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Sleepy Captain

Posted on Mon 23rd Mar, 2020 @ 3:08pm by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs

421 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: USS Thunderchild
Timeline: Almost a month ago

As soon as Zed left the Bridge for the night she headed straight for her quarters. It had been a long day on the Bridge watching the stars streak by the view screen and studying reports on a never ending pile of PADDs that her yeoman seemed to keep bringing her when she had thought the last one was the last one, but wasn't. Now in her quarters she headed straight for the sonic shower. As she stepped in the bathroom she began to strip out of her uniform, letting it fall to the floor like her burdens from today. If only it was that easy. She stepped onto the sonic shower and relaxed as the waves washed over her body helping to disinfect and to relax her.

Nearly falling asleep in the shower, she new that it was time to get out. She wrapped herself up in a robe before heading off to the bedroom to find some comfortable sleeping clothes. Once she was dressed again she curled up on the sofa with a good book, hoping to read a few pages before she fell asleep. She read a few pages as she thought she would then her eyes began to get heavy. She sat upright and marked the page where she stopped before putting to book on top of the coffee table.

She stood and headed of in the direction of her bedroom. She climbed under the covers and sighed as she closed her eyes, ready for sleep to overtake her. "Computer, lights off." She said and quickly the room faded into darkness. She was ready to get some rest and wake up to a new day for this one done. After only a few moments, Zed was finally asleep.

After what seemed like only a moment her comm-badge chirped, waking her. She reached for it in the dark and and fumbled for it, =A=Yes, what is it?=A=

=A=We've received an automated distress call from the Science Vessel, Berlin. They are requiring immediate assistance and we are the only she that seems to be in range.=A= Said the female voice.

=A=Very well, set course to intercept and increase speed to warp 8. I'm on my way up to the Bridge, Zed out.=A= She said sleepily and closed the channel.

After getting dressed Zed returned to the Bridge and sat down in her chair, "Report...."

"We will arrive at the coordinates on about 15 minutes, Captain."

"Okay..." Zed replied, wishing that she had gotten more sleep.


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