
  • 1 Mission Posts

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Sun 30th May, 2021 @ 11:27pm

Petty Officer 3rd Class Maeve McClery

Name Maeve McClery

Position Biological Technician

Rank Petty Officer 3rd Class

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 120
Hair Color Red
Eye Color green
Physical Description Maeve has the look of a typical Celtic woman. Long curly red hair, pale skin and freckles. She has green eyes and a bright smile. Her hair might be pinned back or flowing like an uncontrollable mane about her head. She's average height and thin though well toned.


Father Jacob McCLery M.D. - retired
Mother Merida McClery
Brother(s) Locklan McClery - CMDR SFMC - Academy Trainer
Sister(s) Breanna McClery - 28

Personality & Traits

General Overview friendly and outgoing, Maeve went into science to become a botanist. She had great skills in the lab but was mediocre at best when it came to bookwork while at school. She was unable to pass the entrance exam to Starfleet Academy because of her phobia of taking written tests. She was however offered a position in Starfleet as a non-commissioned officer and went through the basic enlisted training.