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An Adventure in 3/4 Time, Part I

Posted on Fri 2nd Oct, 2020 @ 3:26am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Daeren Iril & T'Vala & Miadze Palel
Edited on on Fri 2nd Oct, 2020 @ 5:33am

990 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: SB109 and the Thunder Child
Timeline: MD 1, 0948

Zed sat in the Center chair as she waited for an update that would come, stating that Ambassador T'Vala and her aides were aboard. Thunder Child was tasked to take the Ambassador to the peace talks to take over for Commander Lena, who had never made it to her destination. Now time was even more important because all-out fighting had erupted in several of the main cities and hundreds were killed and even more wounded between the three parties that were disputing rights.

Zed stood up from her chair and headed for her Ready Room. She glanced back at her temp First Officer, "I'll be in my Ready Room, Commander." She said to Lieutenant Commander Mackenzie Calhoun. He had taken over for her last XO who was still recovering from a nasty virus that he had picked up on an away mission. "As soon as the Ambassador and her aides are aboard, take us out and get the ship moving at maximum warp. Once the Ambassador is settled, have her and the aides come to my Ready Room." Zed quickly stepped into the room, the door hissing behind her.

T'Vala and Tessanna beamed aboard, along with several large bags. T'Vala preferred to travel light, but she had to dress the part once they arrived at the planet, and she preferred to bring her own clothes rather than replicate new ones.

The Vulcan bowed to the transporter chief. "Have the others arrived?"

The Transporter Chief shook his head, "No ma'am, we are waiting for at least one other that I know of."

The door to the Transporter Room hissed open. Zed, her First Officer, and the Councilor came walking in. She was going to wait for the Ambassador to join her in her Ready Room, but etiquette dictated otherwise. She approached the Ambassador and smiled. Being half Vulcan she was some sort of paradox to normal Vulcan qualities and was not even close to the characteristics of Vulcans or half- Vulcans. "Welcome aboard Thunder Child, Ambassador. I am Commander Zed, Captain of Thunder Child and this is my First Officer, Commander Calhoun, and Chief Councilor Sai."

At first glance, Zed appeared to be a young female Vulcan with short, brown hair, not typical of a full-blood Vulcan. She was petite and stood about 1.6 meters tall. Her demeanor was not that of a typical Vulcan, but less serious, and she acted more human than anything. She typically used the best of both species, her gut feeling and instinct of humans, and when called for, the logic of the Vulcans.

Lieutenant Commander Mackenzie Calhoun was a temporary transfer from Yorkshire and had been aboard Thunder Child for a few days, trying to get accustomed to how people worked around here, but he was still trying to find his way. He was a blonde-headed human and solidly built, standing at 1.9 meters. A stark contrast to Zed.

The last officer was Lieutenant Commander Zara Sai. Finley was a dark-haired beauty from Betazed, slightly taller than Zed. When not in uniform, her black hair flowed all the way down to her waist, but it was now up in a neat, tight bun that accented her neck. Her eyes showed no color, just black, typical of a Betazod, or half-Betazoid in this case. There weren't a lot of Betazoids in Starfleet, but the ones that were seemed to gravitate to the position of ship's counselor for being able to read people.

All three of the Officers were in their dress uniforms and, when Zed introduced them in order, they smiled and greeted the Ambassador politely.

"Welcome aboard Thunder Child," Mac said with a smile and a slight bow.

"Hello, Ambassador, welcome aboard," Zara said softly. Her smile was warm and sincere.

T'Vala bowed to the three. "Thank you for your assistance in this matter."

Lt. Regos was not happy. She wasn't a diplomat, had no skill for the job, and didn't want it, either. Nevertheless, she'd been commanded to accompany T'Vala and protect her during the negotiations. It was fortunate she liked the Vulcan woman, and wanted to see her safe, but there were plenty of others more skilled than she at diplomacy who could have done the job. She'd thrown a few things haphazardly into a backpack and arrived at the transporter on base, just missing the ambassador and her assistant.

With a sigh, Lissi waited her turn to beam aboard Thunder Child, only to find herself at the tail-end of introductions. It was not an auspicious beginning for her mission.

T'Vala turned when she heard the transporter. "Lieutenant Regos. Welcome. I am pleased you will join us."

Zed glanced over at the newcomer, "Welcome aboard, Lieutenant Regos, I heard you might be joining us." Her senior staff smiled and nodded to Lissi.

Zed turned back to the Ambassador, "Ambassador, Commander Calhoun will escort you to the VIP Quarters so you may settle in. It will take a few days to get to your destination."

Mac smiled at the group, "If you will follow me." He indicated to the door.

"Thank you," T'Vala said. "Can you please have my bags sent there?"

Mac smiled back at T'Vala, "Your bags have already been transported to your quarters." They all stepped into the turbo lift and the door hissed behind them, "Deck two." he said to the computer.

Zed's communicator chirped. "Transporter Room to Captain," the chief's voice announced. "I have two more passengers waiting to beam up. Trills."

Zed and Sai were just about to board the turbo lift when she got the message, =^=Acknowledged, we'll be right there, Zed out.=^= The two ladies quickly headed back to the Transporter Room. They didn't want to keep them waiting.

Zed and Sai stepped back into the Transporter Room, "Energize." Zed clasped her hands behind her back as she waited for the next group. She hoped that it would be the last ones, as they needed to get underway.


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