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Piping the Side, part 2

Posted on Tue 8th Nov, 2022 @ 8:33pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Khellian s'Siedhri MD & Renato Solis & Ensign Joshua Schwartz

1,639 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: SB109 Arrival Dock
Timeline: MD 1, 1220
Tags: Austen, anyone

Previously ...

Caroline glanced at Handsome, but he shook his head. She still had at least a couple of minutes as the camera panned the area at the end of the umbilical. Into her PADD, she tapped names of people she saw among the officials, thinking it might earn her a few points that could come in handy, if certain officers heard their names had been on the news.

And now ...

(The Hangman's Noose, Deck 610, Promenade)

The Noose normally did not boast a large-screen video monitor, as Mary Elizabeth Gregory preferred to maintain the ambience of a medievalish, quaint, Old English pub. Ambience had been done away with today, however. It wasn't every day that a new commander took charge of a starbase. Most people were watching the newscast and commenting on it.

The pub was packed and doing a brisk business. Even the group of gamers who called themselves the Sludgebusters were at their table, engaged in a lively discussion of various Starfleet COs they'd served under, while eating from bowls of Pease Porridge Hot and munching on hunks of grainy bread slathered with honey butter.

"My favorite CO was Patrick O'Dwyer of Langley Station," Marie said, offering the absent officer a toast with her cup of Yorkshire tea. "He was laid back, but he had a spark to him, and he wasn't afraid to chat with the engineers and get his hands dirty if he needed to. I'll be interested to see what this Elena Naravva will be like."

"She's a diplomat; 'nuff said," Chris replied with an eyeroll. "Still, we need a diplomat out here. As close to the border as we are, if anything heats up, we'll be the first to know, and that won't be fun." He took a swallow of his Bass Ale. "Here's hoping the new lady will keep it fun."

(Hydroponic Labs, Deck 2001)

"Lotta nonsense, if you ask me," grumbled Hieronymus to his plants. "Captains and Commodores - they come and they go. Can tell a nickle's worth of difference from one to the next. Just a lot of noise, if you ask me."

Of course, no one had asked him, and as he listened to the broadcast, being far too busy to stop and actually watch, he continued to grumble. "Long as she doesn't come visiting and messing up our work down here, she's welcome aboard. There's too much work needed to keep the basics of beauty and food on this huge starbase. We don't need someone micromanaging the work, do we?" he touched the large, round heads of Iceberg lettuce that were almost ready for harvest. One of the oldest varieties he grew, and still one of the best and most liked of the salad greens. It stored well, tasted good, and grew to maturity in less than two months. What was there not to like?

He moved on to a row of tomato plants, still muttering about the waste of time and money in the welcome committee. "They're interrupting everyone's work day. Even the new Captain Nevarro probably doesn't want all this hoopla. Nonsense, that's what it is."

(Main Operations, Deck 12)

Andrew calmly moved his hands over the controls at his station as he would for any other day on duty. Except of course this wasn't just another day as the Station was preparing to meet its new Captain. He was happy to sacrifice being present at the ceremony in exchange for the relative peace and quiet Operations provided at the moment. Of course, not everyone on duty shared his sentiment. Glancing up from his console, he noticed Ensign Schwartz fixated on the broadcast of the events.

Raising an eyebrow, Andrew commented, "Do you think the new Captain would appreciate you ignoring the diagnostic you're running to listen to a broadcast?"

Josh immediately snapped to attention, "Sorry, sir. Couldn't help myself. Aren't you excited to meet the new Captain?"

"To an extent, sure," Andrew answered, "But I'm not in any rush to deal with that many people to do it."

The Ensign replied flatly, "Of course. That's just because you're senior staff so you're guaranteed to meet."

Andrew looked up and gave a quick thought, "Good point, Ensign. Maybe when I do introduce myself, I'll bring you along to make sure you're properly thanked for your selflessness of being on duty throughout the event."

Josh's eyes got wide and Andrew could tell he was playing out those events in his head. Noticing a couple others on duty eyeing their conversation, Andrew just gave a small chuckle, "I'm kidding, Josh. Let me know when you've finished the diagnostic," adding, "Feel free to keep the broadcast on."

