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Sun 30th May, 2021 @ 11:27pm

Chief Petty Officer Samuel Barbee

Name Samuel Barbee

Position Language Specialist

Rank Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 185
Hair Color Lt Brown
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Sam Barbee has light brown hair and blue eyes. He keeps his hair short and within regulations and he sports a trimmed beard and mustache. Although he smiles with regularity, there is a hint of melancholy behind his eyes. Sam walks with a limp due to an injury in his youth.


Personality & Traits

General Overview An outgoing and friendly man, Sam enjoys getting together with friends. As a natural polyglot, he is fluent in Federation Standard, Ferengi, Cardassian, Klingon, and Talaxian. He can understand Vulcan, and Romulan as well as Earth's Spanish, Italian, and French. He can get by with many other languages.

Strengths & Weaknesses Sam's fitness reports show he is a dependable and productive member to the team and his superiors all laud his integrity and professionalism as well as his leadership abilities. He speaks several languages fluently and understands a few more.

Sam suffers from a permanent limp which restricts some of the duties he's able to perform.
Ambitions Sam's lifelong dream was to Captain his own ship, raise a family and retire as an Admiral of Starfleet, but he knows these goals are not obtainable because of his 'handicap'.

Personal History As a child, Sam dreamed of becoming an Officer in Starfleet. He was at the top of his class in most of his studies and tailored his courses in high school and college toward a career path as an officer. Unfortunately, an accident in his senior year of college caused irreparable damage to his left leg. The limp he was left with made it impossible for him to pass the physical qualifications to get into the Academy.

Determined to find some way to fulfil his dream, Sam enlisted in Starfleet and was soon putting his language skills to work.