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T'vala and the Beast

Posted on Thu 29th Aug, 2019 @ 10:32pm by Krell House of Mer'uk & T'Vala & Tessanna (Tessa) Valeri

999 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD 7 0815 hours

T'vala was fascinated by 100 decks of anything as extravagant as a promenade. Granted, many of the establishments were vital to the population of the station, but roughly one quarter she considered too frivolous for her time. That still left quite a few places she hoped to visit at least once.

She was dressed in typical Vulcan clothing and blended in with the rest of the Vulcan population, except for the long braid of hair.

Tessa walked beside her, straining to look at everything she could while keeping up with the ambassador.

Krell had just come from Pub 10-42 where he carried a case of blood wine in one hand and a fresh Raktajino in the other. As he walked along he sipped from his coffee. The promenade was a bit busy and Krell had to weave in and out of people as they either walked so or just stood there talking and socializing. He wore his traditional Klingon armor and the robe that he had to wear when he was on duty. On his right side at his belt was his d'k tahg, a Klingon dagger that he kept highly polished and was always ready to defend himself. Per station rules, he was not to walk around armed with a disruptor.

Krell kept his head on a swivel as he weaved in and out of people, but he didn't see this one person who was pretty short and that was doing the same thing as he was. The tiny person bounced off of his chest. Krell had great reflexes and when he realized what had happened, he dropped his coffee and grabbed the little person by her sleeve and kept her from falling. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?" he asked in his deep Klingon voice.

T'vala turned her head for a moment to look at a particularly lovely clock at just the wrong moment. She was abruptly stopped by the massive body of someone who had stepped in her path. She felt something hot and wet splash on her shoe and looked down at the Raktajino, then up at the Klingon before her. She couldn't help appreciating how truly large he was. The Klingon, an ambassador. Well, she could definitely say that she would not soon forget their first meeting. She doubted he would, either. "Forgive me, ambassador. I was momentarily distracted. Please, allow me to replace your drink."

Krell shook his head, "That won't be necessary, it was partly my fault since I was in a hurry and this promenade is so busy that its hard not to run into someone." Krell laughed.

"So it is." There was a slight lilt to her voice in acknowledgment of the humor of the situation. "Still, I regret that I was that someone."

"I don't regret it except your shoes, as splendid as they are, I hope your foot is uninjured. I would also be honored to replace your shoes." Krell looked over the Vulcan, there was no way she was Starfleet. "I know you won't soon forget our meeting, I'm Ambassador Krell." Krell bowed before the Vulcan, "At your service." He added.

She wiggled her foot. "I am Vulcan, this is no matter." She shrugged. "I can most likely have the shoe cleaned. If not, there is doubtless an establishment here that will be able to create a new pair." She eyed him carefully. He was not like any other Klingon she'd met before. He was positively polite. "My name is T'vala," she said, returning the bow.

"Ma'am, I'm so sorry..." Tessa hurried up to the two, embarrassed that she'd let the ambassador get out of her sight, and to run into a Klingon! Why, she could have been squashed. She stopped when she recognized the Klingon's robes. "Sir...I mean, Ambassador." She bowed, then turned to T'vala. "Are you okay, Ambassador?"

T'vala sighed. The girl meant well, and she generally found her company pleasant, but sometimes she had the worst timing. Especially when the older woman preferred to pass without drawing attention to herself. She straightened her shoulders, her entire demeanor changing as she turned her attention back to the Klingon. "I am the new Ambassador from Vulcan and no, I will not soon forget you." Once again, there was a flash of humor in her eyes.

Krell nodded and replied in his deep voice, "Then I look forward to our next meeting since we are practically neighbors at work and I'm sure we will have a lot of duties together."

"Indeed. Although historically our peoples have not worked well together. You have a passion for fighting that we generally find almost as distasteful as your gagh." She, however, had worked with a number of Klingons that were quite exemplary. This Krell might turn out to be one of those. She waved a hand in the air, indicating that her comment was of no matter. "Perhaps we might begin by my offering to buy you a drink to replace the one you dropped?" She indicated the spill. "After you have divested yourself of your blood wine and I have replaced my shoes."

Tessa looked down. She had entirely missed the raktajino. She hurried off to get some rags to clean up the spill.

"I have to go up to my office to drop off this case of blood wine and it would take too long to come back down here to the promenade. So if you like to join me in my office when you are done down here then we could perhaps share a raktajino and some stories." Krell said.

T'vala considered that, then nodded. "that is acceptable." She turned to Tessa. "When you are finished, shall we look to getting my shoe cleaned?"

Tessa looked down at the shoe and frowned. "Definitely."

T'vala bowed to the Klingon. "Until later, Ambassador."

Krell almost gave a smile but did give a slight bow to the Vulcan, "Later, Ambassador." The Klingon left just as fast as he had appeared.


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Comments (1)

By on Thu 29th Aug, 2019 @ 11:08pm

It's a wonderful meeting, and I really enjoyed reading how it happened. =)