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Rise of The Black Knight, Part 2

Posted on Fri 2nd Oct, 2020 @ 10:00am by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho

1,097 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Kendar
Timeline: Back Story, about a month ago


"There is a special suit of armor and a long sword in the Queen's chamber for the Black Knight and when the time presents itself a powerful sorceress will enchant both the armor and the sword with special properties. A result of the powerful incantation is that the armor and the sword will turn black, hence The Black Knight" She paused for a moment then continued. "The Black Knight is believed to ride a black stallion. One such horse has been obtained only last week and is in the process of being trained."

Elliot couldn't really believe what he was hearing but took her word for it. There were a few commonalities that could be leading to something, but he didn't know exactly what.

And now the story continues.......

Tamora smiled and then began leading Elliot around the castle giving him a tour. "Would you like to see the armor? In the story of the Black Knight, the armor chooses him. There must already be some sort of enchantment on the armor for such a thing to happen."

Elliot nodded and returned the smile, "I think that is rather relevant. It would tell me if I am to become this, Black Knight or not, don't you think?"

Tamora nodded back, "Follow me, the Queen's chamber is this way." Tamora saw Elliot's eyes grow wide. "Don't worry, she's not there right now, she' conducting official business in the Great Hall."

Elliot sighed then followed Tamora.

The young Queen's room was exceptionally clean and bright while also giving off warmth, unlike other rooms in the castle that were dark and cold.

Tamora and Elliot stepped into the room. In the far corner, the suit of armor stood with the sword held in its right-handed glove with the blade aimed down and touching the floor. There was something about the armor that gave Elliot a shiver. They both cautiously walked closer. Nothing happened with the armor. Elliot was now a foot away from the armor and still, nothing happened. He spotted a blemish in the shine of the armor on its shoulder and touched it as he tried to buff it out. At the touch, the sword began to glow red. The eye slits of the helmet also began to glow with an unknow red light source that Elliot could not explain.

"It has chosen you! You are the Black Knight, Elliot!" Tamora squealed with excitement. "Take the sword, take the sword," she said as she almost jumped up and down with joy.

Elliot hesitantly grasped the sword by the blade and it radiated with even more light. When it was in his hands the red glow ceased. He held it and swung it around testing its weight and balance. For its size, it seemed rather light and easy to handle. "It feels really good."

"Okay, now let's get you into the armor. You really need to try it on so it can get used to you, its new master." Tamora said.

Tamora turned to the door when she heard gasps from that direction. Several of the Queen's chambermaids were watching Elliot with the sword. They had never seen anyone able to hold the sword, the Prophecy was coming true. Rumors were already beginning to spread about Elliot being the Black Knight.

Tamora motioned to the chambermaids, "Well, don't just stand there, help him with the armor. It may be special armor, but it cant put itself on him, not yet anyway. The remaining chambermaids quickly ran over to Elliot and began to help him put on the extra special armor.

In a matter of minutes, Elliot had the complete suit of full plate armor on. Normally it would have taken about 20 minutes to complete such a task. It began to glow red around all the gaps. The neck, shoulders, and pretty much anywhere there was some type of gap. The red glow died down when the armor seemed to seal itself. Elliot began to move and test the armor for range of motion. It was almost like he was wearing no armor at all. It truly was a very special suit of armor and sword.

Now, word had spread through the small town surrounding the castle that the Black Knight was in the castle. Crowds of people began to gather outside the front entrance to the castle wanting to get a glimpse of the Black Knight, the fairytale that seemed to be coming true.

The castle was abuzz with the news and inhabitants of the castle began to gather around the Queen's chambers. The queen herself had stoped her daily routine to come up to see if it was actually true since there was no one in the great hall to continue the session. She walked with the dignity and grace of a true ruler and someone of a royal bloodline. All that was around her dropped to one knee except for the Black Knight but knowing proper etiquette, Elliot did as everyone else did. "Please sir.." She spoke to the Knight, "Rise."

Elliot did as instructed and everyone around them did as well.

"Please take off your helmet."

Elliot slowly pulled off the helmet so the queen could see his face.

"You are the one that my friend had brought in from her field. What is your name?"

"Elliot Jericho." He said plainly. He didn't want to say too much.

"Well, Elliot, you have begun to fulfill a prophecy that has been handed down from generation to generation and is as old as time itself, a fairytale. The armor chose you, Elliot. You are the Black Knight, our hero warrior. It is said that once you are to be, there will be everlasting peace and harmony amongst our people. Even your descendants will rule justly. You are to rule by my side and be my mate." The queen blushed a little when she said the last parts.

"I don't know why the armor chose me, but I can not remain here and rule. I have a wife waiting for me somewhere, I hope and I have to find her. There is a chance that she might be dead but I can't give up on her." Elliot tried to explain with as little information as possible.

The queen looked a little upset and stunned at his response, but understood. "While you are here would you mind putting on a facade that you are the Black Knight? People are gathering to see you and they think that everything has come true."

Elliot nodded, "I can do that, for now."


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