
  • 9 Mission Posts

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Tue 8th Nov, 2022 @ 8:33pm

Ensign Joshua Schwartz

Name Joshua Lawerence Schwartz

Position Tactical Operations Officer

Second Position Tactical Operations Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 150
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Joshua is a relatively average human with a slender, lanky appearance and very short brown hair. Overall, there is nothing imposing or out of the ordinary of his appearance.


Spouse None
Children None
Father William Schwartz
Mother Diane Schwartz
Brother(s) Kyle
Sister(s) Sara

Personality & Traits

General Overview Josh has an outwardly strong personality towards his fellow officers and friends and is a very extroverted, enthusiastic officer. He sometimes can be overeager in doing his work and asking questions while trying to always be in the good graces of his superior officers. Being extroverted and laid back personality off-duty has allowed him to be friendly with many who serve with him.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Hardworking
Ambitions -Become a Starfleet Captain
-Have a family
Hobbies & Interests -Sports
-Any type of poker/card games
-Spending time on the Holodeck

Personal History Joshua was raised in a normal, caring family environment. His parents raised him and his siblings well and taught him to be respectful and caring. He grew up enamored with Starfleet and continued to become more interested as he grew. When most of his good friends went to Starfleet Academy, his parents knew they couldn't keep him away.

While there, he passed all his classes in the top half of the class and showed excellent problem solving and adaptation capabilities. Graduating on time, he spent a half-year in space aboard a Starship. Afterwards, he discovered that a more permanent location would be best suited for him and requested a transfer to a Starbase, winding up on Starbase Vanguard.
Service Record -Starfleet Academy Graduate
-Assigned to USS Moravian
-Transfer to Starbase Vanguard