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The Trail Leads To......

Posted on Wed 25th Mar, 2020 @ 4:57am by Krell House of Mer'uk & T'Vala
Edited on on Sun 9th Aug, 2020 @ 10:58pm

1,046 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: D'K Tahg
Timeline: MD: 4 1630

Once everyone was aboard the d'K tahg he headed for the Bridge, "Make sure our guests are fed and given medical attention," he said to a couple of warriors before turning his attention to the Science Officer. "What is it?"

"We've located a deteriorating ion trail, bearing 132 mark 11. We can track it for a short time before it's completely gone, if we act now," the Science Officer said.

"Helm, plot a course and follow at best possible speed," Krell ordered.

The Klingon vessel was on its way again, but this time it was headed back into Federation space.

T'Vala was again on the bridge, lending a hand. She added the data from the ion trail to the other data gathered so far. As a Vulcan, she felt it important to have as much empirical data as possible to support their actions.

Lissi stood behind the command chair, a little apprehensive about what the Klingon ambassador would do next. It was always hard to tell when he would choose to do something a Starfleet officer wouldn't do, and it made her uncomfortable. Finally, knowing he might pay no attention to her, she addressed him quietly, "Sir, when we're in range of the starbase, perhaps we should request support from the fighter wings. You know there are some good pilots, and they did help you survive one encounter with your own people. We don't know who the pirates are, and we are one small ship."

Krell spun his chair around to face Lissi, "You are partially correct Lieutenant, but we are only doing a scouting mission now, we will not attack while you and the Vulcan Ambassador are aboard. I made a mistake in letting the two of you join me on the planet, and that won't happen again. For now, we need to see what's going on at the location that we are heading to and then call in the cavalry. We will only observe if we stay."

Krell turned back around before Lissi could say another word and addressed the Communications Officer, "Send an encoded message to Starbase 109 informing them of our situation and it may be necessary that we have their assistance if we find something out of the ordinary."

The Comms officer nodded in understanding and began sending the encoded message.

Lt. Regos was satisfied with the ambassador's response and relaxed marginally. She maintained her place behind his command chair, however, since she was still, technically, his bodyguard. She suspected any of the Klingons on the bridge would die for him, but protection was still her job, so ... she'd protect him.

T'Vala wanted to remind the Klingon captain that she had a name, and as much free will as he did, but this was not the place to remind him of such things. Or that said Vulcan ambassador did not need to help him out by taking a position as one of his bridge officers. She did not appreciate being coddled.

After several hours a large something or other came up on long-range sensors, "Ambassador Krell, a large ... cluster of ships, objects have come up on long-range sensors. They all seem to be affixed to each other making one large mass."

"Drop to warp 5 so our power signature can stay hidden. I don't want them to know we are out here, just in case they're looking." Krell turned in his chair and glanced at his two guests. "How long until we get there?"

"At the present speed, we will arrive in about 6 hours," The helmsman said.

"Very well," Krell replied.

"If you do not need me at the present time, I would like to retire and take care of a few matters I left undone," T'Vala said. She needed to check in and make sure there was nothing pressing, and make arrangements for the next few days.

Krell spun his chair around to face the Vulcan Ambassador, "Yes T'Vala, you may retire if you like, but my apologies, after the encrypted message was sent, we now remain on silent running. No communications out until this is over or the d'k tahg returns to safety, please understand." Krell actually felt bad for dragging the Vulcan Ambassador out here and further inconveniencing her by not allowing any transmissions out, but it was for the safety of the ship.

She raised an eyebrow. "Of course I understand, ambassador." She bowed to him. "If you will excuse me." She still had work to do, and could use the time to herself.

Lissi hesitated to speak, but knowing Klingons, no one else would. "Ambassador, it's been several hours since any of your crew has had a break or even food. Perhaps someone could bring them something to eat, at least? Before we get closer to these objects which could be what we're chasing?"

Krell turned and nodded to T'Vala. He watched her as she left the Bridge, he couldn't help but do so. She was graceful and elegant in her movements and everything she did, totally opposite of Krell.

Krell spun his chair to face Lissi, "You're absolutely right." Krell addressed the Bridge crew, "Report to the chow hall and get some much-needed grub. I can watch the Bridge until you all return."

Slowly everyone did as suggested and left to go get some food, leaving Krell and Lissi alone. "That means you also, Lieutenant."

"I can wait until you go, Sir, and man a console in the meantime, if you want me to do so," Regos replied, smiling at him. "You know, Ambassador, I've come to feel that you are quite kind underneath your Klingon tough skin. Don't worry, though, I'm not sharing that information with anyone."

Krell raised a brow as he glanced at Lissi, "Make sure that you don't, I'd hate to have to kill you." Krell spun around in his seat, "Lieutenant Regos, take your station." Krell had no idea which station she wanted to monitor, so he left it up to her. He could monitor over half the systems from the console on the arm of his chair.

Krell sat back and watched as Lissi manned the helm. He was beginning to like the lieutenant and respected her, but wasn't about to tell her that. A smile of satisfaction slowly appeared on his face.


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