball. Sentient beings have so many ways of entertaining themselves. The Rod and Berry interests me, though. Is it a game one can come sit in on at any time, or is there a beginning and an end to it?" Jade asked. She thought if it were the latter, it probably wouldn't pull in much money for a place like Qaraq's Game Room. "And how do you make money from it? I don't see you as a businessman who isn't always thinking about the financial return; nor am I, for that matter, so don't think that's a criticism."

"You buy in and pay by the hour," Qaraq said. "There's a commerce within the game that also profits the casino, but to be honest, I've never taken much interest. Our mutual friend Gary Thirteen suggested moving the game to the upper level, where it might attract an even younger crowd. It is our least profitable game, but approximately thirty percent of our food and drink profits are from players at the table. Some sit and play for quite some time. Mr. Thirteen said he used to play similar games as a teenager, with some rather key differences. Perhaps he could give you a better understanding, if you wish to know more."

"Thank you. Perhaps I'll ask him about it." Jade turned to walk back toward the area leading to the upper level. "Perhaps a few minutes on that upper level, and then we'll let you get back to your business, while we sample a game or two? I'd like to get a feel for sitting at a table with other players. I'm not planning a game room myself, you understand," she smiled at him.

Qaraq gave a wave of his hand. "By all means, do as you please! As a special guest, you'll receive a gift of twenty-five credits in chips... to get you started, of course," Qaraq said, then added, "And when you're done there, come over to the bar for a complementary Korfmager!"

... to be concluded ....


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