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Outside Help

Posted on Tue 5th Nov, 2019 @ 1:24am by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

951 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Tactical Operations, Deck 1896
Timeline: MD 1, 0700

Finishing his coffee and, coincidentally, his revisions to the duty roster, Andrew leaned back in his chair and took a moment to breath and stare blankly. The moments have been much fewer over the past months with all the events in and around the Starbase. Closing his eyes, Andrew relaxed his shoulders and tried his best to get into a relaxing position in his chair.

Speaking aloud, "Computer, play Brahms." The computer chirped in acknowledgement and began to play a piece by the German composer at a soft volume. His eyes remaining closed, Andrew smiled and nodded in approval. His mind began to isolate specific instruments and focus on the individual performances of each that come together to play one of his favorite classical songs. After only a few moments of enjoyment, Andrew winced at a sound that didn't flow with the music.

Sighing, Andrew opened his eyes and leaned forward, "Computer, pause." Pressing the panel on his desk, Andrew spoke, "Yes, Ensign?"

The Ensign's reply was calm and swift, "Sir, you have an incoming communication from the USS Telford, sir. It's Lieutenant Meyers."

That news brought back his smile as he shifted his focus to his desk monitor, "Very good. Route it here, Ensign. Thank you."

Within a few moments, a familiar face filled the screen, looking as tired as Andrew but smiling, "What are you up to over there on that Starbase of yours that you felt the need to bother me?"

Andrew shook his head, "I knew it was a bad idea asking you for anything, Alex. In case you haven't noticed, I don't think you can speak to me like that anymore."

The main paused, finally noticing what Andrew was referencing and both men grinned, "Well, look at you. I guess they'll promote anybody these days. Professor Weissman would never believe it if he saw it."

"Very funny," Andrew replied bluntly, "Doesn't change the fact that I outrank you though. How are things on your end?"

That brought a weary sigh from the man Andrew knew since they were teenagers back on Earth, "Well most of our time is now spent dealing with all this upheaval in the sector. Namely pirates. Kind of undercuts everything else."

Andrew nodded in agreement, "I hear you. Pirates have been one of our primary concerns here as well. I've been coordinating with Starfleet and other ships in the area, but so far we haven't had much luck isolating them."

"And you didn't call me sooner? I'm hurt," came the anticipated sarcastic reply.

Raising his hands in defense, Andrew continued, "I know. I know. I should have asked you first. But all kidding aside, I heard you were making some...interesting modifications to the Telford's defensive systems. We've been looking into ways to upgrading both our weapons and defensive systems here as well. I was wondering if you would be so kind as to share some of your innovations. Don't worry. I'll give you the credit assuming I can't improve upon them."

Alex's eyebrow raised at the request, "Hmm. You're asking me for help? I will say I didn't see that coming. Let me soak it in for a second." After a few moments, he reached for a PADD off screen, "I'll send you some of the specs that aren't exactly Starfleet standard procedure. I must also caution that some of these are made with my ship's systems in mind. Not sure if you're thinking larger scale with a Starbase."

Andrew nodded, "Understood and appreciated. We are looking to upgrade the Starbase but depending on how drastic and innovative your specs are, I was thinking of maybe applying them to some of our smaller fighters and support craft to the Starbase. Assuming the Brigadier General approves of me messing with his ships that is."

"Bold strategy. I forgot of all the people and resources you have over there on a Starbase. Must be nice," Alex mused.

Shrugging, thinking of all of the events he has experiences since coming to the Starbase, Andrew responded, "Pros and cons for sure. Thanks again for the assist. I'll keep you posted if I make any major improvements on your ingenuity."

"No problem. Glad I could help." Alex paused and Andrew could tell he was contemplating something else on his mind. After a few moments, Alex asked, "How are things on Earth?"

Andrew's face hardened and he just shook his head, "That's a hell of a question. May I suggest you direct your question to the source? I think you'd have a better chance of actually getting a response than I would."

Andrew saw Alex's face drop in response, "That bad, huh? Sorry to hear that. Well, something tells me you can --and should I might add-- work things out if you just extend an olive branch. Things change," motioning to Andrew, "I mean, look at you now...Commander."

Andrew smiled, "Good point. I'll take it under advisement. Thanks again for the help. Stay safe out there pirate hunting."

"Thanks. You too. Watch your back on that huge Starbase of yours. Maybe we'll swing by your neck of the woods in the near future so you can show me around," to emphasize his previous point, Alex added, "Give my best to Michelle."

Andrew looked at his friend, and nodded in understanding, "Will do. See you around."

The channel closed and Andrew again leaned back at his desk and awaited the data Alex promised to send over. For now, Andrew had some time to reflect and gather his thoughts before getting back to work, "Computer, resume music," Andrew spoke and again closed his eyes to lose himself in the music for however long he would be allowed to.


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