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Heart and Soul - Part 1

Posted on Thu 29th Apr, 2021 @ 1:09am by Sipov Boros & Candice
Edited on on Fri 30th Apr, 2021 @ 12:42am

1,065 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: S.S. Torin
Timeline: MD08 1400 Hrs

After the inspection had been completed the transfer paperwork and the purchase contract were quickly done. All in all, they were very simple and straightforward. Sipov now had a ship of his own, albeit with a lien but it was something he would be paying off sooner than later. He'd decided on a name, the Torin, which meant 'doer/maker' in Vulcan. While he wasn't very familiar with what should've been his native language, he did find something poetic in it.

Over the last couple of days, several crews had been working throughout the ship to bring everything up to spec and install any last-minute furniture as well as the bridge modifications he'd requested. Having a captain’s chair in the center just didn't suit him, however the new stellar cartography table was quite a sight and something he'd look forward to utilizing. Small but efficient when quick work was needed.

One other thing that had still bothered Sipov was the fact he needed someone or something to watch over the ship and in a sense manage it when he wasn't there. It wasn't something he could afford to pay a salary for on an extended period and considering he knew very few people, there wasn't really anyone he could trust. After finishing the walkthrough with the ship's previous owner he’d had made his way to the promenade and found a shop run by a Tellarite who provided a rather obscure recommendation. After discussing what it may run to have a mechanic check in on the ship daily and do regular maintenance checks he found it simply wasn't going to be an option. Luckily the shop owner recommended a holographic system and template that could do the job. It wasn't something Sipov had considered but after some further discussion the Tellarite was willing to provide him a refurbished system in exchange for the ring Sipov wore.

While hesitant to make the trade at first, he did. Now it was time to see the system installed.

-= 1420 Hrs =-

Looking down the umbilical and checking his chronometer once more he let out a sigh. They were late. Just as Sipov turned to walk back into the ship he heard a grunt "Pull harder, you've already made us late!" The shop owner and a few of his employees pushed along a hover sled with a large processing unit on it, about two square meters overall.

"Took you all long enough, you were supposed to start the install half an hour ago." The Vulcan hated having to wait around especially now since he didn't know how long this was going to take.

"If you want this on your ship today then you'll be quiet and open the door for us!" Vok called out. "Now move out of the way, we don't have time for this."

He looked over the trio for a moment before entering his code to allow the hatch to unlock and slide open. "Right this way, then." Walking in front of the sled the new owner led the way towards the computer core. The Tellarites didn't say anything else and in fact never bothered to slow down pushing the sled, it almost hitting Sipov with it a couple different times. Once they maneuvered it around to the backside of the core Vok pulled out a PADD and tapped a few keys, causing it to tilt so the new system slid to the floor slowly and then backed itself away until the holographic processing system was in place. "I assume the other crew already got all of the holo projectors installed throughout the ship? If not, we're wasting our time today."

"You don't know? They're your employees...but yes. They did." Boros really hoped this wasn't going to take long.

"Good, then we can hook this up and once it powers on we should be able to get holographic projections throughout your ship. Now unlock your computer core, we'll need to connect directly to it."

The thought of exposing the entire system to this refurbished system didn't make him very comfortable, but Sipov went ahead and removed all lockouts to allow them to work. He'd remain and keep an eye the best he could but he wasn't an engineer so any sort of possible sabotage would have to be obvious. Taking a step back the Tellarites began connecting various relays and cables once removing a number of panels to expose different conduits and ODN lines. All the Vulcan could do now was sit back and watch.

-= 1617 Hrs =-

Letting out a yawn, Sipov watched Vok slide out from the final crawlspace, or at least he thought it was considering the smaller man could fit in there although Sipov wasn't so sure he could. Covered in dust and along with what appeared to be some sort of industrial chemical streak down the front of his shirt the swine-like creature let out a grunt. "The last line is connected, power it up." The others began entering several sequences causing the system to complete a reset and wipe any previous memory so the hologram could start new. There was no way of knowing what sort of attitude or disposition it may have attained with the previous owner. After a few minutes the main display flashed that it had fully booted and was ready for activation.

“Well, you can activate it whenever you’re ready. All diagnostics have passed and all the holo projectors are showing connected throughout your ship. The holographic template it came with is still loaded, so I’d say we’re done here.” Vok’s men didn’t even hesitate to start picking up any tools they’d left out and begin placing everything onto the empty sled.

“Uhm who said you were done? This hologram has to be functioning correctly as well and just because it passed diagnostics-.“ The Tellarite held up his hand to cut Sipov off. “It’s a used system, the template is loaded, and everything checks out. You get what you pay for, Vulcan, if you have any mechanical issues you know where to find me.” He motioned for the others to head out and followed them leaving behind a somewhat stunned man in his wake. The lack of business acumen from the smaller man shouldn’t have been a surprise, but it was.

To be concluded...


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Comments (1)

By on Sun 2nd May, 2021 @ 3:05am

Wow. Dealing with Tellerites!