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Sat 5th Mar, 2022 @ 10:11am


Name Candice

Position Vahklas Holographic Management System

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Hologram
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 7"
Weight 145 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description The holographic template utilized provides a slim figure with slight hourglass shape. Her most accentuated feature is her hips. Her skin is of a lighter tone although her template looks are based off of a mix of Latin and German Earth ethnicities.


Personality & Traits

General Overview The system being programmed with 1 primary holographic representation template, there are also 3 other holographic sub templates that can augment the ship's crew when needed or in the event there is no crew available, in a limited capacity. All 4 separate templates can be run simultaneously but not more than 1 of each template may run at any given time. The intent in having different templates with focused capabilities versus having 1 template with multiple capabilities is to not only expand the versatility of the system but to keep each holomatrix more stable by keeping the data file size of each as small as possible. Each one can be expanded as needed without compromising the integrity of the others as well.

There is a primary set of ethical subroutines for all templates that govern the actions of the system as a whole.

1. All crew life and ship integrity must be preserved and all necessary actions must be taken to ensure that happens. No crew member may order the system to act in an opposite manner. Any crew member acting opposite of this directive will be subject to exceptions programmed into the system noted below. Crew life always takes precedence over the ship's integrity in the event there is a conflict between them.

2. No part of the system may intentionally harm any living being except in the defense of a crew member or the ship. If one crew member is attempting to harm another, the system may take any necessary action to disarm and detain the crew member in violation. The system is not allowed to intentionally kill or seriously injure any crew member. Lethal force is authorized for use against non-registered crew members, passengers, or anybody attempting to board the ship or acting in a threatening manner towards the ship or crew.

3. The Engineering template must take all actions necessary to keep the primary systems and ship online even if it includes shutting down other systems to do so. Life Support functions may never be compromised however as it is in violation of the first rule. Out of all 4 templates, the engineering template is considered to be the most critical as it is able to repair or keep the other templates online as needed to support the crew. As a result any of the other templates may be switched off to save power or provide additional processing bandwidth for the engineering template to continue working, with exception of the medical template if it is rendering aid to a crew member.

4. The Medical template must render medical assistance to any life form it’s directed to and must “First do no harm”. However all crew life is prioritized for treatment over that of any other passenger or person, even if their condition is more critical. In the event 2 crewmembers have similar injuries and the same chance of survival, the template will focus on saving the crew member that is more valuable to the ship’s and crews survival overall. As an example, an engineer would typically be considered more valuable than a pilot, even if the pilot is the ship’s Captain.

5. In the event of an attempted crew mutiny, all templates will become active and provide less than lethal defense of the Captain by all means available. In the event less than lethal defense is unsuccessful, lethal force may be utilized after all other lower escalation of force options are exhausted or unavailable. This is the only exception for use of lethal force against crew, as in the event of an attempted mutiny, the HMS will no longer designate these individuals as crew.
Strengths & Weaknesses Primary Template:

Candice (P) – Wearing a purple jumpsuit and having curly black hair down just past her shoulder blades, this template is the primary representation and lead hologram for the system. It is also the only one with a personality. The demeanor is happy and for the most part easy going. She likes to keep a positive atmosphere and does her best to be helpful and hospitable to the ship’s crew. She does have the capability of carrying on a conversation or providing companionship as needed. She can also bring the other holographic sub templates online or offline at will and direct them.

Sub Templates:

Candice (E) – Wearing a black jumpsuit and having her hair kept up in a bun to be out of the way, this template is programmed with the ability to maintain the ship’s systems and monitor all engineering processes. She also knows how to make adjustments to and repair the systems on the ship as well as a limited range of modifications or temporary repair options. Her programmed demeanor is straightforward and matter of factual.

Candice (M) – Wearing maroon scrubs and having her hair in 2 braids higher on either side pinned against her head so that no hair is loose or hangs off, this template is programmed in a number of medical procedures and evaluations for several species, although the medical education and capability level is equivalent to that of a Physician’s Assistant. Her programmed demeanor provides her with a good bedside manner almost to a fault of not being completely honest about a patient’s medical situation to them, rather instead relying on her ethical subroutines to decide the course of treatment.

Candice (T) – Wearing black boots, tan cargo pants, and a long sleeve dark green shirt, her hair is kept in a French braid ending just between her shoulder blades. She is programmed with the capability to manage and utilize the ship’s tactical systems as well as maneuvering tactics both offensive and defensive. She also acts as a security officer and is programmed with standard hand to hand combat and weapons training. She is the only template with access to the weapons lockers on board. This template also may pilot the ship as needed. Her programmed demeanor is neutral.