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Slave Trade, Part l

Posted on Wed 6th Nov, 2019 @ 3:33am by Krell House of Mer'uk & T'Vala

762 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: D'Valkra IV
Timeline: MD 1, 1800 hours

The D'K Tahg entered orbit of D'Valkra IV. "Scan for any nearby ships and scan the planet surface for anything out of the ordinary." Krell glanced over at T'Vala, "I can not put the Ambassador in any more jeopardy." Krell said.

Lissi snorted mentally. Any more jeopardy than pirates and getting blown apart?

"Everything is good," the Science Officer said. "No enemy ships or ground troops. I think it's safe if the Ambassador wants to accompany you to the surface."

"The ambassador is coming. She needs to keep you out of trouble," T'Vala stated.

"Very well," Krell nodded. "Landing party, assemble in the transporter room at once. We go down to see what is going on first hand, and render aid if we can."

"I know it's useless to protest, Sir, but even as a ship's captain you shouldn't be leading the away team yourself, and as Ambassador Plenipotentiary of the Klingon Empire, you should definitely not be going down," Lt. Regos argued, without much hope.

“I hear your protest, Lieutenant, and if you were a member of the Klingon crew, I would kill you where you stand for questioning me.” Krell paused for a moment and almost smiled, “It will take some time before I can think and act like an Ambassador, but until then I must be me, a Klingon Warrior.” Krell turned and headed for the transporter room.

Krell arrived shortly after a group of four warriors. He stepped up onto the pad and waited for T’Vala.

To her credit, Regos didn't even flinch. The words which crossed her mind weren't fit for children's ears, and she followed right along with the Klingons and Vulcan. "I'm coming with you," she said. "You can leave a warrior behind, or order one to carry me, but you're not leaving me on the ship where I can't perform my duties. And we both know you aren't going to kill me. Sir."

T'Vala walked in and bowed to Regos. "Good. I hoped you would accompany us." Between the two of them, they should keep Krell from doing anything too foolish.

Lissi returned the bow and kept her silence, but barely avoiding smirking at Krell.

Krell watched the two as they came in, "You both can stay here where it's safe, you are no warriors, and I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

"I don't suppose you can help being brought up as a Klingon and looking down on everyone else," Lissi said, "but we are definitely warriors, and if you leave us behind, we'll find a way to follow you ... and you know," she used his attitudes to promote her side, saying sweetly, "we'll mess up your entire plan of battle when we do."

Krell's brows furrowed, "I have half a mind to leave on the ship just for your insubordination since I won't kill you. If I were going into battle I would lock you in your quarters. However, we are going down to the planet surface to help out any way we can, so I could use your help."

T'Vala stepped between the two. "We are going down to the planet to I dare not think what. We cannot be of any help if we incessantly bicker amongst ourselves. If you cannot behave, I will go down and lock both of you in a room until you can be civil."

That tickled Lissi's funny bone, and she laughed and held up her hands in surrender. "Okay, I'm willing to back down to detente if Ambassador Krell is. You're right, help is more important than a dogfight. We'll all go and play nice." She knew speaking for Krell wasn't going to make him behave, but he was the one who'd decided on this rescue jaunt, so she thought he would probably agree to neutrality. For the moment.

Krell’s head flew back as he laughed out loud, a Klingon laugh. He was just about to have both of them confined to their quarters and take just some of his men down to the planet, but in second thought, he would rather have them helping. He had given both of them plenty of leeway on his ship, a Klingon ship, but yet they continued to question him and embarrass him in front of his crew. He grew weary of this and soon he would snap. “Fine.” Was all he meant to get out, but he said it in such a way that showed annoyance.

T'Vala just raised an eyebrow. She had nothing further to say on the subject.


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