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The Delights of Summer

Posted on Fri 8th Nov, 2019 @ 1:35am by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

1,045 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Deck 1552, Forest Campsite
Timeline: MD 1, 1650

Among the delights of Summer were picnics to the woods. ~~ Georg Brandes

Serena and Andrew entered a forest trail and followed it down a path marked --- >Campsites.
They ambled along, in no particular hurry and enjoyed the surroundings.

"I used to go on picnics with my grandparents," Serena told him. "Sometimes with my great-grandparents, too. That's the granny who taught me Teddy Bears Picnic. It was a wonderful piece of every summer. Sometimes we went to woods, though they weren't much like these ... more of a summery deciduous woods, whereas this is more mountain evergreen. The thought is the same, though. I'm glad they put the woods outside the cold zone. Picnics belong in summer." She smiled at the memories and glanced up at him. "Have you any memories like that?"

"That sounds lovely," he replied as they continued along their journey looking for the prime spot to stop. "A few memories like that for sure. Although my fond memories with my grandparents revolved around sitting in their living room, playing and listening to music," glancing over to see her reaction, "Every time we went to their house, it seemed like time slowed down and I was just able to enjoy the music and not worry about the outside just for a few hours," smiling nostalgically, they walked a few moments in silence.

Seeing a small clearing where the trees thinned on relatively flat ground, Andrew pointed, "That seems like a good spot. Unless, you want to keep walking?"

Serena looked over the site and nodded, "This is a great spot, nice and flat, well shaded." Heading toward the flattest section, she added, "Doesn't that seem odd to think of shade? Our mind tricks us into believing we are actually outdoors, doesn't it? The engineers of Starfleet, working with Disney designers, did an amazing job on Tivoli Gardens. I don't think there's anything like it anywhere else on a Federation starbase. I feel so blessed to live here."

Andrew shrugged, "If there is, I haven't been there yet," taking a moment to fully appreciate the surroundings, he admitted, "It is quite the facsimile."

Serena spread out a soft covering which had canvas on the bottom side, protecting users from any dampness and providing comfortable seating on top. Then she began to remove containers from the basket. "I hope you're hungry!" she laughed up at him.

His eyes widened as she kept pulling containers out of the basket with seemingly no end in sight, "You're not kidding."

Andrew helped place containers around the covering and took note of each distinct smell of the prepared food, "This all smells amazing. Just how much were you able to fit into that basket of yours?"

"This old thing?" She smoothed her hand lovingly over the top. "It's magic and holds whatever I want ... but I think it's empty now. So here's a plate and some utensils. Eenie, Meenie, Mynie, Mo, pick your favorite one and go!" Serena passed him the dishware and pushed a couple of containers closer to him. "Some of this is mine, but most of it is Marin. You should be glad about that!" she laughed as she opened a container near her and scooped up a deviled egg with her spoon.

Andrew raised an eyebrow, "What specifically is yours may I ask? It all looks good." He grabbed a spoonful of what he assumed was potato salad. He smelled the familiar scent of chocolate as well and challenged himself to wait until they had a taste of everything before going to dessert.

"Specifically?" she stalled for time. "Well ... specifically ... the, ah, the grapes?" she told him. "And ... I asked Marin to make the special dessert for you. Then there was ...." She burst out laughing. "Okay, I confess. I did pick the grapes from the pick-it-yourself vineyard in Tivoli Gardens, but that's about it. Marin fixed everything ... or her chefs did. I just asked for a delicious picnic basket and chocolate dessert. But it was my plan all the way." She smiled at him appealingly and winked.

He laughed along with her. "And what a great plan it is." Taking a bite, he nodded in approval. "Remind me to give my compliments to the chef. You must have cashed in a few favors for her to cook all this up for you." Glancing down at the grapes still inside the basket, Andrew grabbed one to taste. Pretending to asses the grape as if it were a fine dining meal, he let out an exaggerated moan of approval, "Although, I must say, these grapes are exquisite. Favorite item of the day for me," pausing to take another glance at the dessert. "So far that is."

"Eat all you want. She'll make more," Serena smiled, lying back on the blanket and looking up at the sky above. "You can almost believe it's real. Did I say that before? It's still true. When I look up and see wispy clouds passing over, it reminds me of Earth. Or New Paris, though it would be much more humid if that's where we were. You grew up on Earth, didn't you? Penn-something? Do you find the artificial environments in Tivoli gardens realistic?"

Putting his plate down, he leaned back alongside and looked at her before following her gaze upward, "It is quite a sight to see and take in," thinking back. "As realistic as it is," giving a knowing look back at her, "much like synthahol, it's not quite the genuine article. There are some subtle differences or things lacking. But that takes nothing away from the beauty or experience of the surroundings. It definitely evokes memories of where I grew up."

Chuckling as he recalled a couple of memories, he told her "Although some would say that environment isn't fully natural either, since Earth has weather nets now." Shrugging, he added, "It's all relative I suppose. Sorry. I'm rambling. I should just shut up and enjoy the moment." He laid fully back to match Serena's position, glanced and smiled at her again and looked back up, simply saying, "Thank you for setting this all up."

Serena laughed softly. "A girl does what a girl has to do."


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