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The Lair of the Beast

Posted on Thu 29th Aug, 2019 @ 10:33pm by Krell House of Mer'uk & T'Vala

830 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Klingon Consulate
Timeline: MD 7 0935 hours

It took T'vala longer than she wanted to find a place that could adequately clean her shoe. And then, as a reward to Tessa for her assistance, the ambassador bought each of them a new pair of shoes and a box of Betazoid chocolate for Tessa.

T'vala left the liaison to meet with Krell as this was an informal meeting and Tessa would not have anything to do. Tessa argued that she should at least have an escort, but T'vala brushed that aside.

She did agree to change into more formal clothing so she would look the part of an ambassador when she made her call on the Klingon.

And so it was an hour later that she presented herself at the door to the consulate.

"Over here." Krell whispered as softly as a Klingon could, "Hurry up before the gatekeeper gets here or you won't be able to come in until next week." Krell waved the Vulcan woman over to his office.

She raised an eyebrow, but nodded and went over to the Klingon. "Gatekeeper?" she asked when she was close enough.

Krell nodded as she entered his office, "Yep, the evil Klingon doesn't let anyone pass without an appointment and you probably wouldn't get one until next week." Krell laughed loudly.

"And you let such a man do this?" she asked. She looked around his office, pausing at the weapons display.

Krell laughed again, "I guess that's his job and who am I to hinder his duties?" Krell turned to the Vulcan Ambassador, "Where are my manors? May I get you something to drink?"

"Do you have any wine?" she asked, still not sure what to make of this man.

"I have a case of young, sweet blood wine, but it is very strong, it sneaks up on you in a hurry. I also have a replicator, you can order whatever wine or drink you want." Krell stood and went to the replicator, "Chilled prune juice, large glass." He looked back at the Vulcan Ambassador, "I have various bottles of many drinks but they are in my quarters. What would you like?" He indicated the replicator. Krell didn't care all that much for Vulcans, but she seemed to be okay so far.

"I will have what you are drinking," she said, turning to face him again.

"2 glasses of prune juice," Krell said then looked back at T'vala and waited for the drinks to appear. Once they materialized he brought them over to the desk and gave her one, "Please won't you have a seat?" He indicated the chair in front of his desk.

"Thank you." She inclined her head and sat down, managing not to look overly small when her feet did not quite touch the ground. “This is definitely the room of a warrior. It suits you."

“Thank you.” Krell said as he managed a smile. “Are you hungry, perhaps I can get you something?” Krell wasn’t very good at pleasantries, after all he was a Klingon warrior.

"No, thank you," she said, secretly amused at his awkwardness. "So why are you an ambassador?"

Krell shook his head, “It’s not by choice, a member of the high council contacted me ordering me to take the open position. I’m pretty sure it was a trap to kill me for my seat on the council since they already killed my father recently.” Krell paused, “I’m sure they will try again.”

"For what purpose?" T'vala asked. She was unaware of any rivalries between houses. At least, not currently.

“Purpose?” Krell laughed out loud, “For power of course. It’s either for power or for glory.” Krell knew that since she wasn’t a Klingon, she wouldn’t understand.

"I understand power," she said. "I have worked as an ambassador for many years. But it is a fleeting thing and once gone, you are left with nothing but ashes."

“After it is gone then hopefully you have died with honor and made it to sto’vo’kor.” Krell explained

"Power does not equate to honor," T'vala said. "Many power-hungry individuals have no honor."

“I never said it did.” Krell said. She had no idea what it was like to be Klingon so therefor didn’t understand Klingons and was a bit annoying. “Perhaps I should let you get on with your day, I sure you have a busy schedule.” Krell said as he put his glass down and stood up to walk Ambassador T’vala to the door.

She finished her drink and stood. She didn't have a busy day today, but the conversation was over. "Thank you for the drink, and for your time, ambassador," she said politely.

"And it was a pleasure to meet you, Ambassador," Krell said honestly. He did enjoy most of their discussion and she wasn't an unpleasant person, Klingons were just different than just about anyone else and Krell was forced into this assignment and would have to adapt to it.


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Comments (1)

By on Thu 29th Aug, 2019 @ 11:11pm

I like the introduction of friction based on lack of understanding between the two. That was fun. =)