(Arrival Dock, Foot of the Umbilical Walkway)

Two boatswains, one male and one female, stood at attention to the right of the walkway down which the new starbase captain would walk. With the crowds and the bright lights, a sheen of sweat could be seen on the man's forehead and upper lip. Eyes straight ahead, he'd give anything to change position just a little, wipe his forehead, and maybe relax slightly. He knew he couldn't. There were eyes on the two of them, making sure they gave the highest honor to the incoming captain. He doubted she cared much, or would even notice their piping, other than as another step in coming aboard. He hoped she'd move on that soon.

* * *

A man wearing a style of shirt with sharp angles and stark red, looking like Starfleet’s rejected fashion concepts, snapped his fingers, growling to a young man holding a camera, “Get the feeds running; it’s happening any second.”

A young Bajoran who had been paid a small amount to push a button he was only shown ten minutes ago tried to find it while pointing the jury-rigged lens down the corridor.

The stout human turned to face the lights and camera lens, taking a breath but stopping when he noticed it wasn’t streaming, “Why aren’t you streaming?” he growled and made an angry face at the flustered camera operator. After a moment of watching one-handed efforts, he muttered a curse and rudely jerked the rig mounted on the man's shoulder to hit it.

He also fiercely whispered in the man's ear, “Remember that for next time, it's one button, not hard.”

Live in front of the cameras, though, he was all smiles, “Welcome back, fellow Freedomers, your voice of the people, Leslie Mack, here. The Pageant is about to begin, and I for one am as appalled as you at the state of affairs that brought us here. There was no warning about a change in command, what really happened in these closed door meetings? Rest assured good folks, I will bring you the answers.”

Caroline mentally rolled her eyes. This fellow seemed to be all about conspiracy and callousness. It wasn't her style of news reporting, but to each his own ... as long as her toes didn't get mashed in the process.

“It seems the Federation News Service has drummed up a bit of a crowd here. I’m sure its not the open house on replicator rations for food and drink which brings the unpaid here to gorge. Let’s get an opinion off of our intrepid reporter on the scene.”

Leslie pushed past a few people in his way, a trail of disgruntled people left behind on the way to harass Caroline. Seeing her in her own camera and lights made his eyes zero in on the focus from her cameras. He walked into her shot, acting like they were old friends.

His eyes never hit her at all, as he was dead-eyed focused to the camera. “Caroline! It’s great to be here with you, and a hearty hello to the watchers at FNN, this is Leslie Mack.”

Caroline didn't smile at the annoying man. She hoped he didn't come to work for FNS. "Well, if you're getting on my camera, Mr. Mack," she drawled, "that would be FNS, Federated News Service. Did you wander a little too far this morning?"

The music had attracted Dr s'Siedhri from his clinic, and Makila had followed him once he'd placed a small sign so that people knew how to contact them should they have need. They wandered down to the celebration, and both of them were impressed by the throng of people. Makila winced, and reinforced her mental shields against the press of people. She'd gotten a few lessons from one of the Vulcan doctors about how to improve her control.

Elena looked out of the window of the starship as the vessel came into the port of the starbase. The view of the internal docking area always fascinated her. She felt like a little kid looking at construction equipment breaking ground on a new property.

The Captain looked at the PADD in her lap and finished reading over the Executive Officer's file for the 10th time. "Hmmm, Mikaela Locke," she said to herself, intrigued by the officer's personnel record. "I hope she is as squared away as her file suggests," she continued thinking. "She may be just the right hand I need to accomplish my agenda here at Starbase 109."

Elena placed the PADD into her cylindrical duffel bag and continued looking out of the window. She found herself excited to be in the mix of the infamous Triangle. Among some of the numerous races, she had helped broker various treaties and negotiations throughout the years. She felt like she was getting back into the mix of things for the Federation. Although Starbase 109 had a few distinct oddities that she was curious about, she was ready to see what her new staff had to offer, and what new adventure awaited.

To Be Continued in Part 3.


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