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Most Wanted, Part 2, When Can You Start?

Posted on Wed 25th Mar, 2020 @ 5:00am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena

1,326 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Chief Ambassador's Office
Timeline: MD:2 0940

Dallas just left his office after the meeting and had a thought on how to catch the Andorian killer. He wasn't sure at all if he was going about it right or not, but he figured that as a Betazoid, Kiara just might be able to feel or sense this guy since he seemed to be pure evil. It wouldn't hurt to ask anyway. Before he knew it, he was at the front office of the Federation Ambassador and he greeted the person at the front desk. "Hello, I'm Lieutenant Briggs, Chief of station security and I need to speak with Commander Lena if it's at all possible, I don't have an appointment." He almost frowned realizing that there was a chance that she might not receive him.

"Let me see if she'll see you," the young officer said, getting up to go into a back room. She returned a minute later. "Go right in."

Dallas smiled, "Thank you." He said before going to the other office. He entered another office, probably the Chief Ambassador's. He had never been in here before, mostly he would meet Kiara somewhere else. She was sitting behind a big, formal-looking desk. "Hello." He greeted her.

She smiled politely. "Hello, lieutenant. How may I be of help?" He generally didn't come to her office during the day, so she assumed this was business.

Dallas smiled back, he really cared about this woman, in fact, he loved her. "I'm not sure that you can, but I felt I needed to ask anyway. I have a problem with a killer and I would like to know if you can help me locate him. If you can't then maybe you can tell me how I can find him. He handed her a PADD and he touched the screen with his finger and a video of the Andorian assassin began to play, showing that he killed the Vulcan with just a gesture of his finger.

She watched the video carefully, catching her breath when she saw the Vulcan fall. There was something about the Andorian that disturbed her deeply. "How can I help?"

Dallas gave a soft nod, "My theory is that he is pure evil and I was wondering with your telepathic abilities, could you somehow pick up that evil if he is close by?" Dallas had no idea if it would work or how it worked, he only hoped it would.

"Yes. I pick up strong emotions, and something like that would be...hard to ignore." She looked at Dallas for a moment. "Where did the video come from and when?"

"It came from a security camera on the promenade just a day ago. I need to get this killer taken care of as soon as possible." Dallas said as he tried to gauge her reactions.

"The promenade? There are over a hundred thousand people who could be a target. Any idea what he's looking for? Or who?" There were several thoughts chasing each other through her mind, but she couldn't pick up enough from him to know what he was thinking. "I can wander around to see if I can pick up strong negative emotions."

"I did some digging, the Vulcan's name was Stonk. I had to contact Vulcan directly since the Vulcan Ambassador is out somewhere on a Klingon Bird of Prey. The Vulcans were not too happy about her joy ride or that I had to contact them myself. They were hesitant about giving the truth of why he was here. They said he was here for obscure reason and they say Vulcans don't lie. Stonk was a Scientist in some type of Genetics research and was hiding his identity while he was here." Dallas shook his head, "I don't know if he was the target or if it was random or what."

"I did some research on my own and in my opinion the killer is using Telekinesis. My research call them 'Mind Bullets'."

"Telekinesis?" That was disturbing. "There have always been some who believe that telepathy, telekinesis and teleportation are similar mental abilities, but I've yet to see evidence of that." She paused. You know, I could have contacted the Vulcans without getting T'Vala in trouble." She waved that off with a hand gesture. "Back to the subject at hand. So, there's an Andorian, or someone who appears to be Andorian, killing people with his mind. What evidence do they have of this?"

Dallas frowned, "The only evidence we have is what you just saw. There is a dead Vulcan in the morgue that has a rather large hole in his ribs with no evidence of how the hole got there." Dallas shook his head, "If you don't want to help me with this, I understand. I don't think anyone will believe it, I don't even believe it, but its all I have."

"I already said I could walk around and see if I can feel him," she said. "To me, that indicates I'm willing to help, Dallas. I want to know more so I know how best to proceed. I assume you have the computer looking for him on the station, yes? So he's either somewhere you can't monitor, in disguise, or laying low. I can't promise anything, but I'll do what I can."

Dallas nodded, "I know you said you would help, I just want you to know what you're getting into just in case you want to change your mind. Now you know as much as I do." Dallas frowned for a moment, "I do have facial recognition looking for him so either he has left the station, is in hiding or is in disguise as you mentioned. If you do help, I will need to be close by to protect you." Dallas would never let her do anything on her own while this lunatic was around.

"When you said he was an assassin I knew there would be an element of danger. I appreciate your concern, but you don't need to keep warning me." She smiled softly." I am going to help, so accept it. And no, I won't have a security guard following me. That would only draw attention."

Dallas smiled, "Any other Security officer might draw some attention, but not me. We've probably been seen enough together that it's normal."

"True, but everyone knows you are the head of security. They'll be on their best behavior around you. I'm just the ambassador. I don't count, so I can be ignored. Especially if I dress casually."

Dallas knew she was right, but he couldn't take a chance on her getting hurt or worse by this evil person. He had to let her do her thing if she was going to have a chance at it. He slowly nodded, "You're right, I have to give you space, I just don't want you to get hurt doing this."

"I will be careful," she promised. "I don't want to get hurt, either. But I do want to help catch this man. I don't like the idea of him hurting other people."

Dallas shook his head, "I know you do, any decent person would, but I would hate myself if anything happened to you because of it."

"So would I," she joked. She wasn't quite sure how to take his words. She knew he liked spending time with her, might even be attracted to her, but she also knew that his love was still his dead wife.She focused on being professional and not taking his words too much to heart. "But he needs to be stopped, and if I can help, I will."

Dallas nodded in understanding, "I know you would, that's why I asked. I need your help with this and I know I cant afford to be over protective either so....when can you start?" Dallas needed her to start detecting his presence as soon as she felt she was ready to do so.


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